Search results
Your search for "zoom" yielded 3514 hits
1-5 Schedule-GEOM08-2021 2021-03-08
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-03-08 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Bedrock quality: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest lecture C - 2025-02-27
Schema mxnd11 ht20 prel v2 200819
Schema MNXD11 VT22 211217
MNXD11 HT20 slut
Schema MNXD11 VT22 211221
Schemamall riskanalys 2020 v.2
Course Activity Document MIDM58
GEOM08 Schedule--2021 2021-03-15
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-03-15 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Bedrock quality: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest lecture C - 2025-02-27
GEOM08-1-5 Schedule-2021 2021-02-19
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-01_13 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Virtual field excursion: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest l - 2025-02-27
GEOM08 1-5 Schedule-2021 2021-01-13 one group
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-01_13 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Virtual field excursion: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest l - 2025-02-27
Schema MNXD11 HT21
Utvc25 autumn 2021 schedule
GEOM08 Schedule-2021 2021-01-12 one group
Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-01_12 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Virtual field excursion: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest l - 2025-02-27
Jobba online
COSB30 Schedule (2023)
Kurspaket: Grund - 2025-02-25
Luccmv internal seminar series 2021
MVES04 Schema 2021 20210309
Centrum för miljö- och klimatforskning, CEC, Miljövetenskaplig Utbildning, Sölvegatan 37, 223 62 Lund Schema MVES04 (tidigare MVEN06) - Miljöövervakning, 15p VT21 (Obs: alla tider med kvart!) Kurstid: 24 mars - 31 maj Kurschef: Adam Kristensson, tel:046-2227645, email: Yann Clough, tel: 046-2226831, email: Lärare - 2025-02-27