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Your search for "Johan Bergström" yielded 453 hits
Dynamic Risk Management in Air Traffic Management System Failures
Context This research looks at managing uncertainty and recovery processes following failure of a sociotechnical system. The provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) is an essential service that must continue to function supporting at a minimum; medical flights, search and rescue operations, humanitarian aid, State and military flights (as demonstrated during the recent global pandemic). Purpose Th
Does the oversight model lead to power relations in terms of empowerment or responsibilization?
In public safety oversight authorities are traditionally assumed responsible of safeguarding operation and promoting safety by defining prescriptions and observing that they are complied with. Regulated entities on their side are assumed responsibility for complying. While this compliance-based approach has contributed to current levels of safety, it is increasingly debated that it has limitatio
Granskning av analysmetod för olyckor och tillbud inom tillverkningsindustrin
This paper aims at determine how a new accident investigation method should be designed in order to bring a more holistic view of the system of a manufacturing industry. This is especially important for an organization like Xylem, since complex systems needs methods that can handle the complexity. In order to do this the author has performed interviews and a study of accident reports from a compan
Resilience Engineering: current status of the research and future challenges
This paper offers an extensive literature review on the field of Resilience Engineering (RE), encompassing 472 contributions, including journal articles, conference proceedings and book chapters. Adopting the numbers of co-citations as a metric of conceptual proximity, this paper details the application of Factor Analysis and Multi-Dimensional Scaling, as groundbreaking means to extract relevant r
Some Thoughts on How to Align the Theoretical Understanding of Team Performance with Resilience Engineering Theory
Recent contributions to the field of Resilience Engineering (RE) have added to the continuous development of new concepts and methodologies to improve resilience at different organisational levels. Part of these contributions has focused on training for adaptive capacity of individuals and teams to cope with changes and disturbances of work, since literature recognise that working tasks (at least
Ht risk to critical and social infrastructures
Risk to critical and social (infra)structures 2017-05-23 1 Risk to critical infrastructures and technical systems HENRIK TEHLER What does critical infrastructures and technical systems mean? SYSTEMS AND ASSETS THAT ARE ESSENTIAL FOR THE FUNCTIONING OF A SOCIETY 0,5 l coffee 230 km * 2 Send 30 emails, receive many… What does critical infrastructures and technical systems mean? 700 km water pipes 18 - 2025-01-17
What perioperative situations are concerning to an anaesthesiologist, and what are some of the related joint cognitive system adaptations?
Bridging the gap between understanding work-as-imagined and work-as-done in the perioperative work context represents an important aim of cognitive systems engineering research. Researching this context using a joint cognitive systems theoretical approach can reveal patterns of adaptation that have important implications for system design. Traditional research approaches by non-domain investigator
Bridging the macro and the micro by considering the meso: reflections on the fractal nature of resilience
We pursued the following three interconnected points: (1) there are unexplored opportunities for resilience scholars from different disciplines to cross-inspire and inform, (2) a systems perspective may enhance understanding of human resilience in health and social settings, and (3) resilience is often considered to be fractal, i.e., a phenomenon with recognizable or recurring features at a variet
Scrutinizing the relationship between adaptation and resilience : Longitudinal comparative case studies across shocks in two Nepalese villages
Growing concerns regarding the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters and climate-related hazards and risks have caused attention to be increasingly directed towards adaptation and resilience as important policy prescriptions. These two concepts are commonly becoming normative when used in this context and seen as intrinsically linked to each other, i.e. adaptation leads to resilience a
Beyond Compliance - Understandning the Role of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Prehospital Emergency Care
Bakgrund Behandlingsriktlinjer omsätter vetenskaplig evidens till praktiska regler. De är en del av sjukvårdens säkerhetsåtgärder och syftar till att göra vården säker, enhetlig, möjliggör kvalitetskontroll och minskar sjukvårdskostnader. Men det är också viktigt att inte förväxla skapande eller hantering av dokument med att hantera faktisk säkerhet. Ett strikt fokus på följsamhet till regler kan Background: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) translate scientific knowledge into practical rules. They aim to improve safety, ensure consistency, enable quality control, and mitigate rising healthcare costs. CPGs and other written instructions are often the target or result of safety interventions in healthcare, but it is important to avoid the trap of managing documents rather than actual safe
Analysing the emergence of risk : - an opportunity for patient safety
The notion of patient safety entails protecting patients from preventable harm. This thesis presents suggestions on how the healthcare system, notably psychiatric healthcare, can understand and analyse patient safety risk as an emergent property of everyday interactions and relations. This view has itsconceptual roots in complexity theory.The overall aim is to understand patient safety risk as an
Analysis of interdependencies within the fire fighting function on an offshore platform
Recent accidents such as the Macondo blowout actualize the issue of offshore safety. Accidents do occur in spite of actions taken to prevent them from happening. The energy-barrier philosophy is the governing principle within the Norwegian offshore industry. The paradox with that philosophy is that the construction of additional barriers may increase complexity within the system. Risk may be seen
Suicidprevention inom järnvägssystemet
A suicide is a tragedy not only for family and relatives of the victim but also for the railway operator’s personnel and other witnesses. The aim of this report is to reduce the rate of suicides in the railway system by means of showing that society gains from measures that reduce the risk of suicides and fatal accidents. This is possible with a risk analysis that accounts for input uncertainties
The Social Process of Escalation: A Promising Focus for Crisis Management Research
Background This study identifies a promising, new focus for the crisis management research in the health care domain. After reviewing the literature on health care crisis management, there seems to be a knowledge-gap regarding organisational change and adaption, especially when health care situations goes from normal, to non-normal, to pathological and further into a state of emergency or crisis.
Efterklokhet underminerar förmågan att avvärja terror
Analyzes of the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan have begun to be published. The risk is now that the debate will be governed by the logic of hindsight, that politicians and the media will be on the stands, pointing out mistakes and demand responsibility. Such a climate jeopardizes in the long run the development of our ability to prevent terrorist attacks, write four security researchers.
Consequences of Adaptation for Risk : In Nepal and the Maldives
Throughout time, communities have adapted to changes in their environment and, in doing so, have addressed risksthat threaten the things they value. The need to adapt is considered more urgent now than ever, notably given thecurrent focus on climate risk. Typically, adaptation is presented as a solution to reduce such risks. This is particularlythe case for Landlocked Developing Countries and Smal
Systematic observation in healthcare: Utility and limitations of a threat and error management-based safety audit
Improving teamwork has become a major safety goal for healthcare organizations. Audit tools currently available are useful, but they remain inadequate because they are reactive and fail to provide context for “the interaction between people and the operational context (i.e., organizational, regulatory and environmental factors) within which people discharge their operational duties” (Maurino, 2005
Crew Resource Management, Threat and Error Management and Assessment of CRM skills – current situation and development of knowledge, methods and practice
Rules - Sometimes less is more
The Aviation industry is ultra-safe. Rules and procedures have been attributed as a contributory factor for attaining this high level of safety. The complexity of the aviation system has risen dramatically in the last few decades due to the development and introduction of modern aircraft and on-board technological innovations. Every day pilots encounter situations they did not expect. During those