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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11878 hits
Cecilia Fredriksson
Professor Contact details Email: cecilia [dot] fredriksson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 42 35 66 42Organisation Department of Service Studies Room number: E323 WebpageCecilia Fredrikssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher Centre for Retail Research at Lund UniversityCecilia Fredriksson is a professor. Her main fields of research are consump - 2025-03-07
Seminarprogram animalturn2014
Exploring the Animal Turn Changing Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture THE PUFENDORF INSTITUTE LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 PUBLIC SEMINARS ALL SEMINARS HELD AT THE PUFENDORF INSTITUTE, BISKOPSGATAN 3, LUND Spring 2014 28 JANUARY, 13-15 Claire Molloy (Department of Media, Edge Hill University) The animal-industrial complex and - 2025-03-06
Seminarprogram animalturn 1
Exploring the Animal Turn Changing Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture THE PUFENDORF INSTITUTE LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 PUBLIC SEMINARS ALL SEMINARS HELD AT THE PUFENDORF INSTITUTE, BISKOPSGATAN 3, LUND Spring 2014 28 JANUARY, 13-15 Claire Molloy (Department of Media, Edge Hill University) The animal-industrial complex and - 2025-03-06
Sandblomdagen – Vetenskap och Hälsa - 2025-01-29
Kurslitteratur mven16 ht15
Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT15_2nov15 Kurslitteratur MVEN16, HT15 2015-11-02 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT15 OBS! Fler artiklar, rapporter o.dyl. kan tillkomma under kursens gång. Kursböcker Boyce, T., Lewis, J. (eds.) (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (261 sid). (OBS! Svårtillgänglig; utvalda kapitel tillhandahålles) Bulkeley, H. and P. Newell ( - 2025-03-06
Att utbilda framtiden - En teoretisk fallstudie av den svenska skolans värdegrund och att utbilda kritiskt tänkande medborgare
The aim of this essay is to cast new light on citizenship education in the context of Swedish educational policy. The Swedish educational policy is based on a set of core values which should be stated by everyone that is active in the school. One purpose of education within this system is to develop the student’s capacity to critically reflect upon values and ideas presented to them. The analysis
Kurslitteratur mven16 ht17 20okt17
Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT17_20okt17 Kurslitteratur MVEN16 2017-10-20 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT17 OBS! Preliminär lista över kurslitteratur – vissa artiklar kan ändras/tillkomma! Kursböcker Boyce, T. and Lewis, J., eds. (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (OBS! om svårtillgänglig, tillhandahålles utvalda kapitel under kursens gång) Bulkeley, - 2025-03-06
Kurslitteratur mven16 ht17 prel
Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT17_2okt17 Kurslitteratur MVEN16 2017-10-02 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT17 OBS! Preliminär lista över kurslitteratur – vissa artiklar kan ändras/tillkomma! Kursböcker Boyce, T. and Lewis, J., eds. (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (OBS! om svårtillgänglig, tillhandahålles utvalda kapitel under kursens gång) Bulkeley, H - 2025-03-06
Niklas Sandell
Senior lecturer Contact details Email: niklas [dot] sandell [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 78 37Organisation Accounting and Corporate Finance Room number: Alfa1:3106 Service point: 10 WebpageNiklas Sandells profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference paperDissertationJourn - 2025-03-07
Ekonomi och samhälle: Kolonialism och förändring i Afrika, Asien och Latinamerika
The course considers the roots of contemporary development problems from a long run perspective. Emphasis is placed upon economic change in the south during the period 1500-1945. The course adopts a comparative approach by drawing upon the varying experiences of a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin American. Contemporary development issues are placed in the context of historical processThe course considers the roots of contemporary development problems from a long run perspective. Emphasis is placed upon economic change in the south during the period 1500-1945. The course adopts a comparative approach by drawing upon the varying experiences of a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin American. Contemporary development issues are placed in the context of historical process
Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskaplig metodologi
The study of media, communication and culture has a rich tradition in various methodological positions in the social sciences and humanities. This course critically evaluates established methodological perspectives on research methods in the study of media in society and culture. The course is structured according to a critical reading of dominant methodological and epistemological perspectives oThe study of media, communication and culture has a rich tradition in various methodological positions in the social sciences and humanities. This course critically evaluates established methodological perspectives on research methods in the study of media in society and culture. The course is structured according to a critical reading of dominant methodological and epistemological perspectives o
”Jag trodde att det var för bra för att vara sant” – Vetenskap och Hälsa
Ekonomi och samhälle: Europa och Atlantekonomins framväxt ca 1000-1890
The course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various wThe course discusses the economic history of pre-modern Europe (c. 1000-1890). At the beginning of this period, Europe, after centuries of stagnation, gradually began to develop, first in the Italian city-states and the Mediterranean. After 1500, when the Europeans arrived in the Americas the centre of gravity moved to the Atlantic coastline and North Sea region. The course discusses the various w
Ekonomi och samhälle: Ekonomisk tillväxt i det moderna Europa, Nordamerika och OECD-klubben
This course applies a long run comparative, institutional and structural perspective and considers alternative aspects of economic and social sustainability. The course begins by providing a background to the prewar economy in the North through a summary of the relevant macroeconomic history from the second industrial revolution through the intra war period. Beginning with the 1940s, it analyses cThis course applies a long run comparative, institutional and structural perspective and considers alternative aspects of economic and social sustainability. The course begins by providing a background to the prewar economy in the North through a summary of the relevant macroeconomic history from the second industrial revolution through the intra war period. Beginning with the 1940s, it analyses c
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International Conference "From Migration to Postmigrant Society: Memory, Identity and Social Inclusi
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Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för musikvetenskap Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress LUX, hus C, Helgonagatan 3, Lund Webbadress LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 2 2 Sida 3 av 2 Kurslitteratur för MUV A61 Musikvetenskap: Musikproduktion, grundkurs, 30 hp HT 2024 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen eller motsvarande, 20180612. Reviderad av kursplanegruppe - 2025-01-28