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Strategies for enhancing fermentative production of glycerol - A review

The present paper reviews the metabolic basis of different methods for fermentative glycerol production. The most important microbial production organism is the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae but other yeast species, as well as molds, algae, and bacteria are of potential interest for glycerol production. A large variety of methods have been applied to increase the fermentative glycerol yield. The

Steady-state nicotine plasma levels following use of four different types of Swedish snus compared with 2-mg Nicorette chewing gum: A crossover study

The present study evaluated nicotine plasma levels achieved following 1 day's regular use of four commonly used brands of Swedish portion snus and 2-mg Nicorette chewing gum. The study also estimated the amount of sodium chloride extracted from each snus sachet to identify potential risks for exacerbation of heart failure and hypertension with the use of Swedish snus. Extracted dose of nicotine, a

Xylose isomerase activity influences xylose fermentation with recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing mutated xylA from Thermus thermophilus.

Three xylose isomerase enzymes (XI) [Eur. J. Biochem. 269 (2002) 157], encoded by mutated xylA genes from Thermus thermophilus, were produced at two different levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; xylA genes were chromosomally integrated and expressed from multicopy plasmids, respectively. An extra copy of the endogenous xylulokinase gene (XKS1) was chromosomally integrated and the aldose reductase

Protein kinase C inhibitors decrease endothelin ET(B) receptor mRNA expression and contraction during organ culture of rat mesenteric artery.

The effect of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors on the induction of endothelin ET(B) receptors during organ culture was examined in isolated segments of the rat mesenteric artery. After 24 h of organ culture, the endothelin ET(B) receptor agonist sarafotoxin 6c (S6c) induced a strong contraction compared to fresh segments. The contractile response after 24-h organ culture to S6c was studied in pre

In vitro evolution of a fungal laccase in high concentrations of organic cosolvents

Fungal laccases are remarkable green catalysts that have a broad substrate specificity and many potential applications in bioremediation, lignocellulose processing, organic synthesis, and more. However, most of these transformations must be carried out at high concentrations of organic cosolvents in which laccases undergo unfolding, thereby losing their activity. We have tailored a thermostable la

Stroke prevention using the oral direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatran inpatients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Pooled analysis from the SPORTIF III ad V studies.

Background: To show results of a prespecified pooled analysis of the studies SPORTIF III (open-label) and SPORTIF V (double-blind), to assess the homogeneity of the results and to explore subgroup analyses and adverse events. Methods and Results: 7,329 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and 1 additional stroke risk factor were randomized to warfarin (international normalized ratio 2.0-3.0) or

Cathelicidin LL-37 in Severe Streptococcus pyogenes Soft Tissue Infections in Humans

Severe soft tissue infections, such as necrotizing fasciitis and severe cellulitis, caused by group A streptococcus (GAS) are rapidly progressing life-threatening infections characterized by massive bacterial load in the tissue even late after onset of infection. Antimicrobial peptides are important components of the innate host defence and cathelicidins have been shown to protect against murine n

Limitations of current surveillance programs for sexually transmitted infections and allied conditions affecting reproductive health care

The present communication concerns the potential of current surveillance programs for understanding the epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections. The often limited knowledge or the negligence of such infections both among health providers and in the general population, and the non-existence of laboratory services or poor utilization thereof, for example the lack of sampling material, lack o

Aspects on the suicidal career in severe depression. A comparison between attempts in suicides and controls.

Suicide attempts in the long term course of illness were investigated in 89 suicides with a primary severe depression/melancholia and in matched controls. Multiaxial ratings at index admission between 1956 and 1969 enabled the selection of patients. These patients were tracked to January 1, 1984. A blind record evaluation was performed. Suicide attempts were more common among suicides than control

Estimating latent heat over a melting arctic snow cover

The latent heat flux over snow near Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen, was investigated for the 1999 snowmelt season to assess different methods of modelling the flux. Snow evaporation had hitherto been estimated as the residual of plot water balance calculations and was subject to measurement errors: hence a modelling solution was sought to make use of existing data. Precipitation, snow depth and albedo we

The ultimate outcome of black hole - neutron star mergers

We present a simple, semi--analytical description for the final stagesof mergers of black hole (BH) -- neutron star (NS) systems. Such systemsare of much interest as gravitational wave sources and gamma--ray burstprogenitors. Numerical studies show that in general the neutron star isnot disrupted at the first phase of mass transfer. Instead, what remainsof the neutron star is left on a wider, ecce

Classification of primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias

A classification for primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias is needed to allow comparison of publications and future studies on these hernias. It is important to know whether the populations described in different studies are comparable. Several members of the EHS board and some invitees gathered for 2 days to discuss the development of an EHS classification for primary and incisional abdom

Epithelial pathways for luminal entry of bulk plasma

Inflammatory challenges of the airway mucosa cause luminal entry of bulk plasma. Extravasation of plasma is well described but the routes for epithelial passage of plasma are largely unknown. Using colloidal gold (5 nm) as tracer we have now examined the fate of extravasated plasma in the airways. The tracer was given intravenously to anaesthetized, ovalbumin-sensitized guinea-pigs 2min prior to a

Terlipressin versus Norepinephrine To Counteract Anesthesia-induced Hypotension in Patients Treated with Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors: Effects of Systemic and Regional Hemodynamics

Background: Terlipressin has been suggested as the ideal drug to treat anesthesia-induced hypotension in patients under long-term renin-angiotensin system inhibitor treatment for arterial hypertension. The authors compared the effects of terlipressin and norepinephrine on systemic hemodynamic parameters and gastric mucosal perfusion using a laser Doppler flowmetry technique in patients treated wit