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Your search for "Svenska kyrkan" yielded 922 hits
Att kommunicera religion
Today, Sweden is a secular and individualistic society. Communication is therefore a great challenge for religious organizations. With a social constructionist approach, we examine how employees of the Swedish church believe that the organization should communicate to legitimize their role in the Swedish society. We also examine different communication channels to see how the Swedish church commun
Ionainspirerad mässa i Svenska kyrkan - med undersökning av veckomässor i Lunds stift
The essay "Iona Inspired Services in the Church of Sweden - A Study of the Weekly Mass within the Diocese of Lund", written by Anna Nilsson, at Lund University Center for Theology and Religious Studies, and examined 2009-11-12. Initially, what gave ground to this essay is a personal interest in liturgy and worship, from which I have developed a deeper interest in the liturgy of Iona Abb
Med skilda tungors ljud : körsång och gudstjänstspråk
This volume 88 of the Yearbook for Swedish Liturgical Life is dedicated to choir singing and multi-lingual church services. It includes articles by Sune Fahlgren, Rolf Larsson, Gunnel Fagius, Ralf Thiedemann and Mikael Isacson. All articles are in Swedish with summary in English.
Forskaren har ordet: Lärdomar från ett projekt
Att organisera med känsla : en fallstudie av hur en intern organisation inom svenska kyrkan, och dess problem, kan förstås
Samisk kyrka? : en studie av försoningsprocessen mellan Svenska kyrkan och samerna, med jämförande utblickar mot Norge
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss issues related to the ongoing reconciliation process between the Church of Sweden and the Sami people, with a comparative outlook towards Norway. The question I raise is under what conditions the Church is willing to seek reconciliation. Reports and other pertinent documents published by the Church have been analysed mainly through critical reading, seeking
The Identity of the Deacon in Zimbabwe and Sweden
Rapport från ett seminarium sept. 2014 i Manama i Zimbabwe, om diakonens identitet i Lutherska kyrkan i Zimbabwe och i Sverige, två år efter den första vigningen (ordinationen) av diakoner i Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zombabwe.Report from a seminar i Manama in Zimbabwe September 2014: "The Identity of the Deacon in Zimbabwe and Sweden", two years after the first ordination of deacons in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe (ELCZ).
Alla mäns prästadöme : Homosocialitet, maskulinitet och religion hos Kyrkobröderna, Svenska kyrkans lekmannaförbund 1918-1978
The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how gender constructions have been shaped and renegotiated in the modern history of the Church of Sweden. This is achieved through the dissertation’s two general approaches, which are to account for the establishment and development of the Swedish lay movement called the Brethren of the Church (Kyrkobröderna) up until women were allowe
Ekonomisk hjälp från Svenska kyrkan - den instrumentella paradoxen och den fattiges utmattning
Despite changes in the Swedish welfare system with a devaluation of income from the Social Services and a request from government to civil society to carry out welfare tasks, little research has been conducted on service users’ experience of support from civil society. This article investigates service users’ reasons for seeking economic support from the Church of Sweden and what they think charac
Konfirmandernas bildningsresa : Ungdomars berättelser om sitt deltagande i konfirmandundervisning
Dopundervisning i Svenska kyrkan: Från katekesundervisning till dagens undervisning. Vad säger församlingsinstruktioner och doppastoraler om dagens dopundervisning?
The subject of this essay is the pre- and post-baptismal education in the Church of Sweden. My method of investigation is a comparative content analysis. The documents analyzed are catechisms, different documents approved by the Church of Sweden, 27 pastoral instructions about baptism, 3 pastoral instructions about confirmation and 60 so-called parish instructions (the Church Ordinance of 1999 req
Kyrkliga ideal mot politisk verklighet. Äktenskapslagstiftningen 1968 och 1973. Historik, ståndpunkter och detbatt.
Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att belysa sambanden mellan äktenskapsrättens historiska bakgrund å ena sidan, och den politiska kontexten å den andra i fråga om de principiella ståndpunkter som framkommer under revisionsarbetet av giftermålsbalken år 1968 respektive 1973. Syftet är också att belysa den rättskulturella miljön under dessa år. Bland aktörerna i rättskulturen är det särskilt kyr
”För oss ett offer vorden”. Läran om mässoffret i högkyrkliga mässordningar från 1930 till idag
Allt sedan sitt genombrott på 1930-talet har den s.k. högkyrkliga rörelsen, eller bättre uttryckt Kyrklig förnyelse, på ett eller annat sätt eftersträvat ett betonande av offermotivet i mässans firande. Detta har inte minst framgått av de mässordningar som producerats inom ramen för rörelsen och av till rörelsen anknutna personer. Mässofferläran, som teorin traditionellt kallas, har diskuterats ocThe Swedish High Church movement has, ever since its breakthrough in the 1930s, in one way or another struggled to accentuate the sacrificial motif in the celebration of the Mass. This is something that especially can be noted in the missals that have been produced within the movement, and by persons connected to it. The doctrine of the Sacrifice of the Mass, as this theory is known traditionally,
No title
3a Abstracts 1. Majorstua+ as Youth Cathedral: A case of framing arena-based Christian communities Majorstua+ was established in 2011 by the Diocese of Oslo and the Common council of the city parishes, and was thus a joint venture within the dual managerial structure in the Church of Norway. The project, which is now made permanent, intends to reach persons aged 18-30 and strengthen their church a
Tystnadsplikt för arbetstagare i offentliga företag som har privatiserats
En omfattande privatisering av den offentliga verksamheten har medfört en ny situation för de före detta offentligt anställda, då det gäller reglerna om yttrandefrihet. Lag om företagshemligheter reglerar inte yttrandefriheten för arbetstagare, utan skyddet för hemlig information hos arbetsgivaren, s.k. företagshemlighet. Med företagshemlighet avses enligt 1 § FHL ''information om affärs -
Församlingen i granskningssamhället
Avhandlingens empiriska syfte är att undersöka vad som händer när globala marknadsorienterade modeller för granskning och kvalitet tas i bruk i lokala församlingar. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas församlingarnas diakonala arbete. Undersökningen baseras på fallstudier där ett urval av församlingar och granskningsmodeller är studieobjektet. Avhandlingen har även ett teoretiskt syfte: att i samspel medThe empirical aim of the thesis is to investigate what happens when global market-oriented models for auditing and quality assessment are taken up by local parishes. Particular attention is paid to the diaconal work of the parishes. The study is based on case studies where a number of parishes and auditing models provide the object of study. The thesis also has a theoretical aim: to test, in inter
Matbistånd från Svenska kyrkan
This is the first time the Church of Sweden's food aid has been mapped statistically and nationally. Food aid is the most common material aid to people in economic vulnerability and a full 86% of the parishes and pastorates in the Church of Sweden work with it. This chapter describes the extent, frequency, composition of the recipient's household, main group affiliation and whether food aid is con
"Gudz goda werck och skickelse"
ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay is to compare the Church of Sweden’s current view on marriage with partly the marriage view of Martin Luther and partly the view held within the church in Sweden after the Reformation. The objects for my analysis is Luther’s Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (first published 1520, my edition 1928 in Swedish), Swedish Church Ordinance of 1571 and C
If you were to change paths, what would you do instead? – The Alumni Network Blog
If you were to change paths, what would you do instead? – The Alumni Network Blog Skip to content Home About this blog About the Alumni Network Search Search Close Menu Menu The Alumni Network Blog The latest from the Alumni Network at Lund University If you were to change paths, what would you do instead? We asked four of our more well-known alumni – a comedian, a former top politician, a doctor/ - 2025-03-09