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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3701 hits

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th - 2025-01-28

Robotics and Semantic Systems

Robotics and Semantic Systems | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Welcome to Robotics and Semantic Systems Research Kuka IIWA Dual-Arm robotic System YuMi Robot Engine assembly at PSA Dual Kuka IIWA system for engine assembly at PSA Matthias Mayr presenting th - 2025-01-28

Book Launch: Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960

Book Launch: Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960 Book Launch: Modern Women Artists in the Nordic Countries, 1900-1960 Published 7 April 2021 This transnational volume examines innovative women artists who were from, or worked in, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sápmi, and Sweden from the emergence of modernism until the feminist movement took shape in the 1960s. T - 2025-02-22

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universi

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) | Centre for Languages and Literature 6 Feb CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 6 February 2025 15:15 to 17:00 Seminar In this seminar presented on a link from Columba, our PhD in cogn - 2025-02-07

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universi

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 6 feb CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 6 februari 2025 15:15 till 17:00 Seminarium In this seminar presented on a link from Columba, our PhD in cognit - 2025-02-07

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LAM i NATE TALKS LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, MULTILINGUALISM & TEACHING February 1 Theme 1: Multimodality in Language Development Eléonore Arbona (University of Geneva), Kilian G. Seeber (University of Geneva) & Marianne Gullberg (Lund University) Speakers’ co-speech gestures do not facilitate simultaneous interpreters’ language comprehension in noise February 15 Theme 1: Multimodality in Language Devel - 2025-02-20

Cost-Optimized Event Detection in Football Video

In this thesis we aim to investigate if it is possible to detect events in football video using deep learning methods. The performance of a few different models using video input of varying frame rates is evaluated to find the most promising approach. We also evaluate if a proprietary dataset consisting of estimated player positions and movement can be used to detect events as it would be cheaper

‘Use your megaphones’- Managers in the Role of Corporate Ambassadors on LinkedIn

The primary purpose of the study is to get a deeper understanding about managers inheriting the role of corporate ambassadors on LinkedIn, and how it impacts their sense of managerial identity. One aspect of this topic is the interrogation of the blurred lines between the professional and private identities of the managers. The study was conducted in line with the qualitative research technique wh

One Hospital's Response to the Institute of Medicine Report, "Dying in America"

BACKGROUND: In response to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, Dying in America, we undertook an institution wide effort to improve the experience of patients and families facing serious illness by engaging leadership and developing a program to promote the practice of generalist palliative care.MEASURES: The impact of the program was measured with process measures related to its' three parts.

Min coronavardag: ”Hjälpsamheten har ökat lärare emellan”

Min coronavardag: ”Hjälpsamheten har ökat lärare emellan” Min coronavardag: ”Hjälpsamheten har ökat lärare emellan” Publicerad den 3 juni 2020 Trots en ökad arbetsbörda finns det positiva erfarenheter också menar Ann-Kristin Wallengren. LUM har träffat medarbetare som arbetar med vitt skilda saker runtom på universitet, men som alla påverkas av pandemin – både i arbetet och utanför. Ann-Kristin Wa - 2025-02-21

Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning

Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning Av Caroline Cabot - Publicerad den 30 oktober 2023 Många har åsikter om skolan och om lärarprofessionen, men mer sällan kommer lärarna själva till tals. Välkommen till en eftermiddag som lyfter deras egna berättelser! Onsdag den 1 november kl. 15:00 – 17:00 är det release av antologin Lärare skriver, med - 2025-02-22

Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning

Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning Av Caroline Cabot - Publicerad den 30 oktober 2023 Många har åsikter om skolan och om lärarprofessionen, men mer sällan kommer lärarna själva till tals. Välkommen till en eftermiddag som lyfter deras egna berättelser! Onsdag den 1 november kl. 15:00 – 17:00 är det release av antologin Lärare skriver, med - 2025-02-22

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Årsberättelse för Nationella forskarskolan i historiska studier verksamhetsåret 2020–2021 Administration Ledningsgrupp Forskarskolans ledningsgrupp har haft följande sammansättning under läsåret: Verksamhetsansvarig var Hanne Sanders (30%). Administratör var Barbro Bergner (50%) fram till 2020-12-31 (med timanställning under januari 2021) och Ariadne Fioretos (50-70%) från 2021-01-15. Bitr. studie - 2025-02-21


Orientation Weeks 2020 SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Sc he du le fo r i nt er na tio na l s tu de nt s 2 SCHEDULE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS AUTUMN 2020 HEALTH AND SAFETY Great care has been taken to make sure that the events are in line with the regulations from the Swedish health authorities. The program is subject to change, and changes might be made with a very short notice. • All partici - 2025-02-22