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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 12025 hits

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Course evaluation Course : Stationary and non stationary spectral analysis:MASM26 Evaluated on LTH: Yes Lecturer: Maria Sandsten and Andreas Jakobsson Number of students: 9 Grades 7 VG, 2 G, 0 U Summary: One student wanted a more precise description of what was expected in the projects. Over all the students were satified and we did well on the course. Comments: We will try to give a more precise - 2025-01-31

Gud mellan upplysning och vidskepelse

För snart tio år sedan disputerade jag på en avhandling med titeln Guds återkomst: En studie av gudsbegreppet inom postmodern filosofi. Föremålet för studien var det förnyade intresse för gudsfrågan som märkts inom europeisk filosofi under 1900-talets avslutande decennier. Från att det vid århundradets mitt närmast varit tabu att uppehålla sig vid teologiska frågor, kom vid den här tiden en avsevä

After the success with the new generation antidepressants

The introduction of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) has entailed a revolution in the understanding and treatment of depression and other mood disorders. Despite the extended use of the SSRIs the social and scientific implications of this revolution is conspicuously poorly researched. The purpose of this project is thus to explore the complex changes brought about by the ‘SSRI r - 2025-01-29

Training in registration and archiving of documents

Do you want to know about document management, registration and archiving? Sign up for one of our training courses. All training courses can be found in Kompetensportalen. All links go to training courses in Kompetensportalen. General“Att arbeta utifrån offentlighetsprincipen.” (Working with public access records – only in Swedish). Target group: All employeesWorking according to the principle of - 2025-01-30

Sts seminars fall 2012.docx

1 QuousQue tandem abutere Fall 2012 Thu Oct 4th 15-17 At the Center for Gender Studies, Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Hus M, room 221 Helena Pettersson, researcher, Dept of Ethnology, Umeå University Making Masculinity in Plasma Physics: Machines, labour and experiments The aim of this talk is to discuss masculinity and experimental practices among plasma physicists. The study is based on ethnographic - 2025-01-31

History of the Department of Informatics

Academic education in administrative data processing was introduced at some Swedish universities in the middle of the 1960s, this was based on a report “Academic education in administrative data processing” submitted by a committee appointed by the chancellor for the Swedish universities. It began at Stockholm university in 1966, and was followed by Gothenburg and Lund universities in 1967. At tha - 2025-01-29

Bilaga informationsskylt for utrymningsplats

Utrymningsplats Du befinner dig på följande plats: XXXXXXXXXXX Denna utrymningsplats är avsedd för personer med nedsatt rörelse- eller orienteringsförmåga som ej kan utrymma på egen hand. Du befinner dig i en brandcell som står emot en brand i minst 30 minuter. Denna plats utgör en säker zon. Byggnaden har en utrymningsorganisation (vardagar XX-XX) som kontrollerar denna plats vid en utrymningssit - 2025-01-31


• • • Confirmation The course syllabus was confirmed by the board of the Department of Service Management on 2013- 05-28 to be valid from 2013-09-01. General Information Teaching languages: English Outcomes On completion of the course, the student should:   show ability to demonstrate theoretical and practical understanding of the structure of the logistic systems   show ability to be able to revi - 2025-01-31

Konstnärer är inte mer kreativa än andra

Vi väntar oss att konstnärer ska vara kreativa, men erfarna konstnärer är framför allt hantverksskickliga. I allmänhet är konstnärer inte mer kreativa än andra människor. De kompletterar en tradition eller etablerad teoribildning, precis som forskare. Men till skillnad mot forskare som har ett väldefinierat problem med en given om än okänd lösning via en föreskriven metod, arbetar konstnären med ö

Spikning: "A Pilgrimage to the Past. Johannes Bureus and the Rise of Swedish Antiquarian Scholarship

Spikning: "A Pilgrimage to the Past. Johannes Bureus and the Rise of Swedish Antiquarian Scholarship, 1600-1650." Spikning: "A Pilgrimage to the Past. Johannes Bureus and the Rise of Swedish Antiquarian Scholarship, 1600-1650." Publicerad den 21 januari 2016 Matthew Norris avhandling i idé- och lärdomshistoria spikades 21 januari 2016. Disputation äger rum 18/2 i sal LUX B152, Lund. A Pilgrimage t - 2025-01-31

Spikning idag: "The Street Art World"

Spikning idag: "The Street Art World" Spikning idag: "The Street Art World" Publicerad den 13 maj 2014 Avhandling av Peter Bengtsen, konsthistoria och visuella studier, spikades idag 13 maj 2014. Disputation äger rum 14/6 kl. 10.00 i sal 314, Josephson, Biskopsgatan 5. Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning In recent years, street art has become embedded in popular culture and received growing attention - 2025-01-31

Spikning: "Photographic Engagements. Belonging and Affective Encounters in Contemporary Photography.

Spikning: "Photographic Engagements. Belonging and Affective Encounters in Contemporary Photography.” Spikning: "Photographic Engagements. Belonging and Affective Encounters in Contemporary Photography.” Publicerad den 29 augusti 2018 Erika Larsson spikar sin avhandling Erika Larssons avhandling i konsthistoria och visuella studier, spikades 29/8 2018. Disputation äger rum 14/9 2018 kl. 10.00, i s - 2025-01-31

Lila Lee-Morrison - ny doktorand i konsthistoria och visuella studier

Lila Lee-Morrison - ny doktorand i konsthistoria och visuella studier Lila Lee-Morrison - ny doktorand i konsthistoria och visuella studier Publicerad den 12 september 2014 I moved to Malmö, Sweden from New York four years ago with my husband and 4 year year old daughter. We have since expanded to adding a small dog to our family. Since that time I have completed a Master's degree in Visual Studie - 2025-01-31

Thank you!

The Faculty of Medicine conducts research so that people, in Sweden and globally, can have a better and healthier life. We cannot make significant progress in research on our own. We rely on organisations, foundations and private individuals for their cooperation and invaluable support. Together, we help to find new solutions for global health challenges.   We would like to express our thanks to o - 2025-01-29

Christian Dahlman

Professor Contact details Email: christian [dot] dahlman [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 31Organisation Department of Law Room number: 307 Service point: 56 WebpageChristian Dahlmans profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Criminal Law Associate professor Department of Law Research coordinator Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC) Publications Displayi - 2025-01-31

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Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för Modevetenskap Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress  LUX, hus C, Helgonagatan 3, Lund Webbadress LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 1 2 Sida 2 av 5 Kurslitteratur för (MODA31) Modets historiska och kulturella sammanhang, 7,5 hp, HT 2024 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen eller motsvarande, den 15 maj 2018. Senast reviderad a - 2025-01-31