Search results



Your search for "zoom" yielded 3636 hits

Flow cytometry - introductory course

Aim and format The aim of this 3-day theoretical course is to give participants a working knowledge of flow cytometry covering the following aspects: Basic concepts of flow cytometry Instrumentation - basic principles of operation Techniques - cell handling, staining, designing of protocol Data acquisition and analysis Applications of flow cytometry Learning outcomes On completion of the course, t - 2025-02-23

Health and the environment course information 2023

Health and environment with special focus on climate and sustainability Course organizers Kristoffer Mattisson (contact person) Examiner Professor Karin Broberg Target Group Preliminary doctoral students and post-docs with an interest in understanding associations between the environment and health and how these association change with a changing climate. Doctoral st - 2025-02-24


BDR Minutes 2020-11-10 Page 1 of 3 BDR MINUTES Department of Biology Date 2020-11-10 Minutes Biologiska doktorandrådet (BDR) Present Sandra Rabow (Aquatic Ecology), David Gomez Blanco (MEMEG), Ann-Kathrin Ziegler (Evolutionary Ecology) § 1 Start of the meeting 16:05 § 2 Choosing secretary and minutes approving person Chair of meeting: David Gomez Blanco Secretary: Sandra Rabow Minutes approving: A - 2025-02-24

ACTRIS Trainingschool 2023

Announcement ACTRIS training course: Atmospheric observations of aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases Online, May 8th-15th, 2023 ACTRIS is a pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents (aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases) and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and cont - 2025-02-24

Course syllabus NBPE301

Course syllabus NBPE301 Plant–Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES NBPE301 Plant–Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Environment, 3 credits Växt-atmosfärsinteraktioner i en föränderlig miljö, 3 högskolepoäng Third-cycle level / Forskarnivå Confirmation This syllabus was confirmed by the Department of Biological and Environmental Sc - 2025-02-24

SGEM20 2021 Course programme

SGEM20_2021_Course_programme – 1 – Human Geography SGEM20 GEOGRAPHICAL THOUGHT Autumn 2021 COURSE PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Day: Time: Room: Teacher: Session: Title: 30 Aug. 13:15 – 15 Rio/online HGL 1 Introduction and Making geography (a) 1 Sep. 13:15 – 14 14:15 – 15 Rio/online Rio/online HGL KSG 2 Making geography (b) Regional geography (a) 3 Sep. 12:15 – 13 13:15 – 14 14:15 – 15 Online* Online* Rio/on - 2025-02-24

Bloggstafett #2 : Samtal i Coronan - om virtuella möten

Ett universitets värde bestäms delvis av kvaliteten på de samtal som förs där. Utifrån vad vi vet om kreativa processer kan man anta att bra samtal leder till bra idéer som i sin tur leder till god utveckling på längre sikt.Men vilka förutsättningar krävs för att det goda samtalet ska kunna komma till stånd? Hur påverkas våra samtal och därmed våra samarbeten i Corona-tider när i stort sett all ve

Template action group 20200306

Proposal for a BECC action group – Title The document name should be the same as the action group title. The proposal should be max 2 A4 and be sent to (if the main applicant is at LU) or (if the main applicant at UGOT) by 1st of May or 1st of December. Responsible BECC board takes the decision during its first upcoming meeting following these da - 2025-02-24

Studenthälsans aktiviteter

På Studenthälsan erbjuder vi kurser, grupper och individuella insatser för dig som student. Alla aktiviteter är gratis och framtagna för att ge stöd till studenter som har studierelaterade svårigheter. Vid Studenthälsans aktiviteter får du lära dig mer om ett specifikt problemområde och tips för att hantera det i din studievardag. Foto: Johan Persson. Aktiviteter i gruppStudenthälsan erbjuder fler - 2025-02-24

Campusgruppen 2024-02-07 minnesant.

Utvecklingsenheten Postadress Campus Helsingborg Box 882, 251 08 Helsingborg Besöksadress Universitetsplatsen 2, 252 25 Helsingborg Telefon, 042-35 65 19, 042- 35 65 00 (växel) E-post Webbadress 1 (7) Minnesanteckningar, Campusgruppsmöte 7 februari 2024 Närvarande: Charlotta Johnsson Rektor, Utvecklingsenheten Jerker Jacobsson Utvecklingsenheten Julia Luttrup Utve - 2025-02-24

PSP 211208 nr9 protokoll

PROTOKOLL 9:2021 Dnr STYR 2021/2688 LUNDS UNIVERSITET lnstitutionen for psykologi ledningsgruppen for psykologprogrammet Nlirvarande ledamoter Jonas Bjarehed Ordforande Kristian Almquist Studievagledare Daiva Daukantaite Lararlag kurs 12 Dariush Djamnezhad Tomas Jungert Lararlag kurs 5 Tomas Kempe Lararlag kurs 8 Erik Lundin Studerande te 9 Magnus Karlsson Elia Psouni Lararlag kurs 3 Elinor Schad - 2025-02-24

September 17th 2020

From the Management CEC has received new instructions from the Science Faculty – it is the first time the instructions have been revised since the CEC was founded 2010. In the new instructions – which applies from the turn of the year – five clear tasks are pointed out. CEC’s mission is to be: a research actor who, in close collaboration with other departments, encourages and conducts integrated e - 2025-02-23

Human Rights Lunch Online: Work-related stress and ill health - on the relationship between special

Human Rights Lunch Online: Work-related stress and ill health - on the relationship between special exposure to stress and ethnicity, skin color, and religion | Human Rights Studies 28 Mar Human Rights Lunch Online: Work-related stress and ill health - on the relationship between special exposure to stress and ethnicity, skin color, and religion 28 March 2025 12:15 to 13:00 Seminar Martin Wolgast - 2025-01-24