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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3496 hits
Tomás Lejarraga
Alexander Tagesson
Samantha Stedtler
Vasiliki Kondyli
Gaye Askin
Ljubica Damjanovic
Gaye Askin
Ljubica Damjanovic
Tomás Lejarraga
Kate Devlin
Vasiliki Kondyli
Alexander Tagesson
Pierre Klintefors
Vasiliki Kondyli
Anton Wrisberg
Daniel Oppenheimer
Kate Devlin
Tomás Lejarraga
Cost-Optimized Event Detection in Football Video
In this thesis we aim to investigate if it is possible to detect events in football video using deep learning methods. The performance of a few different models using video input of varying frame rates is evaluated to find the most promising approach. We also evaluate if a proprietary dataset consisting of estimated player positions and movement can be used to detect events as it would be cheaper