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Your search for "Johan Bergström" yielded 453 hits

Comparative analysis of the understanding of 'expertise' and 'resilience' in novice and expert anesthesiologists

Anesthesiology is the medical specialty dedicated to the relief of pain and care of the surgical patient before, during and after surgery. Most of the work in anesthesiology is routine patient care, but because patients are sick and surgical procedures may develop in unexpected ways, anesthesiology by its nature often involves medical crises. In recent years, two concepts have gained increasing i

Heinrich’s Local Rationality: Shouldn’t ‘New View’ Thinkers Ask Why Things Made Sense To Him?

Herbert William Heinrich is one of the most influential pioneers within safety. His concepts, originally from the late 1920s, influence safety practice and theory, even today. In recent years, Heinrich’s legacy received increasing critique, also from contemporary safety authors that generally are counted among the ‘new view’. The objective of this thesis is to explore how ‘new view’ thinkers/autho

An archaeology of societal resilience

There seems to be a worldwide push, through policy and Government campaigns, to emphasise a local and decentralised responsibility for societal safety and security. Often, this push is argued for using the notion of resilience. Using an archaeological approach this paper sets out to analyse the conditions of possibility for resilience to get established as an object of knowledge within the discour

Commissioned education

This is commissioned educationCommissioned education consists of courses and programmes offered by universities or higher education institutions for a fee to professionals in companies, authorities or organisations. The education has a disciplinary foundation and is adapted to the needs and conditions of the participants.  Commissioned education provides great opportunitiesBy engaging in commissio - 2025-01-16

Learning Laboratories

Learning Laboratories | Human Factors & System Safety Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any perso - 2025-01-17

Brandskydd Mariefreds innerstad, Inventeringsresultat och åtgärdsförslag

This report presents an evaluation of fire safety in the Swedish city of Mariefred. The buildings of the city are primarily 18th century, made of wood and closely built. A semi quantitative risk analysis method, BSIVI, was used in the inventory of fire safety. This method uses 16 parameters which are weighed against one another to specify the fire safety of each building. The different index value

A Complexity Framework for Studying Disaster Response Management

Guided by complexity theory, in this article, we argue that a complex understanding of disaster response management can be achieved by making multiple, transparent and modest interpretations. We suggest an analytical framework in which multiple system interpretations are constructed, all based on explicit analytical choices according to three aspects: (1) system dimension, (2) system scope and (3)

A socio-technical analysis of functional properties in a joint cognitive system: a case study in an aircraft cockpit

In a socio-technical work domain, humans, device interfaces and artefacts all affect transformations of information flow. Such transformations, which may involve a change of auditory to visual information & vice versa or alter semantic approximations into spatial proximities from instruments readings, are generally not restricted to solely human cognition. This paper applies a joint cognitive

How reliance on resilient performance 'hides' or even contributes to system brittleness

Aviation is known to be safe, partly due to highly specialized pilots who undergo extensive training to fulfill and maintain their function at the sharp end. More demands are placed on the pilots as complexity continues to grow in aviation. This is due to more technology, more rules of compliance, more diversity in operations, and less time to do it all in the aggressive competitive world of avia

Resiliensbegreppet i svensk kommunal krishantering – Fallstudie av UNISDR:S kampanj Making Cities Resilient

Både globalt och i Sverige finns trender som pekar på ökade risker från katastrofer och naturolyckor. I takt med att fler flyttar in till städer behöver städerna förtätas, vilket ställer krav på att risker måste tas i beaktande när städerna utvecklas. Som ett sätt att hantera riskerna i samhället läggs mer resurser på planering och förebyggande åtgärder, vilket har lett till att intresset för begrGlobal risks from disasters are increasing, and with more urbanization more resources are now spent on planning and preventive actions. This has led to increased interest in working with the concept of resilience. The concept has now been adopted by different organizations to launch initiatives and campaigns to increase the resilience of cities and societies. The purpose of this thesis was to acco

Expertise and Resilience

Resilience engineering has changed the value of expertise from meeting required standards, to how it helps organizations to adapt. This chapter discusses the origin of the concept of resilience and how it has been applied to sociotechnical systems within the safety domain. From there we review the current literature to explore how to manage expertise, considering both its possible good and bad eff

Exploring goal conflicts and how they are managed in a biomedical laboratory using Rasmussen's model of boundaries

Occupational health and safety management systems are widely used as a systematic approach to managing occupational health and safety in organizations. One important element of which is the development of Standard Operating Procedures to ensure uniform written safety procedures throughout the organization. Such procedures are sometimes restrictive and inadequate to deal with the dynamic and changi

Emerging Principles in Obstetric Teamwork

There is widespread consensus that teamwork constitutes one of the key requirements in today’s multidisciplinary and highly complex system of delivering care. In recent years, increasing attention has been given to questions of how to define, teach, measure, and improve teamwork in healthcare. However, one cannot help but feel a certain disconnect between this ongoing trend, with an associated bia

Effects of a systems approach in occurrence investigations

In 2017, a change (serendipity) in the philosophy of occurrence investigations took place at NS (Dutch Railways). It seems the investigations conducted and published before and after 2017 are different, both in the way the investigations are executed and in their effects on the organisation. This research has been carried out to find out if, in what way, and to what degree the two specific types o

Statens konstruktion av den lilla kommunens krishanteringsförmåga

Syftet med rapporten är att ur ett kritiskt perspektiv analysera statens konstruktion av den lilla kommunens krishanteringsförmåga, samt tydliggöra de eventuella brister, svagheter eller oklarheter som identifieras. De frågeställningar som specifikt har önskat besvaras är om Myndigheten för samhällsskydd projektgrupp har beaktat det kommunala självstyret vid framtagandet av ASH, om ett kommunalför

Human Factors in Deepwater Drilling - A New Approach to Safety and Operational Excellence

Deepwater drilling operates high hazardous and complex systems. Technological and operational complexities, harsh environmental conditions, geological uncertainties, and high-pressure flammable fluids are some of the critical factors that pose clear threats towards safe operations and may result in high consequence events, as the Macondo blowout in 2010. The continuous demand for oil and gas push

Do Staff Rides Help Move The Forest Service Toward Its Goal Of Becoming A Learning Organization

The Forest Service has declared its intention of becoming a learning organization. As a means to that end, the Forest Service has borrowed and adapted the staff ride concept from the military. This paper describes the staff ride product and compares it to what scientific research tells us about the nature of learning. Focus group sessions were conducted to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of