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Your search for "Svenska kyrkan" yielded 922 hits

Framtidens gudstjänst? : Kyrkohandboksförslaget granskat

This volume 89 of the Yearbook for Swedish Liturgical Life is dedicated to the 2013 proposal for a new Kyrkohandbok for the Church of Sweden. It includes articles by Thomas Appelqvist, Eva Hættner Aurelius, Ingrid Dahlström, Ragnar Holte, Frank C. Senn, Bernice Sundkvist and Anna Maria Böckerman. All articles are in Swedish with summary in English except for Frank Senn's article, which is in Engli

På jakt efter en nådig Gud

The purpose of this research is to identify how God’s actions are talked about in sermons in the Church of Sweden and how this is perceived by the listeners. The research questions that guide this study are: How do priests in the Church of Sweden in the diocese of Lund talk about God in their sermons? And how is this perceived by the participants in the Sunday service? To answer these questio

Se vår längtan att få leva helt : om hur upplevelser av att drabbas av andras synd påverkar upplevelser av gudstjänst

Every Sunday we have the opportunity to visit a service in the Church of Sweden, to confess our sins and to hear that we are forgiven. But we human beings are not just sinners, we are also sinned-against. Therefore I have written this master’s thesis on how experiences of being sinned against affect experiences of worship, or more specifically experiences of the main Sunday service with Eucharist

Queer Gud i traditionell gudstjänst

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the theological discussion of heteronormative structures in the Church of Sweden. Specifically, the purpose is to examine how the Trinity is described in the High Mass in the proposal for the Book of Worship of the Church of Sweden, from a queer theological perspective. The questions asked are: What patriarchal and heteronormative structures exist in the

Institutionaliseringen av en kallelse - framväxten av en yrkeskår

I det här kapitlet spelar diakonen Nestor Sundins beskrivning av sin tid som "ödemarksdiakon" under 1920-talet en viktig roll. Detta material kompletteras av diakonissan Inga-Karin Olssons mer kortfattade rapport till sin uppdragsgivare, Diakonirådet i Nyköping från1961. Efter en historisk bakgrund och en nulägesbeskrivning av gruppen diakoner relateras detta till professionsteori.