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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3744 hits

Introduction event 2021 february

Introduction to NanoLund event 18 February 2021 What is NanoLund? Which are the scientific possibilities? What does it mean to be involved in NanoLund? How is it organised? Which are the benefits? How can I find collaborators? How can I use equipment in other labs? Tips and tricks for PhD students and postdocs? To answer these and many other questions, we would like to welcome you to an in- troduc - 2025-03-10

Introduction event 2020 september

Introduction to NanoLund event September 16, 2020 What is NanoLund? Which are the scientific possibilities? What does it mean to be involved in NanoLund? How is it organised? Which are the benefits? How can I find collaborators? How can I use equipment in other labs? Tips and tricks for PhD students and postdocs? To answer these and many other questions, we would like to welcome you to an introduc - 2025-03-10

Boka en bibliotekarie

Du som student vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten kan boka tid med en bibliotekarie via vårt formulär. Fyll i bokningsformuläret så återkommer vi till dig så fort som möjligt. Vilken institution du är student vid (obligatorisk) - Välj -Institutionen för kommunikationInstitutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografiInstitutionen för psykologiInstitutionen för tjänstevetenskapRättssociologis - 2025-03-10


BL.pdf Bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt Affärsrättsligt Centrum vid Lunds universitet (ACLU) bjuder in er till seminaium om Bolagsledningen i svenska aktiebolag har en lojalitetsplikt. Vid seminariet diskuteras denna lojalitetsplikts närmare innebörd. Vilka delar består lojalitetsplikten av? Här märks bland annat skyldigheten att undvika intressekonflikter, konkurrensförbudet, tystnadsplikten och - 2025-03-10

I dialog för psykisk hälsa

BakgrundVi söker just nu deltagare till en intervjustudie studie för att ta reda på hur det är att söka och få vård för sin psykiska ohälsa inom primärvården. Med primärvården menar vi elevhälsa, vårdcentral och kommunal hemsjukvård. Vi vill med din hjälp att vården ska bli ännu bättre på psykisk hälsa. Är du över 16 år och vill dela med dig av dina erfarenheter? Då är du välkommen att anmäla ditt - 2025-03-09

Establish self-discipline in the home office

As a student, you work a lot from home, and this requires discipline. It’s important to make work and free time feel like two separate activities, even if they both take place in the home, and this requires a little bit of imagination. Here are five steps to a functional work-from-home day. Pretend to go to work Get ready in the morning the same way you would if you were attending a lecture or goi - 2025-03-09

Info application October 2024 INES GEO

PowerPoint-presentation Exchange studies 2025/26 FACULTY OF SCIENCE Today’s agenda • What are exchange studies? • Where will you find information? • Where can you do an exchange? • Time for questions What are exchange studies? Advantages of exchange studies? • Experience new cultures and academic systems • A chance to improve language skills… • …as well as other skills & knowledge • Transferrable - 2025-03-10

Save the date: LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes

28 May 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk The lecture series ‘Managing functional landscapes for biodiversity - what does the science say?’ is a collaboration between LU Land, Länsstyrelsen Skåne and the strategic research area BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate). The series is aimed at those who work with nature and environmental issues in a landscape perspective, or - 2025-03-09

Save the date: LU Land lecture series on functional landscapes

28 May 2025 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk The lecture series ‘Managing functional landscapes for biodiversity - what does the science say?’ is a collaboration between LU Land, Länsstyrelsen Skåne and the strategic research area BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate). The series is aimed at those who work with nature and environmental issues in a landscape perspective, or - 2025-03-10

Welcome Day for New Employees 12 Nov at 13-14

Welcome Day for New Employees FACULTY OF MEDICINE AT LUND UNIVERSITY Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine’s introduction for new employees The Faculty of Medicine welcome you to a digital hour with interesting presentations about the organization and your workplace. PROGRAM • Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine – Dean Kristina Åkesson • A sustainable work environment – a focus area – Vice dean Lena E - 2025-03-10

Get started – newly admitted student

Have you been accepted at Malmö Academy of Music? Congratulations and welcome! Here we have gathered everything you need to know before term starts. Checklist – this is what you need to do: 1. Read your welcome email Malmö Academy of Music will send out a welcome email to all students before the start of the academic year. Read it! 2. Activate your student account The first thing you need to do is - 2025-03-09

Save the date: LU Lands föreläsningsserie om funktionella landskap

28 maj 2025 08:30 till 09:30 | Föreläsning Föreläsningsserien ”Förvaltning av funktionella landskap för biologisk mångfald - vad säger forskningen?” är ett samarrangemang mellan LU Land, Länsstyrelsen Skåne och det strategiska forskningsområdet BECC (Biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i ett förändrat klimat). Serien riktar sig till dig som arbetar med natur- och miljöfrågor i ett landskapspe - 2025-03-09