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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3286 hits

1-5 Schedule-GEOM08-2021 2021-03-08

Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-03-08 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Bedrock quality: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest lecture C - 2025-01-15

GEOM08 Schedule--2021 2021-03-15

Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-03-15 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Bedrock quality: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest lecture C - 2025-01-15

GDPRs tillämplighet i samband med distansundervisning via Zoom vid svenska lärosäten

Våren 2020 tvingades svenska lärosäten att ställa om till distansundervisning på mycket kort varsel. Förutsättningarna var goda när det kom till datorvana och infrastruktur men det har funnits indikationer på att dataskyddet fått stå tillbaka. Uppsatsen syftar till att med hjälp av en rättsdogmatisk metod, reda ut och åskådliggöra de olika aktörernas ansvar och GDPRs tillämplighet vid distansunderDue to the Covid-19-Outbrake in the spring of 2020, Swedish HEIs had to convert to distance learning on a very short notice. The conditions for this were good as the general level of computer skills is high and the infrastructure good, though there have been indications that data protection issues have occurred. This thesis aims to investigate and elaborate the roles of the different actors and th

GEOM08 1-5 Schedule-2021 2021-01-13 one group

Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-01_13 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Virtual field excursion: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest l - 2025-01-15

GEOM08-1-5 Schedule-2021 2021-02-19

Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-01_13 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Virtual field excursion: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest l - 2025-01-15

GEOM08 Schedule-2021 2021-01-12 one group

Schema för KURSNAMN 10 p (15 ECTS) VT -2 2003 Schedule for GEOM08, 15 hp (15 credits) Spring-1 2021_ vs. 2020-01_12 Metamorphic Petrology Course coordinator: Charlotte Möller Teachers: CM = Charlotte Möller, CU = Cindy Urueña, CA = Carl Alwmark, US= Ulf Söderlund E-mail to teachers: Guest lecturer Virtual field excursion: Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden Guest l - 2025-01-15