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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 9818 hits

Morten Kjaerum

Profile area member Contact details Email: morten [dot] kjaerum [at] rwi [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation LU Profile Area: Human rights WebpageMorten Kjaerums profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Expert Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterJournal a - 2025-03-09

Marianne Hall

Research coordinator Contact details Email: marianne [dot] hall [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se Mobile: +46 73 046 16 73Organisation Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC) Visiting address: Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37, Lund Room number: D 342 Service point: 50 WebpageMarianne Halls profile in Lund University research portalI am research coordinator at CEC with focus on research initiation a - 2025-03-09

Spirit of Christ Inculturated- A Theological Theme Implicit in Shusaku Endo's Literary Works

Popular Abstract in Swedish Shusaku Endo (1923-1960) är en romersk-katolsk, japansk romanförfattare. Från 1950-1953 studerade han fransk litteratur I Lyon, Frankrike. När han återvänt från Lyon, började Endo en karriär som författare. Hans tidiga verk omfattar bl a White Men, Yellow Men (1954) Wonderful Fool (1959), The Women in the Bible (1960),Foreign Studies (1965). Denna studie analyserar hanShusaku Endo (1923-1996) is a Roman Catholic, Japanese novelist. From 1950 to 1953, he studied French literature in Lyon, France. Returning from Lyon, Endo began his career as a novelist. His early works include: White Men, Yellow Men(1954), A Wonderful Fool(1959), The Women in the Bible(1960), Foreign Studies(1965), etc. The present study analyses his work from the perspective of the inculturati

HUMRA form vers. 1 2021

Version 4 (October 2015) Document name:       Reference number /version (optional):       Risk assessment form for blood and other human sample materials (HUMRA) Date (year-month- day):       · This form should be used for identification and characterization of risks involved in working with human (and monkey) blood and any other sample material, including primary cell cultures of human origin. · - 2025-03-08

Academic papers and theses - to write and present and to act as an opponent

An educational method that is becoming all the more common at colleges and universities is that of the seminar. In the seminar, students write academic papers and reports, present them, and act as opponents on each other’s work. The book covers all the sections that are normally included in the seminar. The learning environment of the seminar is based on a scientific way of thinking and on scienti

Forskaren har ordet: Lärdomar från ett projekt

Rapport från ett treårigt projekt (2011-2013) om församlingsdiakoni och frivillighet i Norrlands inland. Kapitlet innehåller följeforskarens summering av iakttagelser och lärdomar lärdomar från projektet att sprida vidare inom Svenska kyrkan.

English language and linguistics research seminar: Christine Howes, Gothenburg University: Making co

English language and linguistics research seminar: Christine Howes, Gothenburg University: Making conversation: Managing mismatches in dialogue | Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna 19 mar English language and linguistics research seminar: Christine Howes, Gothenburg University: Making conversation: Managing mismatches in dialogue 19 mars 2025 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium abstract to appear De - 2025-03-08

Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science

Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science By Caroline Cabot - Published 31 October 2023 Welcome to take part in an Open lecture series within Lärosäten Syd: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science.No registrat - 2025-03-07

No title

CSS Conference 2017 Rethinking Scandinavia, June 14-17, 2017 (list of lectures and presentations) Einar Hansen-lecture 2017 Anne-Marie Mai, Syddansk Universitet "Litteraturens mange køn – om nordisk kvindelitteratur i de første tiår af det 21. århundrede" Keynote Speakers Jun 17, 2017 Mads Bunch, Københavns Universitet "Unveiling the Human Condition: Scandinavian Radicalism 1870-2017" Jun 16, 2017 - 2025-03-08

Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science

Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science By Caroline Cabot - Published 31 October 2023 Welcome to take part in an Open lecture series within Lärosäten Syd: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science.No registrat - 2025-03-09

No title

RHI A24 Litteraturlista Litteraturlistan gäller ett (1) år efter avslutat kurstillfälle Humaniora och teo log i Centrum fö r teo log i och re l ig ionsvetenskap Litteraturlista för RHI A24 Religionshistoria: Asiens religioner och nyandlighet, 7,5 hp, HT 2024 fastställd av studierektor 2024-06-28 Carrette, Jeremy R., och King, Richard (2005). Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion. L - 2025-01-28

Anna Tegunimataka

Head of department Contact details Email: anna [dot] tegunimataka [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 04 98Organisation Department of Economic History Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, Lund Room number: Alfa 1:2022 Service point: 10 WebpageAnna Tegunimatakas profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer Economic demography Profile area member LU Pr - 2025-03-09

Anna Tegunimataka

Head of the Department of Economic History, Senior lecturer Contact details Email: anna [dot] tegunimataka [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 04 98Organisation Department of Economic History Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15B, Alfa 1, Lund Room number: Alfa 1:2022 Service point: 10 WebpageAnna Tegunimatakas profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer Econ - 2025-03-09