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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11154 hits

Fysik: Optoelektronik och optisk kommunikation

Kursen ska ge förutsättningar för att dels kunna välja lämpliga komponenter för olika tillämpningar inom optoelektronik och optisk kommunikation, dels kunna arbeta med utveckling av nästa generation komponenter. För att uppnå detta läggs stor vikt vid såväl den bakomliggande fysiken som vid hur prestanda påverkas av komponentdesign och materialval.The course will provide a platform both for the selection of suitable devices for various applications in optoelectronics and optical communication and for the development of next generation devices. In order to achieve this, the course will emphasize the underlying physics as well as how performance is affected by device design and materials properties.

Fysik: Nanomaterial - termodynamik och kinetik

Kursen ger fördjupade kunskaper i: Grundläggande termodynamik Termodynamisk jämvikt Fasjämvikt, fasstabilitet och fasövergångar Fasdiagram (enkomponent - multikomponent) Reaktioner och reaktionskinetik Masstransport - diffusion i fast fas, diffusion i vätskor Värmetransport Storlekseffekter This course will offer an overview of thermodynamic phenomena and kinetic processes from a materials science perspective, with application towards nanomaterials.  Contents are: review of basic thermodynamics thermodynamic equilibrium phase equilibria and phase diagrams reactions and reaction kinetics heat transport mass transport in solids and fluids size effects The cours

Ekonomisk historia: Befolkning och levnadsstandard

The first part of the course is an overview of the population debate over the past 50 years and its intellectual roots. This part includes theories explaining both the influence of population growth on economic, social, and environmental development and vice-versa. Examples are given, showing how the theories have been used to explain the historical development of population and living standards sThe first part of the course is an overview of the population debate over the past 50 years and its intellectual roots. This part includes theories explaining both the influence of population growth on economic, social, and environmental development and vice-versa. Examples are given, showing how the theories have been used to explain the historical development of population and living standards s

Ledarskap i komplexa och osäkra situationer

Företag och organisationer befinner sig i alltmer komplexa och svårtolkade situationer som ofta beskrivs som föränderliga, oförutsägbara och mångtydiga. Det har konsekvenser för behov av och former för ledarskap. Kursen förmedlar och övar användningen av språk, begrepp, modeller och verktyg för att beskriva och analysera ledarskap i komplexa situationer. Kursen har följande fokusområden: • GrundlCompanies and organizations find themselves in increasingly more complex and difficult-to-interpret situations that are often described as changing, unpredictable and ambiguous. This has consequences for the need for and forms of leadership. The course conveys and practices the use of a language, concepts, models and tools to describe and analyze leadership in complex situations. The course has t

Ledarskap i komplexa och osäkra situationer

Företag och organisationer befinner sig i alltmer komplexa och svårtolkade situationer som ofta beskrivs som föränderliga, oförutsägbara och mångtydiga. Det har konsekvenser för behov av och former för ledarskap. Kursen förmedlar och övar användningen av språk, begrepp, modeller och verktyg för att beskriva och analysera ledarskap i komplexa situationer. Kursen har följande fokusområden GrundlägCompanies and organizations find themselves in increasingly more complex and difficult-to-interpret situations that are often described as changing, unpredictable and ambiguous. This has consequences for the need for and forms of leadership. The course conveys and practices the use of a language, concepts, models and tools to describe and analyze leadership in complex situations. The course has th

Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap - Masterprogram

The focus of this international Master’s programme is to offer a critical approach to contemporary social, political and cultural issues in media and communications. We provide up-to-date engagement with key issues, theories and problems in media engagement, democracy and cultural citizenship, media industries and creativity, gender, health and society, audiences, popular culture and everyday lifeThe focus of this international Master’s programme is to offer a critical approach to contemporary social, political and cultural issues in media and communications. We provide up-to-date engagement with key issues, theories and problems in media engagement, democracy and cultural citizenship, media industries and creativity, gender, health and society, audiences, popular culture and everyday life

Beräkningsvetenskap: Systembiologi - modeller och beräkningar

I denna kurs får du lära dig hur metoder från matematik och beräkningsfysik kan appliceras på biologiska problem. Kursen behandlar bland annat deterministiska och stokastiska simuleringar av biokemiska system, populationsmodeller, spatiella modeller och parameteroptimering.In this course you will learn how mathematical and computational physics methods can be applied to biological problems. Topics include deterministic and stochastic simulations of biochemical systems, population models, spatial models and parameter optimization.

Kognitiv semiotik: Mening, medvetande och kommunikation

I kursen introduceras kognitiv semiotik som ett närmande som kombinerar insikter hämtade från såväl semiotik som lingvistik och kognitionsvetenskap. Grundläggande begrepp som tecken, betydelse, kommunikation, medvetande, kultur, ikonicitet, indexikalitet, normativitet, livsvärld, evolution, utveckling, m.fl. exemplifieras med exempel framför allt från språk, bilder och kultur. Perspektivet i kurseThe course introduces cognitive semiotics as a field in which insights from semiotics, linguistics and cognitive science are brought together. Basic concepts such as signs, meaning, communication, mind, culture, iconicity, indexicality, normativity, life world, evolution, development etc. are exemplified by, above all, language, images and culture. The perspective of the course is based on compari

Kognitiv semiotik: Fenomenologi i teori och praktik

Kursen introducerar fenomenologisk filosofi som den systematiska studien av den levda mänskliga erfarenheten. Grundläggande begrepp som medvetande, intentionalitet, kroppen, intersubjektivitet, och livsvärld beskrivs och diskuteras. Metodologiska principer som fenomenologisk triangulering förklaras och exemplifieras. Dessa begrepp och principer tillämpas sedan på olika typer av empirisk forskning,The course introduces phenomenological philosophy as the systematic study of lived human experience. Basic concepts such as consciousness, intentionality, the body, intersubjectivity, and life world are described and discussed. Methodological principles such as phenomenological triangulation are explained and exemplified. These concepts and principles are then applied to different kinds of empiric

Ekonomisk geografi: Urban och regional planering

Kursen är inriktad på urban och regional planering och hur dessa verksamheter kan möta ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala utmaningar på ett hållbart sätt. Teoretiska perspektiv från framför allt ekonomisk geografi kopplas till utmaningarna och ställs i relation till planeringspraxis i olika samhälleliga sammanhang. I synnerhet behandlas de olika villkoren för kärnområden och randområden. The course focuses on urban and regional planning and how these activities can manage economic, environmental and social challenges in sustainable ways. Theoretical perspectives, mainly in economic geography, are related to these challenges and then confronted with planning practices in different societal contexts. Especially the different preconditions for core regions and non-core regions are h

Statsvetenskap: Utveckling och internationell politisk ekonomi

This course is open to students in the BSc in Development Studies programme (BIDS) majoring in Political Science. The course introduces International Political Economy (IPE) with an emphasis on theories, theorists and issues that problematise the politics and political economy of development, North-South relations and ethics. The first part of the course is designed to examine the roots of InternThis course is open to students in the BSc in Development Studies programme (BIDS) majoring in Political Science. The course introduces International Political Economy (IPE) with an emphasis on theories, theorists and issues that problematise the politics and political economy of development, North-South relations and ethics. The first part of the course is designed to examine the roots of Intern

Miljövetenskap: Riskbedömning inom natur, miljö och hälsa

Du lär dig identifiera och bedöma risker och sårbarhet inom områden som t.ex. exponering för kemikalier, arters utdöende, inflyttning av invasiva arter och epidemiologi samt att arbeta med de vanligaste riskhanteringsmodellerna som används inom natur-, miljö- och hälsoområdena. Kursen omfattar områdena riskidentifiering, riskbedömning, riskvärdering, riskhantering och riskkommunikation.You learn to identify and assess risks and vulnerability in areas such as e.g. exposure to chemicals, species extinction, introduction of invasive species and epidemiology as well as working with the most common risk management models used in the nature, environment and health fields. The course covers the areas of risk identification, risk assessment, risk valuation, risk management and

Global utveckling, befolkning och ekonomisk förändring - Masterprogram

The programme is organised into three different tracks. When applying for the programme, you also select which track you are specialising in. The different tracks share courses to some extent. The process of economic development essentially rests on the interaction of its three pillars: income per capita growth, distribution of the fruits of growth and structural change. The Economic DevelopThe programme is organised into three different tracks. When applying for the programme, you also select which track you are specialising in. The different tracks share courses to some extent. The process of economic development essentially rests on the interaction of its three pillars: income per capita growth, distribution of the fruits of growth and structural change. The Economic Develop

Ekonomisk historia: Framväxten av moderna hälso- och sjukvårdssystem

During the course the following themes will addressed: different paths and driving forces for the development of health care systems in relation to societal and economic changes. basic concepts and theories regarding the development of health care systems the medical profession and the regulation of health care the economic conditions for health care health insurance and access to careDuring the course the following themes will addressed: different paths and driving forces for the development of health care systems in relation to societal and economic changes. basic concepts and theories regarding the development of health care systems the medical profession and the regulation of health care the economic conditions for health care health insurance and access to care

Engelska: Människor, platser och politik i brittisk romantisk poesi

Kursen introducerar studenter för ett representativt urval dikter från den brittiska romantiska perioden (c. 1770-1830). Det här var en tid av omvälvande konstnärliga, samhälleliga, vetenskapliga och kunskapsmässiga förändringar, och som också såg tillkomsten av det 'moderna' Europa. Många av de kulturella debatter som fortfarande sysselsätter Europa idag härrör från denna tid. Poesi spelade en vi

Asienstudier: Öst- och Sydöstasiens roll i den globala ekonomin

In the course we start by introducing theoretical arguments concerning economic geography and development and then apply them to case studies in East and South-East Asia. This is followed by specialised study of theories and concepts that explain national and global economic circumstances focusing on global supply chains. In the course we systematically analyse the global organisation of productiIn the course we start by introducing theoretical arguments concerning economic geography and development and then apply them to case studies in East and South-East Asia. This is followed by specialised study of theories and concepts that explain national and global economic circumstances focusing on global supply chains. In the course we systematically analyse the global organisation of producti