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Working memory and pause patterns in the writing of teenagers with hearing impairment
An Analysis of Variational Alignment of Curves in Images
Pre-Conference Clinical Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Childhood PTSD
About 1 in 4 children exposed to a traumatic event will develop symptoms of PTSD, separation anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, specific phobia, generalised avoidance and/or depression that persist more than one month after the trauma, and greatly interfere with individual and family functioning. Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy (TF-CBT) can reduce these symptoms and greatly impro
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"The Role of Social Work with Older People in a Crossprofessional Context - examples from an Older People's team in the UK"
The Pleasures and Problems of Publishing: Reflections on Writing and Editing Feminist Scholarly Articles
Occupants ' responses and use of different type of lighting controls
Toward an integrative personality psychology
Previous attempts to construct an integrative framework for personality psychology are primarily descriptions of what the field looks like today rather than analyses of its logical structure and research possibilities. I aim to draw attention to logically important points that may help to integrate the field and suggest potentially fruitful research paths that are unrealized due to historical c
Is the Swedish Welfare State a Free Lunch?
Spontan kranskärlsdissektion - ett par frågor och kommentarer
Powerformer™ - The prototype and beyond
Technological Diversity and Jacobs' Externality Hypothesis Revisited
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Construction as reduction
The language acquisition process is suggested to be a process of selection and cumulative reduction from the language of more experienced (i.e. older) individuals. The population structure ensures that the approximation of the language learner results in a common language that is stable under normal conditions. Language is described as a ‘stasis’ between constructive and eliminative reduction.
Power Electronics and Control by Microelectronics in Future Energy Systems
Electromagnetic forces acting on the stator of an ABB 12 induction motor
Transient wave propagation in composite media: A Green functions approach
A generalized Green functions technique for wave propagation of transient fields in one-dimensional media is developed. The medium is partitioned into an arbitrary number of subslabs for which Green operators, that map the incident field to the internal fields, are defined. Relations between the Green operators for the entire medium and the Green operators for the subslabs are derived. The techniq
Understanding capability : how the concept is used in emergency management
Preparedness planning is part of the disaster management process in many countries and it includes building capabilities to improve the effectiveness of response to various scenarios. Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom all use risk and vulnerability analyses together with capability assessments as part of their preparations for disasters. Whereas the definitions of risk and vulnerabili