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Your search for "Svenska kyrkan" yielded 922 hits

Fyra kyrkoherdar: ledarskap med människosyn som grund och redskap

Anledningen till att vi antar att kyrkoherdarna har en starkare värdegrund än ledare i privat och offentliga organisationer grundar sig i ett personligt engagemang. Vi brinner för frågor angående ledarskapsutveckling, en vilja till förståelse och en förändring till att få ledare att helt enkelt växa som ledare. Vår utgångspunkt ligger i ett antagande att kyrkoherdar har ett starkt värdesystem och

"Oss kristna till att äta och dricka" - Teologiska och pastorala perspektiv på nattvardselementens beskaffenhet i Svenska kyrkan

The Eucharist is one of the central rites according to the beliefs of the Christian Church and one of two sacraments in the Lutheran tradition. The purpose of this essay is to inquire into the possibility of creating a eucharistic table within the Church of Sweden where no one is excluded becauce of personal restrictions such as allergy to the communion elements. Through this essay I have done a c

Svenska kyrkans studentprästverksamhet

The Church of Sweden is the largest church in Sweden and has according to its Church Ordinance a diaconal responsibility for everyone who stays in the parish, including students and employees at the universities. It is hard to see that this responsibility is fulfilled. This thesis deals with concerns about the student chaplains in Sweden. I attempt to answer the questions "how do the student

Kyrkan som välfärdsaktör

Abstract The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the church’s social work, with socially vulnerable individuals, in a municipality in the southern part of Sweden. The church of Sweden has a history of social work because it was a state church until 2000. Since the separation it has been defined as any other faith-communities. Therefore this study includes other faith-communities within

Diakonens roll - Att arbeta med existentiell hälsa ur ett diakonalt perspektiv

Deacons within the Church of Sweden are in modern days representants from the Christian practise but also a significant partner to face existential needs within the Swedish welfare system. The aim of this thesis was therefore to analyze how deacons within The Church of Sweden view and resonate about their role in meeting possibilities and difficulties when facing existential needs in their form of

Svenska kyrkans anpassning till ett "sekulariserat" samhälle i kris - ett förändrat klimat?

This essay analyses the three climate documents published by the Swedish Council of the Bishops between 1989 and 2019. The documents are analysed from a sociological perspective on religion that focuses on the Church of Sweden's role from a crisis perspective in a secularised society. My interest in this subject is based on the common perception that Sweden is the most secular country in the w

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At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 March 2024     This is the fifth newsletter for the  At the End of the World research program, housed at Lund University. It is the first from our second year of activity. If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve been subscribed to our mailing list. Below, we’ll fill you in on some upcoming events for the spring of 2024, and also what we've been u - 2025-03-09

Dialog eller styrning? Om relationen mellan staten och de idéburna organsationerna, med särskilt fokus på Överenskommelsen och Svenska kyrkan.

Dialogue or governance? The relationship between the state and the voluntary organizations, with particular focus on Överenskommelsen (the compact) and the Church of Sweden Government-voluntary sector compacts have emerged in the recent years, as a nonprofit policy practice in many industrialized countries. The compact – in Sweden signed by the government in 2008 – is by some researchers regarded

Utbrändhet bland präster i Svenska kyrkan

This paper focuses on the connection between priests in the Church of Sweden and the psychological condition of burnout. There is evidence that shows that as a society goes through major changes there is an increase of burnout-related issues and problems. Personal factors for this state include stress induced by work – or family situations as well as genetics and personality. In Sweden, women are

Hur kan rytmikpedagogiken berika verksamheterna inom Svenska Kyrkan? - En kvalitativ studie av fyra pedagogers erfarenheter, reflektioner och visioner av rytmik i Svenska Kyrkan.

Title: How can eurhythmics enrich the activities of Church of Sweden? A qualitative study of four pedagogues experiences, reflections and visions of Eurhythmics in the Church of Sweden. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how eurhythmics can enrich the activities in the work of the Church of Sweden and to study the eurhythmics activities in four different church communities. In the theory

Teologisering i predikan : Vad det är och hur det skedde i Svenska kyrkan år 2020

Every Sunday, sermons are delivered in over a thousand churches within the Church of Sweden. In each of them, theology is not just applied but also ”done”, or formulated. Using the concept of “theologizing” and building on theories from two professors in homiletics, David Schnasa Jacobsen and Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, this thesis empirically investigates in what ways preachers in the Lutheran Church

Förbereda sig för att fira gudstjänst -men hur? : En undersökning av från 1986 års kyrkohandbok avvikande beredelsemoment

In this essay I examine how in seven different congregations that belong to the Church of Sweden the preparatory office is formulated in ways that differ from the form that is prescribed in the current service-book of the Church of Sweden. My purpose is to examine how and why the congregations have chosen these alternative preparatory offices. This I have tried to find out by reading the written i