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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11913 hits


Night Rest during Nestling Period in Four Passerine Species under Subarctic Summer Conditions INGVAR LENNERSTEDT Lennerstedt, I. Night Rest during Nestling Period in Four Passerine Species under Subarctic Summer Conditions. Ornis Scand. 4, 17-23, 1973. Night rest during nestling period was studied by observations from a hide-out and by an automatic recorder for a total of 42 nights under subarctic - 2025-03-06


1     A   Lund   B   Billebjer   C   Vombs  meadows   D   Rövarekulan   E   Fulltofta   F   Breanäs   Breanäs  Field  Guide  2017   Student  Name:  _______________   2       Air  photo  Lund  2008 3 Population  density       Individuals/km2   9/7/13 11:39 AM Page 1 of 1äthetKommunvis2007.svg >1000 ≥500 ≥250 ≥100 ≥50 ≥10 ≥1 <1 4 Land - 2025-03-06

Ph.D. thesis

Ph.D. thesis Department of Immunotechnology Lund University PROTEIN MICROARRAYS BASED ON SINGLE FRAMEWORK RECOMBINANT ANTIBODY FRAGMENTS (SINFABS) CATCHER AND CARRIER – A CRUCIAL COMBINATION Cornelia Steinhauer ACADEMIC DISSERTATION submitted to the Technical Faculty of Lund University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ENGINEERING. The public defe - 2025-03-03

No title

33 An unexpected gap with unexpected restrictions Subject deletion in a south-west Swedish dialect∗ Katarina Lundin Lund University Abstract The aim of this article is to propose a syntactic analysis of a dialectal con- struction systematically displaying deletion of the subject, found in spoken south-west Swedish. The deletion appears in certain interrogative subordi- nated clauses and relative c - 2025-03-03

Stefan Östersjö

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: stefan [dot] ostersjo [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 32 54 20Organisation Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music) WebpageStefan Östersjös profile in Lund University research portalAssociate Professor of Artistic Research in MusicDr. Stefan Östersjö is a leading classical guitarist. Since his debut CD (Swedish Grammy in 1997) he has recorded extensively an - 2025-03-06

Lpr1204 0

Factorial dimensions obtained from the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) in women with Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa as related to clinical characteristics, cluster subgroups and signs in Lund Psychological Reports Volume 12, No. 4, 2012 Factorial dimensions obtained with the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Karolinska Scales of Personality - 2025-03-06


C:/Documents and Settings/Robert/Skrivbord/Exjobb/Exjobb/ExjobbTex.dvi An Isomer Study of the Nucleus 54Ni Preparations, Simulations, and First Results Master of Science Thesis Robert Hoischen Supervisor: Dr. Dirk Rudolph Department of Physics Nuclear Structure Group Lund University 2006 2 Contents 1 Introduction 5 2 Physical Background 7 2.1 Mirror Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2025-03-06

No title

Master’s Dissertation Engineering Acoustics FANNY SANDBERG Report TV BA -5049 FA N N Y SA N D BERG IN V ESTIG A TIO N O F IM PA C T SO U N D B EH A V IO U R IN LIG H TW EIG H T FLO O R C O N STR U C TIO N S INVESTIGATION OF IMPACT SOUND BEHAVIOUR IN LIGHTWEIGHT FLOOR CONSTRUCTIONS A Market Survey and Finite Element Analysis TVBA-5049HO.indd 1TVBA-5049HO.indd 1 2016-10-13 12:30:042016-10-13 12:30:0 - 2025-03-03

2021 HT_LP2 FMSN65 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH

2021 HT_LP2 FMSN65 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMSN65 Basic facts Course name Quantitative Risk Management Using Copulas Course code FMSN65 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202122 Study period the course was finishedHT_LP2 Programme all Registrated students 13 Number answers and response rate 3 / 23 % Number answers from males 2 Number answers from female - 2025-03-03

Microsoft Word - Strategic plan for research and third-cycle education at SOL, 2022–2027.docx

Microsoft Word - Strategic plan for research and third-cycle education at SOL, 2022–2027.docx Strategic plan for research and third-cycle education at SOL, 2022–2027 The Centre for Languages and Literature (SOL) is Sweden’s largest university institution for education and research in languages, linguistics, general literary studies and area studies. About 100 researchers and about 100 doctoral stu - 2025-03-03


SYFTE Waste Management Handbook Document title Applies to Reg. no Page Waste Management Handbook Lund University V 2016-370 2 (69) Prepared by Environmental Coordinator Approved by Environmental Manager Edition 1 Date 2017-02-10 CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 About this waste management - 2025-03-06

Curriculum Vitae 202108

Curriculum Vitae Professor, AGNES Saga Kristina Andersson Djurfeldt Department of Human Geography, Lund University Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden Office phone: +46 46 2228423 Date of birth : September 14, 1973. Marital status : Married. Two children born 2002 and 2004. Education Bachelor of Social Science , 1995, Lund University, Human Geography Master of - 2025-03-06

Curriculum Vitae 202108

1 Curriculum Vitae Professor, AGNES Saga Kristina Andersson Djurfeldt Department of Human Geography, Lund University Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden Office phone: +46 46 2228423 Date of birth: September 14, 1973. Marital status: Married. Two children born 2002 and 2004. Education Bachelor of Social Science, 1995, Lund University, Human Geography Master of - 2025-03-06

Kalen christer

Forests, Acidijication and the Socio-Economic Cost - Estimating damage- and mitigation eos t offorest soil acidifieation by Christer Kalen LUND UNIVERSITY Lund University Master's Programme in Environmental Science Honours Thesis Christer Kalen, Kulgränden lIC, 226 49 Lund, 046-2229295, 046-132415 Supervisor: Bengt Nihlgård Department of Plant Ecology Lund University - 2025-03-06


MRSK62_Litteraturlista_VT25 Litteraturlista MRSK62 Litteraturlista för MRSK62, MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETSSTUDIER, kandidatkurs, 30 högskolepoäng fastställd av historiska institutionens styrelse 2024-11-15. Delkurs 1 Brownlee, Kimberley, David Jenkins & Adam Neal (red.) (2022). Being Social: The Philosophy of Social Human Rights, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Online ISBN: 9780191914201. Print ISBN: 97 - 2025-03-04

Svenska begränsningsartiklar i en EU-rättslig kontext - Om begränsningsartiklar i svenska dubbelbeskattningsavtal är förenliga med de grundläggande friheterna i EU.

Den ökade globaliseringen och världshandeln har medfört att skatteavtal blivit viktigare. Då skatteavtalen har fått en mer central roll har även avtalsmissbruk blivit vanligare. Skatteavtal är folkrättsliga avtal som ingås mellan två eller fler stater och syftar till att förena staternas skattesystem, underlätta beskattningen för personer och myndigheter samt undvika internationell dubbelbeskattniThe increase in globalization and world trade has meant that tax treaties have become more important. As tax treaties have taken on a more central role, treaty abuse has also become more common. Tax treaties are agreements under international treaty law concluded between two or more states with the aim of unifying their tax systems, facilitating the taxation of persons and authorities, and avoidin

Jacobsson et al 2024

Untitled WHO’S THE REAL FEMINIST? FEMINIST DISCURSIVE BOUNDARY MAKING IN THE CONTEXT OF ANTI-GENDER CAMPAIGNS* Kerstin Jacobsson, Eva Karlberg, Elżbieta Korolczuk, and Anna Meeuwisse† In recent years, there has been a wave of opposition to feminism, gender equality, and minority rights in various national and international contexts. While there is a growing number of works that examine anti-gender - 2025-03-06

MSB State of the Art

Countering Hostile Influence - the State of the Art RESEARCH REPORT Countering Information Influence Activities The State of the Art 2 Countering Information Influence Activities: The State of the Art, version 1.4 (1 July 2018) James Pamment, Howard Nothhaft, Henrik Agardh-Twetman, Alicia Fjällhed Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University MSB’s points of contact: Fredrik Konnander Pub - 2025-03-06

CogSem Seminar: "Gestures from the Hollow: The Evocation of Images Through Desire" (Samuel Nyholm, H

CogSem Seminar: "Gestures from the Hollow: The Evocation of Images Through Desire" (Samuel Nyholm, HfK Bremen) | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 23 jan CogSem Seminar: "Gestures from the Hollow: The Evocation of Images Through Desire" (Samuel Nyholm, HfK Bremen) 23 januari 2025 15:00 till 17:00 Seminarium We are happy to have our first seminar for 2025 given on site by Samuel Nyholm, a cartoonist, an - 2025-01-24