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Factors Associated With Arthroscopically Determined Scaphoid Fracture Displacement and Instability.

PURPOSE: To identify factors associated with arthroscopically diagnosed scaphoid fracture displacement and instability. METHODS: This was a secondary use of data from 2 prospective cohort studies. The studies included 58 consecutive adult patients with a scaphoid fracture who elected arthroscopy-assisted operative fracture treatment: some for displacement, some as part of a prospective protoco

Association between LTA, TNF and AGER polymorphisms and late diabetic complications.

BACKGROUND: Several candidate genes on the short arm of chromosome 6 including the HLA locus, TNF, LTA and AGER could be associated with late diabetic complications. The aim of our study was therefore to explore whether polymorphisms (TNF -308 G-->A, LTA T60N C-->A and AGER -374 T-->A) in these genes alone or together (as haplotypes) increased the risk for diabetic complications. METHODOLOGY/PRINC

Kan ny japansk teknik rädda våra stränder

En ny typ av undervattenskonstruktion kallad flexibel vall tar tagits fram och provats med framgång i Japan. Den flexibla vallen består av ett gummimembran som fylls med vatten.

Increased Risk of Mortality Due to Interpersonal Violence in Foreign-Born Women of Reproductive Age: A Swedish Register-Based Study.

Violence against women is an increasing public health concern, with assault leading to death as the most extreme outcome. Previous findings indicate that foreign-born women living in Sweden are more exposed to interpersonal violence than Swedish-born women. The current study investigates mortality due to interpersonal violence in comparison with other external causes of death among women of reprod

Pontiacs revansch

Om indianhövdingen Pontiac i amerikansk historieskrivning och bilmärket som var döpt efter honom.

End to end delays in a catenet environment

This paper presents a hierarchical model for a catenet environment. The model consists of three levels of models, and it reflects the end to end delay between two host computers each connected to a different LAN. The two LANs are connected via gateways by a WAN. The model incorporates a basic flow control mechanism, standardized local area network behaviour, as well as gateway functions in terms o

Daily treatment with esomeprazole is superior to that taken on demand for maintenance of healed erosive esophagitis

Background: On-demand therapy with esomeprazole is effective for long-term treatment of non-erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, but it has not been evaluated in erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Aims: To compare endoscopic and symptomatic remission over a 6-month period when patients with healed erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease are treated with esomeprazole 20 mg, either o