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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3719 hits

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th - 2025-02-22

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | december 2020 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | december 2020 Publicerad den 15 december 2020 I årets sista nyhetsbrev vill vi göra reklam för vår nyöppnade virtuella lånedisk! Vi har öppet måndag-fredag, 13.00-15.00 och kan svara på frågor och hjälpa till med det mesta som inte kräver fysisk hantering, oavsett om du är på plats i biblioteket eller sitter hemma. V - 2025-02-21

Prior events

2022 POLITICS, PUBLIC ART & PLACE BRANDING Dr Friederike Landau-Donnelly Welcome and listen to a lecture on politics and public art with Dr. Friederike Landau-Donnelly, where she is discusses questions such as 'Whose Walls, whose voices? Unpacking Vancouver's Politics of Public Art between Place Branding and Healing' The Pufendorf IAS Theme Public Art (2022), together with the CROCUS network and t - 2025-02-21


In Ladok, you can view the courses you are registered for, sign up for exams, check your exam results, and deregister from a course you no longer wish to attend. You can also generate certificates of your results and apply for graduation when the time comes. Below, we’ve listed some important things to keep track of in Ladok. Update your email addressTo avoid missing important information from the - 2025-02-21

The investigation of disciplinary matters

If you are reporting a suspected disciplinary offence, here you can learn more about the various stages of the investigation. You will also find out who the members of the Disciplinary Board at Lund University are. The investigationWhen a suspected disciplinary offence has been reported, the Vice-Chancellor has the Legal Division at the Legal and Record Management section to investigate the matter - 2025-02-22

Symposium on the Law and Policy of Data-Driven Innovation in Competition and Cooperation

5 June 2024 08:30 to 17:00 | Conference Illustration: Louise Larsson, created using Discord/Midjourney. We are pleased to announce our upcoming Symposium on the Law and Policy of Data-Driven Innovation in Competition and Cooperation. The symposium takes place on June 5, 2024, at the Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). Set against the backdrop of recent developments in digit - 2025-02-22

Micro-Dynamics of Repression: How Interactions between Protesters and Security Forces Shaped the Bahraini Uprising

The article applies a micro-sociological approach to investigate civil-military relations in a very concrete form: How do interactions between protesters and security forces shape the development of a conflict? Based on fieldwork in Bahrain and interviews with activists, journalists and opposition politicians, the article analyses the micro-sociological dynamics of how, despite great numbers and m

User Acceptance During Covid-19

As the Covid-19 virus started to emerge in the beginning of March 2020, organizations and businesses worldwide had to change their work environments. Due to the obvious physical risks that the virus brought, employees all over the world were forced to practice work through re- mote spaces instead of regular office situated environments. This instant demand for isolation erased the face-to-face com

Contextual and evolutionary perspectives on entrepreneurial ecosystems. Insights from Chris Freeman’s thinking

In recent years a concept gaining much traction amongst both economic and policy communities is that of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EE). We are interested in this concept because it has clear roots in innovation system thinking and can be argued to represent a contemporary iteration of ideas around systemic understandings and policy approaches to economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurs

A Sustainable Bredäng - Sustainable Densification of a Million Program Area in Stockholm, Sweden

Bredäng, a housing area in southwest Stockholm, was built between 1963 and 1965 as part of The Million Program, a Swedish government program to fix the housing shortage in the country. Bredäng is characterized by its green and blue qualities, but also by its many parking lots, poor public spaces, monotone architecture and storm water issues. Today, the housing shortage is once again an issue, esp

Clinical trials epidemiology course uu 2020

Mottagare Clinical Trials Epidemiology Course 14-25 September 2020 This course will give an introduction to the concepts and methods of randomized clinical trials. It will be given over a 2-week period at half pace, corresponding to 5 full days. Note that this course will be given as an online course and since the teacher is based in the US, all sessions will take place in the afternoon, most 3-6 - 2025-02-22

Master minutes 2022-05-12

STYR 2022/1206 MINUTES 3:2022 2022-05-12 LUND UNIVERSITY F aculty of Social Sciences Department of Psychology Management Group of the Master of Science Programme in Psychology Participants Roger Johansson Programme Director, Chairing Elia Psouni Programme Director Geoffrey Patching Member Lindsey Macke Student Representative Roger Persson Member Åsa Arvidsson Programme Coordinator Absent Mikael Jo - 2025-02-22

No title

L A M i N A T E TA L K S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING September 5 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Pascal Gygax (University of Fribourg) Inclusive language: What is it? And what does it mean for mono- and bilinguals? September 19 Hybrid event (SOL:H402) Marieke Hoetjes (Radboud University) Using gesture to facilitate L2 phoneme acquisition: How important are gesture and phoneme complexi - 2025-01-17

No title

L A M i N AT E TA L K S LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING September 10 Hybrid event (SOL:A158) Tanja Kupisch & Ilaria Venagli (Lund University, University of Konstanz) How L2 proficiency modulates reading and related cognitive skills in learners with and without dyslexia September 24 Hybrid event (SOL:A333) Sophia Juul (Lund University, PhD work in progress) Idiodynamic in the wild: - 2025-02-20