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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3794 hits

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Årsberättelse för Nationella forskarskolan i historiska studier verksamhetsåret 2020–2021 Administration Ledningsgrupp Forskarskolans ledningsgrupp har haft följande sammansättning under läsåret: Verksamhetsansvarig var Hanne Sanders (30%). Administratör var Barbro Bergner (50%) fram till 2020-12-31 (med timanställning under januari 2021) och Ariadne Fioretos (50-70%) från 2021-01-15. Bitr. studie - 2025-03-13

Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning

Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning Lärare skriver: Antologirelease med uppläsning Av Caroline Cabot - Publicerad den 30 oktober 2023 Många har åsikter om skolan och om lärarprofessionen, men mer sällan kommer lärarna själva till tals. Välkommen till en eftermiddag som lyfter deras egna berättelser! Onsdag den 1 november kl. 15:00 – 17:00 är det release av antologin Lärare skriver, med - 2025-03-11

Min coronavardag: ”Hjälpsamheten har ökat lärare emellan”

Min coronavardag: ”Hjälpsamheten har ökat lärare emellan” Min coronavardag: ”Hjälpsamheten har ökat lärare emellan” Publicerad den 3 juni 2020 Trots en ökad arbetsbörda finns det positiva erfarenheter också menar Ann-Kristin Wallengren. LUM har träffat medarbetare som arbetar med vitt skilda saker runtom på universitet, men som alla påverkas av pandemin – både i arbetet och utanför. Ann-Kristin Wa - 2025-03-11

Föredrag online: Regionen som försvann?

Föredrag online: Regionen som försvann? Föredrag online: Regionen som försvann? Published 26 November 2020 Det började så fint. Inför Öresundsbrons byggande var optimismen hög både bland politiker, forskare och hos allmänheten. Danmark och Sverige skulle mötas och integreras, och Öresundsbron skulle upplösa gränserna mellan oss. 20 år senare är visionerna väsentligt blekare, medan gränsen står sta - 2025-03-11

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Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Diskret matematik MATB25, vt 2021 Kursansvarig: Anna Torstensson Övriga lärare: Tien Truong hade en seminariegrupp. Antal studenter: 23 registrerade (på NF, kursen samläses med FMAB75 på LTH.) Betyg vid ordinarie tentamen: 3 V, 3 G, 4U Utvärdering Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen: Se följande sidor. Lärarnas kommentarer: • Kursen gavs våren 2021 h - 2025-03-13


TimeEdit is a scheduling tool that is used almost everywhere at Lund University. As a student, you might have encountered the tool when looking for the right time or room for a teaching session in your programme. In some courses, TimeEdit is integrated on the course page in Canvas and in this case you might not even know that you’re using the tool, since you’re seeing the schedule directly in Canv - 2025-03-13

Academic support

Do you have questions concerning your digital study environment that this website doesn’t answer? Or you want to ask a question in a personal meeting or in an email? Below, a variety of institutions at Lund University are listed that can help you with everything from printing a document to mental well-being in relation to your studies. Continue reading for information about what they do and how yo - 2025-03-13

IAC Art Files

Flagship project of the Swedish National Data Service at LU 2025–26. The purpose of IAC Art Files is to set up a platform and a portal that enables management and display of individual, thematic and interdisciplinary knowledge production in the arts, as well as sharing functions for artistic research data – to reinforce contact and exchange both between artistic researchers and between scientific - 2025-03-13

Info for presenters

Oral presentation This information is for authors whose abstract has been accepted for 'oral presentation' in a scientific session.You can, but are not obliged, to use slides as visual aid for your talk. To be sure IT is working as intended throughout the conference, we only allow for Microsoft Powerpoint as presentation software in all scientific sessions.When designing your presentation, please - 2025-03-13


Orientation Weeks 2020 SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Sc he du le fo r i nt er na tio na l s tu de nt s 2 SCHEDULE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS AUTUMN 2020 HEALTH AND SAFETY Great care has been taken to make sure that the events are in line with the regulations from the Swedish health authorities. The program is subject to change, and changes might be made with a very short notice. • All partici - 2025-03-14

Teleworking tips

By Peter Arnfalk, IIIEE, Lund University. Telework has been around for several decades, but with the current Corona virus epidemic, a large number of people who are unexperienced with working remotely have now started to do so. With today’s tech tools and digital maturity, working outside the office is really not a big deal. Still, I’d like to share with you a few success factors that I’ve learned - 2025-03-14


Orientation Weeks 2020 SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Sc he du le fo r in te rn at ion al stu de nt s 2 SCHEDULE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS AUTUMN 2020 3SCHEDULE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS AUTUMN 2020 Welcome to Lund University and the Orientation Weeks The Arrival Days are the start of the Orientation Weeks offering activities where you will have the chance to learn more about Lund University - 2025-03-14

Orientation-weeks-programme-autumn-2020 1

Orientation Weeks 2020 SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Sc he du le fo r in te rn at ion al stu de nt s 2 SCHEDULE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS AUTUMN 2020 3SCHEDULE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS AUTUMN 2020 Welcome to Lund University and the Orientation Weeks The Arrival Days are the start of the Orientation Weeks offering activities where you will have the chance to learn more about Lund University - 2025-03-14

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) | Centre for Languages and Literature 19 Feb Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) 19 February 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar Title: TBA Abtract: TBA Share About the even - 2025-01-28

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz) | Centre for Languages and Literature 2 Apr Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz) 2 April 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar ’The acquisition of nasal vowels in L2 French’ Abstract: TBA Share - 2025-01-28