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Your search for "*" yielded 531796 hits

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal and soil microbial communities in African Dark Earths

The socio-economic values of fertile and carbon-rich Dark Earth soils are well described from the Amazon region. Very recently, Dark Earth soils were also identified in tropical West Africa, with comparable beneficial soil properties and plant growth-promoting effects. The impact of this management technique on soil microbial communities, however, is less well understood, especially with respect t

Gut microbiota to counteract metabolic disorders and neuroinflammation : Impact of dietary factors and their potential to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Increased accumulations of senile plaques and tangles are the known neuropathological hallmarks of AD. However, the exact triggers for such protein accumulations, leading to cognitive impairment and important morphological alteration in AD, are still elusive. Ageing and genetic risk factors do not completely explain the global increase

Characterization of Patients with Embolic Strokes of Undetermined Source in the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Trial

Background: The New Approach Rivaroxaban Inhibition of Factor Xa in a Global Trial vs. ASA to Prevent Embolism in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (NAVIGATE-ESUS) trial is a randomized phase-III trial comparing rivaroxaban versus aspirin in patients with recent ESUS. Aims: We aimed to describe the baseline characteristics of this large ESUS cohort to explore relationships among key subgroups.

Expression of cell cycle regulators and frequency of TP53 mutations in high risk gastrointestinal stromal tumors prior to adjuvant imatinib treatment

Despite of multitude investigations no reliable prognostic immunohistochemical biomark-ers in GIST have been established so far with added value to predict the recurrence risk of high risk GIST besides mitotic count, primary location and size. In this study, we analyzed the prognostic relevance of eight cell cycle and apoptosis modulators and of TP53 mutations for prognosis in GIST with high risk

From Simulations to Simulacra of War : Game Scenarios in Cyberwar Exercises

This article explores the underlying culture of war sustaining the setting of scenarios within cyberwar games. In particular, it engages with the question of how to simulate a phenomenon that, due to its remoteness, possesses an ambivalent relation to reality. Looking at scenarios of major national and international cyberwar games as illustrations, this article, first, engages with the modes of ex

Synthesis of armchair graphene nanoribbons from the 10,10′-dibromo-9,9′-bianthracene molecules on Ag(111) : The role of organometallic intermediates

We investigate the bottom-up growth of N = 7 armchair graphene nanoribbons (7-AGNRs) from the 10,10′-dibromo-9,9′-bianthracene (DBBA) molecules on Ag(111) with the focus on the role of the organometallic (OM) intermediates. It is demonstrated that DBBA molecules on Ag(111) are partially debrominated at room temperature and lose all bromine atoms at elevated temperatures. Similar to DBBA on Cu(111)

Enhanced nitrate-nitrogen removal by modified attapulgite-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron treating simulated groundwater

Attapulgite (or palygorskite) is a magnesium aluminium phyllosilicate. Modified attapulgite-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) was created by a liquid-phase reduction method and then applied for nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) removal (transformation) in simulated groundwater. Nanoscale zero-valent iron was sufficiently dispersed on the surface of thermally modified attapulgite. The NO3-N remova

Pregnancy outcomes from the Branded glatiramer acetate pregnancy database

Background: Appropriate counseling and treatment for women with multiple sclerosis (MS) who may become pregnant requires an understanding of the effects of exposure to disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) during pregnancy. Current reports and studies are limited in their usefulness, mostly by small sample size. Branded glatiramer acetate (GA) is a DMT approved for the treatment of relapsing forms of

Marcus Aurelius – kejsare och deltidsfilosof

Marcus Aurelius har ofta kallats ”filosofen på kejsartronen”. Kejsare var han onekligen och regerade det romerska imperiet åren 161–180. Men var han filosof också? Kanske inte fullt ut. Men i hans efterlämnade skrift kan man spåra grundsatserna i den stoiska moralfilosofi som var ledstjärnan för hans maktutövning.

Mental illness in Sweden (1896–1905) reflected through case records from a local general hospital

Mental illness in a hospital in a medium-sized town in Sweden was studied. Consecutive case records from 1896 to 1905, and also from 2011, were selected. In the historical sample, neurasthenia was the most common diagnosis, followed by affective disorders and alcohol abuse. ICD-10 diagnoses corresponded well with the historical diagnoses. Melancholia resembled modern criteria for depression. Mania

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In the first half of the 1900s, 'yellow bulls' was a negative designation for a certain group of middle-men in Shanghai's commodity trade. Now, some 'yellow bulls' work in Shanghai's markets for counterfeit goods. They present themselves as 'real men', while fighting for a respectable place in reform-era urban China. 'Gule tyre' var i 1900-tallets første halvdel den negative betegnelse for en slag

Femtosecond two-photon-excited backward lasing of atomic hydrogen in a flame

We report on an observation of bi-directional 656 nm lasing action of atomic hydrogen in a premixed CH4∕air flame induced by resonant femtosecond 205 nm two-photon excitation. In particular, the backward-propagating lasing pulse is characterized in the spatial and temporal domains for the sake of a single-ended diagnostic. Its picosecond-scale duration and smooth temporal profile enable spatially

Can losses caused by wind storms be predicted from meteorological observations

This paper contains a study of the extent to which aggregate losses due to severe wind storms can be explained by wind measurements. The analysis is based on 12 years of data for a region, Ska § ne, in southern Sweden. A previous investigation indicated that wind measurements from six recording stations in Ska § ne was insufficient to obtain accurate prediction. The present study instead uses geos

En förvaltningslag för EU? – ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure i svenskt och nordiskt perspektiv

Artikeln redogör för det förslag till modellregler för EU:s förvaltningsrätt som har utarbetats inom det europeiska forskningsnätverket ReNEUAL (Research Network on EU Administrative Law) och vad förslaget principiellt kan innebära för förvaltningsrätten i Sverige och övriga nordiska länder. Särskilt undersöks vilken betydelse nordisk förvaltningsrätt har haft för modellreglerna, förutsättningarna