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Business Administration: Corporate Finance

The course is an elective course in business administration belonging to the finance specialization at the undergraduate level. The course can be studied within the Business Administration and Economics programme, the Bachelor programme in Business Administration and Economics, the degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics – Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet) as well as an independent-sThe course is an elective course in business administration belonging to the finance specialization at the undergraduate level. The course can be studied within the Business Administration and Economics programme, the Bachelor programme in Business Administration and Economics, the degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics – Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet) as well as an independent-s

Business Administration: Entrepreneurship

To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative.   In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful tTo be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative.   In the course Entrepreneurship, you will get to learn about different useful t

Peace and Conflict Studies: War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The course will introduce and elaborate on various theoretical perspectives of war and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Central issues to be discussed and compared over time are (1) the causes of the conflict, such as identity, nationalism, religion, territory and great power politics; (2) the Middle Peace Process (MEPP), which highlights the various agreements, peacebuilding by third paThe course will introduce and elaborate on various theoretical perspectives of war and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Central issues to be discussed and compared over time are (1) the causes of the conflict, such as identity, nationalism, religion, territory and great power politics; (2) the Middle Peace Process (MEPP), which highlights the various agreements, peacebuilding by third pa

Ekonomisk historia: Innovationsekonomi

This course covers several areas of innovation economics, such as their characteristics, their driving forces of innovation and how innovation affects economic growth. It covers several sub-themes, such as: Market structures and innovation - describes how competitive structures and imperfect competition may induce innovation in different industries. Institutions and innovation - drawing This course covers several areas of innovation economics, such as their characteristics, their driving forces of innovation and how innovation affects economic growth. It covers several sub-themes, such as: Market structures and innovation - describes how competitive structures and imperfect competition may induce innovation in different industries. Institutions and innovation - drawing

Kvantifiering av Ekonomisk tillväxt över tid

Kursens innehåll presenteras genom en kombination av undervisning, litteratur och lärandeverktyg utvecklade av instruktörerna. Modern ekonomisk tillväxt karaktäriseras av att levnadsstandarden kan fortsätta att stiga, trots befolkningsökning. Detta brott med den historiska normen inträffade först under de senaste tre århundradena. Även om vi vet att teknisk förändring är central för denna utveckliThe content of the course is presented through a combination of teaching, literature and learning tools developed by the instructors. Modern economic growth is often represented by the idea that living standards can continue to rise, despite population growth. This break with the historical norm only occurred within the last three centuries. While we know that technological change is central to th

Engelska: Skriftlig språkfärdighet och akademiskt skrivande

Engelska är det viktigaste språket för kommunikation mellan människor med olika modersmål i vår del av världen. Detta gäller inte minst inom högre utbildning och forskning på olika nivåer. Engelska är också det dominerande språket på internet och inom exempelvis film, TV, musik och datorspel. Den som behärskar reglerna för skriven, akademisk engelska klarar sig ofta bättre i arbetslivet och i mångEnglish is the most important language in our part of the world for communication between people with different language backgrounds. This is especially true of the academic world, where papers and articles are commonly written in English. English is also the dominant language on the Internet and in movies, TV, music and computer games. Those who master the rules of written, academic English gener

Engelska: Kandidatkurs

I Lund kan du läsa kandidatkursen i engelska med antingen språkvetenskaplig eller litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning. Detta val behöver du dock inte göra förrän kursen redan har börjat, men det kan vara bra att börja tänka i dessa banor även tidigare. Kursen kan även läsas på halvfart. Halvfartsstudenterna skriver sin kandidatuppsats under den andra terminen och läser övriga delkurser (se nedan) unAt Lund University you get a BA in either English linguistics or English literature. However, your do not need to choose your specialisation before the start of the course, and you will get more information in the intro meeting. It may be a good idea, though, to start thinking about this choice as early as possible. This course is also offered as a part-time course, in which term 1 consists of all

Engelska: Språkvetenskaplig inriktning (91-120 hp)

  Som framgår av kursplanen, finns det en hel del frihet när det gäller det exakta innehållet I denna kurs. Läs kursplanen och kontakta sedan engelskas studierektor angående ditt personliga kursupplägg. Efter kursen Efter kursen blir du behörig till KPU I engelska även i de fall då 120hp engelska krävs.  As you can see in the syllabus, the exact contents of this course may differ from student to student, since most of the modules are elective. Please get in touch with the director of studies to discuss your courses/modules. After the course After finishing this course you will be eligible for KPU (Kompletterande Pedagogisk Utbildning) also in those cases where having 120 credits of English

Engelska: Kandidatkurs (76-90) Examensarbete

I Lund kan du läsa kandidatkursen i engelska med antingen språkvetenskaplig eller litteraturvetenskaplig inriktning. Detta val gjorde du redan under ENGH15. Denna kurs på halvfart består uteslutande av en kandidatuppsats på 15hp. För att hjälpa dig i ditt arbete med kandidatuppsatsen finns en seminarieserie och du får också handledning, individuellt och i grupp. Efter kursen Efter att du har klar  This course consists of a degree project in English literature or English linguistics. To help you with your degree project, there's a seminar series, and you will also get supervision. After the course After having finished this course you can get a BA (bachelor's degree) in English, provided that you also have 90 credits in other subjects. When you have a BA, you can apply to a master's

Engelska: Deskriptiv grammatik

Kursen kan också läsas som fristående kurs på avancerad nivå av den som är färdig med kandidatkursen i engelska (ENGK03 eller motsvarande). Kursen kan lämpligen ingå som en valbar kurs inom ENGX64 (Engelska: Språkvetenskaplig inriktning (91-120hp)). I denna kurs studeras den engelska grammatiken och hur det engelska språket beskrivs i grammatiska referensverk ingående. På detta sätt får du möjligStudents who have finished the BA course in English (ENGK03) can also take this course as a fee-standing course. The course can be an elective course within ENGX64 (English: Linguistic specialisation (91-120 credits)). This is a course where you study English grammar and how it is described in various standard grammars. This way you get a much better and deeper understanding of things you already

Företagsekonomi:Varumärken och varumärkesarbete i en dynamisk värld

Brands and branding have an extensive influence on, and entail large consequences for, today’s marketers, consumers and society as a whole.   This course provides knowledge of three major perspectives on brands and branding. During the course, the students will develop their analytical skills and ability to use key concepts, models and theories, both orally in case discussions and in writteBrands and branding have an extensive influence on, and entail large consequences for, today’s marketers, consumers and society as a whole.   This course provides knowledge of three major perspectives on brands and branding. During the course, the students will develop their analytical skills and ability to use key concepts, models and theories, both orally in case discussions and in writte

Företagsekonomi: Management och organisationsutveckling

This course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions in organization studies are emphasized on the course, which aims to equip students with skills for applyingThis course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions in organization studies are emphasized on the course, which aims to equip students with skills for applying

Ekonomisk historia: Klimatkriser och energitransitioner förr och nu

The prospects for a sustainable energy transition that can save the climate in the age of Anthropocene will be addressed. Technology optimism will meet degrowth proponents. Outsourcing arguments via international trade will be scrutinized, as well as the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) revolution and the impact of the oil crises of the 1970s and the gas and electricity crisis of theThe prospects for a sustainable energy transition that can save the climate in the age of Anthropocene will be addressed. Technology optimism will meet degrowth proponents. Outsourcing arguments via international trade will be scrutinized, as well as the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) revolution and the impact of the oil crises of the 1970s and the gas and electricity crisis of the

Economic History: Emerging Asia - Economic Transformation in East and South East Asia

The course explores and explains the historical processes of rapid industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation in Pacific Asia. First, fundamental factors and forces behind the rise of Asia’s first industrial nation, Japan, are analysed. Japan is also contrasted against the early failures of modernisation in Imperial China. Secondly, explanations are provided for the emergence of Taiwan, The course explores and explains the historical processes of rapid industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation in Pacific Asia. First, fundamental factors and forces behind the rise of Asia’s first industrial nation, Japan, are analysed. Japan is also contrasted against the early failures of modernisation in Imperial China. Secondly, explanations are provided for the emergence of Taiwan,

Economic History: The Global Economy

The course is made up of three sub-courses relating to different themes. In the first sub-course you are introduced to the subject of Economic History. The main issues are the agricultural transformation, international market integration, and international movement of labour, goods, and capital. In the second sub-course you will explore the long-term trends in income distribution within and betweeThe course is made up of three sub-courses relating to different themes. In the first sub-course you are introduced to the subject of Economic History. The main issues are the agricultural transformation, international market integration, and international movement of labour, goods, and capital. In the second sub-course you will explore the long-term trends in income distribution within and betwee

Economic History: Financial Systems - Development and Crises

A long-term institutional, structural and comparative perspective is applied throughout the course. Starting with medieval financial and monetary arrangements we study changes of financial systems until today with a specific focus on a) successful financial systems, and b) financial and economic crises. But the objective of the course is deeper than that, it is designed to give a theoretical foundA long-term institutional, structural and comparative perspective is applied throughout the course. Starting with medieval financial and monetary arrangements we study changes of financial systems until today with a specific focus on a) successful financial systems, and b) financial and economic crises. But the objective of the course is deeper than that, it is designed to give a theoretical found

Ekonomisk historia: De framväxande ekonomiernas utveckling

Over the last decades, global growth dynamics have shifted towards the economies of the non-Western world. The world is no longer divided between the West and the Rest. Nor is the Rest to the same extent marked by stagnation. In the course, growth dynamics of the developing world during the last decades are explored in a comparative and historical perspective. The question of why some developing eOver the last decades, global growth dynamics have shifted towards the economies of the non-Western world. The world is no longer divided between the West and the Rest. Nor is the Rest to the same extent marked by stagnation. In the course, growth dynamics of the developing world during the last decades are explored in a comparative and historical perspective. The question of why some developing e

Ekonomisk historia: Konsekvenser av demografisk förändring

The course examines the impact of demographic change on the social and economic fabric of society, with a focus on issues of importance to today's policymakers. The impact of population aging will be examined in detail, as will the possible benefits / pitfalls of migration as a potential solution to population aging. The course will also examine the impacts of demographic change on individuals, th