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Beräkningsvetenskap: Introduktion till modellering av klimatsystem

Matematisk modellering är ett grundläggande verktyg inom geovetenskap för att förstå processer och för att testa hypoteser. Hypoteser om pågående klimatförändringar testas exempelvis med modeller, och uppskattningar av effekterna av framtidens globala uppvärmning är baserade på modellscenarier. På längre tidsskala har komplex klimatdynamik under den senaste istiden studerats med klimatmodeller, viMathematical modelling is an essential tool within earth system sciences to understand processes and test hypotheses. For example, hypotheses related to ongoing climate changes are tested with models, and the estimated impacts of future global warming are based on model scenarios. On longer timescales, the complex dynamics of climate changes during the last glacial cycle have been reproduced in cl

Beräkningsvetenskap: Modellering i beräkningsvetenskap

Kursen behandlar: • Modellering baserad på differentialekvationer: Numeriska metoder för ordinära differentialekvationer och konvergensordning. Tillämpningar rörande exempelvis cellomprogrammering eller sjukdomsspridning mellan städer. • MKMC-metoder: Centrala gränsvärdessatsen, Metropolis-Hastings algoritm och felskattning. Tillämpningar hämtade från statistisk termodynamik. • MaskininlärniThe course treats: • Differential equation based modelling: Numerical methods to solve ODEs and convergence order. Applications to for instance predicting the spread of diseases and cell programming will be used. • MCMC based modelling: Central Limit Theorem, Metropolis-Hasting algorithm and error propagation will be covered with examples from statistical thermodynamics. • Machine learning a

Beräkningsvetenskap: Reproducerbar dataanalys och statistisk inlärning

BERN02. Kursens övergripande mål är att låta studenterna arbeta med och kombinera två områden för dataanalys inom beräkningsvetenskap: reproducerbara arbetsflöden och statistisk inlärning. Detta inbegriper att kunna skapa rapporter där programmeringskod, resultat och rapporttext kombineras i samma dokument, tillämpat på ett urval av vanliga metoder i statistisk parametrisk modellering och masBERN02. The overall learning outcome for the course is to let the students work with and combine two fields for data analysis in computational science: reproducible work flows and statistical learning. This includes to be able to create reports where programming code, results and text are combined in the same document, applied on a selection of common methods in statistical parametric modelling an

Bioinformatik: Programmering i Python

Denna kurs hålls till stor del som lärarledda övningar. Kursen ger erfarenhet och kunskap i programmering i allmänhet och i Python i synnerhet. Fokus är speciellt på bioinformatiska tillämpningar. Arbetet sker i Linux-miljö och kursen kommer utveckla studentens kunskaper inte bara i Python men också i Bash (kommandoskal) och CGI (Common Gateway Interface).This hands on course will give you experience and knowledge of programming in general and in Python  in particular. The focus is especially on applications in bioinformatics. Working environment is Linux and the course will develop the students’ skills in Python but also in Bash and CGI (Common Gateway Interface).    

Biologi: Ornitologi

Kursen är en avancerad kurs i ekologi och fokuserar på artkunskap, metodik och grundläggande ekologi om fåglar. Kursen bygger på lärande av metoder för att studera fåglar i fält, fältbestämning av fåglar (med avseende på igenkänning av arter mha utseende och sång) samt teori om fåglars morfologiska, fysiologiska och ekologiska anpassningar. Mer specifikt innebär fältstudierna att du lär dig grundeThis is an advanced course in ecology that focuses on species identification, methodology and basic ecology about birds. The course is based on learning the basic skills about techniques for studying birds in the field (including visual identification and identification on vocalizations), as well as theoretical moments about bird morphology, physiology and ecological adaptations. More specifically

Asienstudier: Kina idag - Politisk utveckling, samhällsfrågor och globalt inflytande

It analyses a number of key issues and challenges that characterise Chinese contemporary society, including. environmental issues, socioeconomic development, and issues related to regional differences and social inequalities. The course also focuses on the human rights situation and developments in civil society, freedom of expression, the role of the media and digital development, as well aIt analyses a number of key issues and challenges that characterise Chinese contemporary society, including. environmental issues, socioeconomic development, and issues related to regional differences and social inequalities. The course also focuses on the human rights situation and developments in civil society, freedom of expression, the role of the media and digital development, as well a

Biologi: Limnologi och marinekologi - organismer och habitat

Kursens övergripande mål är att studenten ska tillägna sig en helhetssyn på organismer och abiota förutsättningar i akvatiska system, från källflöde via avrinningsområde till hav.  Kursen omfattar struktur och funktion hos akvatiska ekosystem, akvatiska organismgrupper och deras roll i akvatiska ekosystem, provtagningsmetodik och kemiska och fysikaliska analysmetoderna i akvatiska system samThe aim of the course is that the student should acquire an overall view on organisms and abiotic preconditions in aquatic systems from source to sea.  The course includes structure and function of aquatic ecosystems, aquatic organism groups and their role in aquatic ecosystems,  sampling methodology and the most common chemical and physical analytical methods in aquatic systems an

Biologi: Immunologi och infektionsbiologi

Kursens mål är att studenten efter avslutad kurs ska ha förvärvat kunskaper, färdigheter och förmågor angående både patogena mikroorganismer och immunsystemets funktion på molekylär och cellulär nivå. Studenten ska förstå värd-patogen interaktioner och infektionsförlopp ur såväl ett mekanistiskt som ett evolutionärt perspektiv. Under kursen tränar också studenterna att analysera och diskutera veteThe aim of the course is that the student after completing the course should have acquired knowledge, skills and abilities regarding both pathogenic microorganisms and the immune system's function at the molecular and cellular level. The student shall also understand host-pathogen interactions and infection processes from both a mechanistic and an evolutionary perspective. During the course, stude

Biologi: Evolutionsbiologi - mönster och processer

Kursens mål är att studenterna efter avslutad kurs skall förstå olika evolutionära frågeställningar och förklaringsmodeller, samt hur dessa modeller och metoder appliceras på biologiska system. Kursen introducerar och förklarar olika evolutionära frågeställningar och förklaringsmodeller samt illustrerar hur modeller och metoder appliceras på biologiska system från molekyler till ekosystem. KursThe general aim of the course is to enable students to understand the aims, theories, models and methodologies of contemporary evolutionary biology, and how these are applied to different biological systems. The course will enable students to acquire extensive knowledge and understanding of fundamental topics in evolutionary biology. The course will explain how the history of life can be unrave

Biologi: Molekylär bioteknik och metodik

Kursens innehåll • Jästens genetik och molekylärbiologi: biodiversitet och ekologi; cellens organisation; metabolism; genetiska system; genomik; cellcykel och replikation; genuttryck och sekretion. • Aspekter på jästens kvantitativa biologi: "flux modeling" och redoxbalanser. • Tillämpning av jästbiologi: bakning; ölbryggning; mejeriprodukter; genetiskt modifierade industristammar; bioetanol; patoThe overall aim of the course is that the student acquires in-depth knowledge in the field of molecular biotechnology. The course focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of molecular biotechnology and its use in society. The course includes  advanced molecular biology techniques to manipulate and understand biological  systems at the molecular level as well as application o

Economic History: The Rising Giants - China and India Entering the Global Scene

This course gives you a much improved first hand understanding of the rise of Asia’s two giants – China and India. First, modernisation and industrialisation in socialist China is explored from the pre-communist era until today. The process of transition from plan to market economy is unravelled. The institutional set-up and socio-economic achievements of the emerging market economy are contrasteThis course gives you a much improved first hand understanding of the rise of Asia’s two giants – China and India. First, modernisation and industrialisation in socialist China is explored from the pre-communist era until today. The process of transition from plan to market economy is unravelled. The institutional set-up and socio-economic achievements of the emerging market economy are contraste

Economic History: Growth, Stagnation and Inequality in Africa

This course gives a deeper presentation of long term trends of economic and social development in Africa, with special focus on the agricultural sector. The course takes its point of departure in current challenges and debates and provides alternative historical explanations to issues of poverty, underdevelopment and inequality. The course emphasizes the diverse historical paths and the importanceThis course gives a deeper presentation of long term trends of economic and social development in Africa, with special focus on the agricultural sector. The course takes its point of departure in current challenges and debates and provides alternative historical explanations to issues of poverty, underdevelopment and inequality. The course emphasizes the diverse historical paths and the importance

Economic History: Bachelor's Thesis in Development Studies SGUTV

The primary course content is to write a thesis which will be discussed and scrutinized at a seminar. The student is also expected to participate in the thesis seminars as well as scrutinize and discuss another thesis in the field. The writing of the thesis is guided by one or more thesis supervisors. The content of the thesis is decided by the chosen topic. At the start of the course seminars areThe primary course content is to write a thesis which will be discussed and scrutinized at a seminar. The student is also expected to participate in the thesis seminars as well as scrutinize and discuss another thesis in the field. The writing of the thesis is guided by one or more thesis supervisors. The content of the thesis is decided by the chosen topic. At the start of the course seminars are

Ekonomisk historia: Den globala ekonomin och den långsiktiga ekonomiska tillväxten

This course studies historical processes of growth, convergence and divergence in the global economy over the past two centuries. Two major approaches are applied. One takes its point of departure in theories of economic growth, basically on the role of capital and labour and the level of technology. The first generation of formal models, in the 1950s, predicted a convergence in income levels in tThis course studies historical processes of growth, convergence and divergence in the global economy over the past two centuries. Two major approaches are applied. One takes its point of departure in theories of economic growth, basically on the role of capital and labour and the level of technology. The first generation of formal models, in the 1950s, predicted a convergence in income levels in t

Engelsk språkvetenskap

Denna kurs (ENGG20) läses inom kandidatprogrammet i engelska (termin 6). Den utlyses normalt inte som fristående kurs och kan därför inte sökas av personer som inte är antagna till kandidatprogrammet.  This course (ENGG20) is part of the BA Programme in English Studies (term 6). It is normally not offered as a free-standing course.

Ekonomi och samhälle: Det globala Syd - Ekonomiska utvecklingsförlopp sedan 1945

The course examines the historical experience and potential of economic development in developing countries and considers why some countries are rich while others remain poor, as well as considering why development is not universal to all. The course provides a theoretical perspective with reference to the conditions of developing economies. It is divided into two parts. The first section treats tThe course examines the historical experience and potential of economic development in developing countries and considers why some countries are rich while others remain poor, as well as considering why development is not universal to all. The course provides a theoretical perspective with reference to the conditions of developing economies. It is divided into two parts. The first section treats t

Ekonomi och samhälle: Ekonomisk tillväxt i det moderna Europa, Nordamerika och OECD-klubben

This course applies a long run comparative, institutional and structural perspective and considers alternative aspects of economic and social sustainability. The course begins by providing a background to the prewar economy in the North through a summary of the relevant macroeconomic history from the second industrial revolution through the intra war period. Beginning with the 1940s, it analyses cThis course applies a long run comparative, institutional and structural perspective and considers alternative aspects of economic and social sustainability. The course begins by providing a background to the prewar economy in the North through a summary of the relevant macroeconomic history from the second industrial revolution through the intra war period. Beginning with the 1940s, it analyses c

Ekonomi och samhälle: Europa och Atlantekonomins framväxt ca 1000-1890

The course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various wThe course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various w