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Your search for "Svenska kyrkan" yielded 922 hits
Från restriktioner till konkurrensutsättning
Handlingsutrymmet för kyrkans sociala engagemang har sett olika ut i olika tider, för att de senare decennierna öka i takt med att legala restriktioner minskat eller försvunnit. Relationen till staten har varit en styrande faktor för detta. I en omvärld alltmer präglad av marknadsvillkor och välfärdspluralism ställs nya krav. Ett sådant är att församlingar tydligare behöver artikulera vad de vill
Mission i Svenska kyrkan - Förståelsen av mission som begrepp i den samtida debatten i Kyrkans Tidning
This essay examines the contemporary concept of mission in the Church of Sweden, by analyzing material from the years 2012 and 2013 published in the magazine Kyrkans Tidning. The concept of mission differs, both among the world’s Christian population and among members of the academic world. For such a diversity to be fruitful and for the communication among those who use the mission concept to be
Låga trösklar och högt till tak: en studie av Svenska Kyrkans identitet och image
Bäst att va präst? - Svenska kyrkans rättsliga särställning ur ett historiskt perspektiv
Sverige rankas idag allt som oftast som ett av världens mest sekulariserade länder. Vägen hit har dock inneburit en av de mest omfattande reformerna i modern tid. Genom religionsfrihetslagen år 1951 tillförsäkrades var och en rätten att fritt utöva sin religion och med anledning av detta påbörjades ett närmare 50 år långt utredningsarbete i syfte att klarlägga framtiden för samarbetet mellan stateSweden is consistently seen as being one of the most secularized countries in the world. Achieving this status, however, has required one of the most extensive reforms in modern time. With the enactment of the 1951 law for religious freedom every person was granted the right to freely express their religious beliefs, and due to this a nearly 50 year long investigation begun with the intent of clar
Undersökning av den otillfredställda psykosociala arbetsmiljön i en del av en församling inom Svenska kyrkan
This paper examined the psychosocial work environment in a part of a parish within the Swedish Church. The study was qualitative and data were collected through six individual semi- structured interviews involving the following six themes; purposes, structure, relationships, rewards, leadership and helpful mechanisms. The study revealed several areas in the psychosocial work environment that can b
Fattigvård, diakoni och välfärdstjänster - från restriktioner till konkurrensutsättning
The Church has been a dominant actor in the history of care and social support, but it met several restrictions during the 20th Century. The Church of Sweden now has,since the separation from the state A.D. 2000, the possibility to act as a "welfare entrepreneur". But the willingness to do so seems limited. Even if innovative examples are seen the parishes hesitate for organisational and ideologicThe Church has been a dominant actor in the history of care and social support, but it met several restrictions during the 20th Century. The Church of Sweden now has,since the separation from the state A.D. 2000, the possibility to act as a "welfare entrepreneur". But the willingness to do so seems limited. Even if innovative examples are seen the parishes hesitate for organisational and ideologic
Från välfärdsstat till välfärdsmix, från statskyrka till civilsamhällesaktör
Nattvardsdryckens beskaffenhet - En debatt inom Svenska kyrkan
The Church of Sweden has during the 1980s and in 2010 discussed the contents of the communion drink. The debate has been taken up in Church of Sweden’s supreme body, the General Synod, where members have presented several suggestions for changes the opinion of the communion drink. Initially, members wanted to increase information to parishes about using alcohol-free alternatives instead of wines w
Den gudstjänstfirande församlingen i Svenska kyrkan
Diakoners handlingsutrymme i samband med utdelning av matkassar - En kvalitativ studie
The aim of this study was to investigate how deacons describe their discretion when distributing food. Six deacons who work in The Church of Sweden in diocese of Lund were interviewed regarding guidelines they work by, expectations they experience of the deacons and how they reason about the decisions to grant or reject a food bag. The method was based on a qualitative approach with semi-structure
Den heliga leken. Om lekkyrkan som en väg till gudstjänstfirande för barn i Svenska kyrkan idag
In 1915 Maria Montessori and Anna Maccheroni built the first Children’s Chapel in Barcelona. Everything in the chapel was in the right size and height for a child. In this chapel the children learnt liturgy and prepeard themselves for the life in the Church through doing. In 2003 the first Swedish play church was built at Kastlösa Stiftsgård on the initiative of Karin Uddling. She had studied Mon
Religionsfrihet som en mänsklig rättighet - Svenska kyrkans syn på religionsfrihet i samband med kyrkans skiljande från staten
Ett lingvistiskt perspektiv på det liturgiska språket
Det sköna och det goda - Om vägar till Guds rike hos de tidiga romantikerna
In the Lutheran tradition, of which the Church of Sweden is part, the spoken and written word often gets an automatic priority over the experience and perception of artistic expression. As a result, the discourse on the role of aesthetics in liturgical formation has come second to the ongoing discussion about the linguistic and semantic meaning of texts. This thesis wants to contribute to a renewe
Svenskkyrklig ecklesiologi : i mötet med Svenska Missionskyrkan
The purpose of this essay is to shed light upon the ecumenical work that has been done between the Church of Sweden and the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden. The recent years of work have led to a recommendation for a certain degree of fellowship to be established between those churches. This proposal as well as other documents are analysed in the essay from an ecclesio-logical point of view, to
Man måste förstå : Talar ungdomar och Svenska kyrkan samma språk?
Is the language and terminology used in the Church of Sweden understandable to young people? Many scientists have investigated the religiosity of youth and the liturgical language, but there is no completed study on the relationship between the language that young people use in discussions about existential issues and the language of the representatives of the Church of Sweden. This study examine
Fyra kyrkoherdar: ledarskap med människosyn som grund och redskap
Anledningen till att vi antar att kyrkoherdarna har en starkare värdegrund än ledare i privat och offentliga organisationer grundar sig i ett personligt engagemang. Vi brinner för frågor angående ledarskapsutveckling, en vilja till förståelse och en förändring till att få ledare att helt enkelt växa som ledare. Vår utgångspunkt ligger i ett antagande att kyrkoherdar har ett starkt värdesystem och
"Oss kristna till att äta och dricka" - Teologiska och pastorala perspektiv på nattvardselementens beskaffenhet i Svenska kyrkan
The Eucharist is one of the central rites according to the beliefs of the Christian Church and one of two sacraments in the Lutheran tradition. The purpose of this essay is to inquire into the possibility of creating a eucharistic table within the Church of Sweden where no one is excluded becauce of personal restrictions such as allergy to the communion elements. Through this essay I have done a c
Svenska kyrkans studentprästverksamhet
The Church of Sweden is the largest church in Sweden and has according to its Church Ordinance a diaconal responsibility for everyone who stays in the parish, including students and employees at the universities. It is hard to see that this responsibility is fulfilled. This thesis deals with concerns about the student chaplains in Sweden. I attempt to answer the questions "how do the student