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Sanktioner eller incitament? - Om EU:s möjligheter att få dess medlemsstater att agera enligt de gemensamma reglerna

How does the European Union ensure member state compliance? And why doesn?t it seem to function on the area of the Common European Asylum Politics? Several reports have the past few years alerted the European Union of possible violations of the rights of refugees in Greece, violations that are in direct conflict with several key regulations and directives, such as the Dublin Regulation. The Europe

Grön ekonomi - att uppnå de globala målen

The aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features examThe aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features exam

Fysik: Miljömätteknik

På kursen presenteras olika luftkvalitets- eller arbetsmiljöproblem och deras miljö- och hälsoeffekter. Vi går igenom olika typiska mätsituationer, flerfasproblematik speciellt vid luftföroreningsstudier, fysikaliska och kemiska processer vid luftföroreningar, och olika fysikaliska och kemiska mät- och analysmetoder för miljöfrågeställningar. Kursen omfattar föreläsningar, laborationer,The course contains insights into measurement technology for environmental analysis, especially on air quality. It learns students to recognize environmental problems, and find solutions to the problems at hand. Data analysis of environmental data in a project work is central to the course, as well as a lab prepared and invented by the students themselves, trying to solve their own preconceived en

Europeisk affärsrätt - Konkurrera i Europa

General information The European Union is one of the world's largest and most important economies. To optimize the understanding of its functions, our courses in European Business Law are now available both as stand-alone courses and as a course package! This course is the third of three courses given within this area. The course is given as a web-based independent course and includes five (5) cr

Handelsrätt: Företagsbeskattning och hållbarhet

The course Corporate Taxation and Sustainability is an undergraduate course which provides the students with an overview of the area, and knowledge about relevant regulations and policies. This is a digital, distance course consisting of a large number of video lectures, quizzes and the writing of an individual paper. Thus, students have a significant degree of discretion in how to structure theirThe course Corporate Taxation and Sustainability is an undergraduate course which provides the students with an overview of the area, and knowledge about relevant regulations and policies. This is a digital, distance course consisting of a large number of video lectures, quizzes and the writing of an individual paper. Thus, students have a significant degree of discretion in how to structure their

Matematik 2, fortsättningsnivå, 31-60 hp (för blivande lärare i matematik)

Kurspaket Matematik 2, 30 hp, består av följande fyra kurser som ges på halvfart under kommande vårtermin: MATB21 Flervariabelanalys 1, 7,5 hp MATB23 Flervariabelanalys 2, 7,5 hp MATB32 Lineär algebra, 7,5 hp MATB33 Introduktion till högre analys, 7,5 hp Kurserna utgör den andra terminens studier i matematik vid naturvetenskapliga fakultetens avdelning för matematik och samläses med studenteThe course package Mathematics 2, 30 credits, consists of the following four courses that are given at half study-pace during the upcoming spring term:  MATB21 Analysis in Several Variables 1, 7.5 credits MATB23 Analysis in Several Variables 2, 7.5 credits MATB32 Linear Algebra, 7.5 credits MATB33 Introduktion to Higher Analysis, 7.5 credits The courses constitute the second semester's