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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 12025 hits

Litteraturlista FTEA21 - HT24

Litteraturlista FTEA21 - HT24 Sida 1 av 2 Filosofiska institutionen LITTERATURLISTA HT2024 FTEA21, Teoretisk filosofi, fortsättningskurs, 30 hp Fastställd av Filosofiska institutionens studierektor 2023-10-20 Delkurs 1 – Kunskapsteori (7,5 hp) Bernecker, Sven & Dretske, Fred I.: Knowledge – Readings in Contemporary Epistemology, Oxford University Press, 2000. Olsson, Erik J: Kunskapsteori. En hist - 2025-01-12


DocHdl1OnPREADYtmpTarget 119 ORNIS SVECICA 25:119–130, 2015 Abstract Introduction This study of a population of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca breeding in nest boxes in sub- alpine birch forest habitats at Ammarnäs, northern Sweden, was carried out in 1965–1976. When the study started it was the first to explore the breed- ing biology of the Pied Flycatcher in subalpine habitats. The species - 2025-01-31

No title

Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för modevetenskap Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress  LUX, hus C, Helgonagatan 3, Lund Webbadress LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 1 2 Sida 2 av 2 Kurslitteratur för MODA 36: Mode och marknad 1 - introduktion (7,5 hp),HT 2024 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen eller motsvarande, 2021-06-08. Reviderad av kursplanegruppen, 20 - 2025-01-31

5.8 Gases

Compressed gas cylinders can pose both physical and health hazards. Gas cylinders are pressurized vessels that pose a physical hazard if the pressure is released suddenly and violently. Compressed gases also pose the health hazard of asphyxiation if their rapid expansion displaces sufficient oxygen.Gas cylinder safety guidelinesMarking doors:Doors to rooms where gas cylinders are stored must be ma - 2025-01-29

Work-life and organisation

The way work is organised affects both the individual and society at large. Good leadership is not only valuable for the organisation but also from a human perspective. The Faculty of Social Sciences conducts research on work-life and organisation. Photo: Jason Goodman, Unsplash The Faculty of Social Sciences conducts research on the role of managers and employees, the organisation of workplaces, - 2025-01-29

Ny bok: History and Speculative Fiction

Ny bok: History and Speculative Fiction Ny bok: History and Speculative Fiction Publicerad den 29 januari 2024 John Hennessey är redaktör för en antologi, History and Speculative Fiction, som är nyligen utkommen via Palgrave Macmillan. Boken är open access. Se mer information här . Om boken This open access book demonstrates that despite different epistemological starting points, history and specu - 2025-01-31

Ny bok: Womens Drug Use in Everyday Life

Ny bok: Womens Drug Use in Everyday Life Ny bok: Womens Drug Use in Everyday Life Publicerad den 27 oktober 2023 Snart finns Emma Eleonorasdotters nya bok utgiven på förlaget Palgrave Macmillan. Läs mer om boken . This open access book explores the increasing role of psychoactive substances in contemporary everyday life, focussing on women's use. Drawing on an ethnographic study in Sweden, it uses - 2025-01-31

Review of Peter Bengtsen's The Street Art World

Review of Peter Bengtsen's The Street Art World Review of Peter Bengtsen's The Street Art World Publicerad den 6 november 2015 In issue 01/2015 of Ekfrase: Nordic Journal of Visual Culture, Svein Torfinn Heddeland gives a very positive review of Peter Bengtsen's book The Street Art World (2014). Heddeland concludes that Bengtsen's book, with its solid theoretical and empirical foundation, is a wel - 2025-01-31

Estetiska regler och arkitekturkvalitet

I kapitlet diskuteras sambandet mellan estetiska regler och kvalitet i ett arkitektursammanhang. Utgångspunkt är fallstudier hämtade från den amerikanska stadbyggnadsrörelsen New Urbanism och den teori som jag utvecklade i min avhandling "Seaside, Windsor och Celebration". Viktiga huvudbegrepp är stabil och spontan kvalitet, vilka står för kvalitet som är hög/god tack vare rådande normer, respekti

Den etniska identitetens påverkan på partnerval och attraktion: Leker lika barn bäst?

Sammanfattning Studien utredde orsaken till partnerval inom den egna etniska gruppen. Judiska universitetsstuderande (n=42) jämfördes med icke-judiska svenska universitetsstuderande (n=42) och deltagarna jämfördes på variablerna ingruppsidentitet, likhet, stöd från socialt nätverk, partnerval och kollektivism. Dessutom attraktivitetsskattades personer med och utan davidsstjärna. Bäst prediktor fö

Britta Smångs

Librarian Contact details Email: britta [dot] smangs [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 39 61Organisation Geolibrary Visiting address: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Room number: 107 Service point: 16 Other affiliations Librarian Library of Science Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllConference paperOther Filter Fem år av tillgänglighet, närhet - 2025-01-31

Britta Smångs

Librarian Contact details Email: britta [dot] smangs [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 39 61Organisation Geolibrary Visiting address: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Room number: 107 Service point: 16 Other affiliations Librarian Library of Science Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllConference paperOther Filter Fem år av tillgänglighet, närhet - 2025-01-31


17 ORNIS SVECICA 18: 17–44, 2008 Abstract Introduction Three species of thrushes are common in the Scan- dinavian subalpine birch zone: Redwing Turdus iliacus, Fieldfare T. pilaris, and Song Thrush T. philomelos. Two of the species, the Redwing and the Fieldfare, have been studied within a long-term project on population dynamics in the birch and alpine zones near the village of Ammarnäs (65° 58’ - 2025-01-31

Review of Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art highlights chapter by Peter Bengtsen

Review of Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art highlights chapter by Peter Bengtsen Review of Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art highlights chapter by Peter Bengtsen Publicerad den 3 april 2017 In a recent review of the anthology Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art (2016) published in Law and Politics Book Review, G. James Daichendt emphasises Peter Bengtsen's chapter - 2025-01-31