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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

State Learning and Role Playing : International environmental cooperation in the Arctic Council

Den här avhandlingen undersöker staters interaktion som en social läroprocess, i syfte att förstå hur stater lär sig om miljönormer. Detta sker genom en konstruktivistisk ansats och mer specifikt ett roll-teoretiskt perspektiv, där en roll förstås som statens repertoar av beteende, jämsides dess funktion i en social interaktionskontext. Rollen formas av ego- och alterförväntningar, det vill säga bThis study investigates state interaction as a social learning process, where the ultimate aim is to enhance an understanding on how states learn of environmental norms. An entry into the domain on such learning processes is offered through a Constructivist approach and more specifically through the employment of a role theoretical perspective; a role here is signified as a state's repertory of be

Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector using proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV

A search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with pairs of prompt, isolated, highly energetic leptons with the same electric charge is presented. The search uses a proton–proton collision data sample at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to 36.1 fb - 1 of integrated luminosity recorded in 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. This analysis focuses on the decays H± ±→ e±e±, H± ±→

The 2p4 3s, 3p and 3d configurations of thirteen times ionized titanium, ti xiv

The spectrum of Ti XFV has been observed in the wavelength region 80-550 Å using the fast ion beam spectroscopy method. 47 lines have been identified as transitions between the 2p4 3s, 3p, and 3d configurations in the 360-540 Å interval. The level identifications are supported by comparisons between observations and Hartree-Fock calculations along the F I isoelectronic sequence.

OSL in NaCl vs. TL in LiF for absorbed dose measurements and radiation quality assessment in the photon energy range 20 keV to 1.3 MeV

The aim of this study was to determine the photon energy dependence of absorbed dose measurements, in a comparison of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) in NaCl with thermoluminescence (TL) in LiF:Mg,Cu,P. The comparisons were made at exposure to ionizing radiation in the photon energy range 20 keV to 1.3 MeV. Specially designed dosemeter kits containing both NaCl and LiF were used under i) l

On the Modelling of Thermo-Viscoplasticity of Case-Hardening Steels Over a Wide Temperature Range

The aim of this work is the development of a thermodynamically consistent fully coupled thermo-viscoplastic material model for metals.The model is based on a split of the free energy into a thermo-elastic, a thermo-plastic and a purely thermal part and covers nonlinear cold-work hardening and thermal softening.Nonlinear temperature dependent effects are accounted for the elastic moduli, the plasti

Formalizing Street Vendors: Regulating to improve well-being or to gain control?

Formalization, understood as gaining legal status to develop their businesses, is the mainstream policy to regulate the work of street vendors in most cities in the world. However, formalization policies are criticized by different scholars, and many vendors go back to the streets after formalization despite government efforts. To contribute to this long-standing debate, this chapter explores the

Antimicrobial Peptides in Cutaneous Wound Healing

Injury that breached the physical skin barrier increases the likelihood of infection. The wound healing process is divided into hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling. Antimicrobial peptides play a major role for the antimicrobial defense at all these stages in wound healing, but the main sources of antimicrobial peptides vary with the different stages of wound healing comi

Long-term Outcomes of Follow-up for Initially Localised Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma : RECUR Database Analysis

Background: Optimal follow-up (FU) strategy to detect potentially curable (PC) recurrences after treatment of localised clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is unclear. This study retrospectively analysed a large international database to determine recurrence patterns and overall survival (OS), as part of a wider project to issue recommendations on FU protocols. Objective: To analyse associatio

Simultaneous multispectral imaging of flame species using Frequency Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Exposures (FRAME)

Imaging the interaction between different combustion species under turbulent flame conditions requires methods that both are extremely fast and provide means to spectrally separate different signals. Current experimental solutions to achieve this often rely on using several cameras that are time-gated and/or equipped with different spectral filters. In this work we explore a technique called Frequ

Persisting CAM deformity is associated with early cartilage degeneration after Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis : 11-year follow-up including dGEMRIC

Objective: Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) in adolescence is associated with increased risk of future osteoarthritis (OA). The purpose of this study was to study clinical and radiographic risk factors for early cartilage degeneration after SCFE. Design: 22 patients (44 hips) (mean age 24 years, range 18-27) treated with in situ fixation (The Hansson hook-pin) for stable SCFE on average 11

Comparison of two simulation methods for testing of algorithms to detect cyclist and pedestrian accidents in naturalistic data

Naturalistic studies can potentially be used to detect accidents of vulnerable road users and thus overcome the large degree of under-reporting in the official accident records. In this study, simulated cycling and walking accidents were performed by a stuntman and with a crash test dummy to test how they differ from each other and the potential implications of using simulated accidents as an alte

Liberalization of European migration and the immigration of skilled people to Sweden

Migration policies can have a strong impact on the selection of immigrants, who in turn can affect the host country’s innovation development. This paper examines the effects of the liberalization of migration on the skill composition of immigrants from the EU-15 to Sweden after the inception of the European Economic Area (EEA) in 1994. We examine its effect on immigrants’ education levels and prob