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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11137 hits

Electric and Electric Hybrid Vehicle Technology

Electric and Electric Hybrid Vehicle Technology | Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our - 2025-01-15

Ambulanspersonals upplevelse av projektambulans för framtidens (paff) akutväska

Utifrån den information som ambulanspersonal delgivits skall de bedöma vilken medicinsk utrustning som skall medtagas till patienten. Ibland överensstämmer inte patientens verkliga vårdbehov med denna information. Utifrån detta har PAFF-bilens akutväska utvecklats, vilken är en komponent i Projektambulans för framtidens (PAFF). En kvalitativ studie genomfördes för att belysa ambulanspersonals uppl

Den ryska pianoskolan i Sverige - En studie av rysk pianometodik i en svensk musikpedagogisk kontext

English title: The Russian Piano Method, a study of Russian piano methods in a Swedish pedagogical context Author: Louise Persson The purpose of this study is to examine how Russian piano teachers work with their students in Sweden. The study is primarily based upon interviews with three piano teachers who are working within Swedish voluntary music education, which allowed me to learn their though

Classical Guitar and Playing-Related Musculoskeletal Problems - A Systematic Review

Traditional classical guitar playing position — using a footstool for the left foot to elevate the leg — is considered by some guitar pedagogues to be an important risk factor for developing Playing-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PRMD) among guitarists; alternative supports for the classical guitar have emerged in the past three decades as a putatively more healthy method of sitting with the i

Mhm repertoarlista instrumental

REPERTOARLISTA | REPERTOIRE LIST Instrumentalstudier / Instrumental studies Instrument: Födelseår | Year of birth: Klassiska instrumentalister ska i vissa fall ange ett antal fritt valda stycken. Ev. obligatoriskt stycke kan i vissa fall ingå bland dessa. Vänligen se bifogad provinformation och fyll i denna repertoarlista utefter de anvisningar som ges i informationen. Skicka repertoar- listan och - 2025-01-17

Master minutes 2020-6

STYR 2020/1972 MINUTES 6:2020 2020-11-19 LUND UNIVERSITY Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Psychology Management Group of the Master of Science Programme in Psychology ',C Participants Elia Psouni Programme Director, Chairing Roger Johansson Programme Director Geoffrey Patching Member Linn Petersdotter Student Representative Mikael Johansson Member Roger Persson Member Åsa Arvidsson Program - 2025-01-17

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: Developing multifunctional landscapes - how can biosphere reserves contribute?

29 January 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Storkriket. Bild: Lunds kommun. The managers of the future biosphere reserve, Storkriket, and Sweden's oldest biosphere reserve, Kristianstads Vattenrike, will take us on a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges of developing a sustainable and multifunctional society at the landscape level. The lecture is a collaboration between LU Land and th - 2025-01-15

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: Developing multifunctional landscapes - how can biosphere reserves contribute?

29 January 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Storkriket. Bild: Lunds kommun. The managers of the future biosphere reserve, Storkriket, and Sweden's oldest biosphere reserve, Kristianstads Vattenrike, will take us on a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges of developing a sustainable and multifunctional society at the landscape level. The lecture is a collaboration between LU Land and th - 2025-01-15

LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes: Developing multifunctional landscapes - how can biosphere reserves contribute?

29 January 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Storkriket. Bild: Lunds kommun. The managers of the future biosphere reserve, Storkriket, and Sweden's oldest biosphere reserve, Kristianstads Vattenrike, will take us on a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges of developing a sustainable and multifunctional society at the landscape level. The lecture is a collaboration between LU Land and th - 2025-01-16

2023 HT_LP1 FMNN25 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH

2023 HT_LP1 FMNN25 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMNN25 Basic facts Course name Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy Course code FMNN25 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202324 Study period the course was finishedHT_LP1 Programme all Registrated students 60 Number answers and response rate 17 / 28 % Number answers from males 12 Number an - 2025-01-17