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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3794 hits

“ChatGPT has been released like a huge tsunami wave” - Employees' Experience on Job Performance with ChatGPT

The primary purpose of our study is to get a better understanding of the employees’ experience of their job performance with the emergence of ChatGPT. This includes taking a socio-technical perspective to explore the employees’ perspective with using this technology. The study was carried out using a qualitative research method, employing an interpretative perspective and an abductive research app

Authorship, activism and creative struggles : Peter Watkins’ The Journey revisited

Based on research in the archive of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society in Stockholm, this article sheds light on the complex production history behind Peter Watkins’ fourteen-and-a-half-hour documentary Resan (The Journey) (1987). Set in a dozen countries around the world, the film presents a complex web of thematic tropes about global peace, consistently highlighting the connection between

Campaign Effects in European Democracies: The Relationship Between Financial Resources and Electoral Performance

Political campaigns are a recurring phenomenon in liberal democracies. However, scholars remain undecided about the extent of their effectiveness and have focused heavily on the United States and the United Kingdom. This thesis expands by quantitatively analyzing the relationship between political parties’ financial resources and electoral performance across twelve European democracies. It also zo

Supporting Regression Test Scoping with Visual Analytics

Test managers have to repeatedly select test cases for test activities during evolution of large software systems. Researchers have widely studied automated test scoping, but have not fully investigated decision support with human interaction. We previously proposed the introduction of visual analytics for this purpose. Aim: In this empirical study we investigate how to design such decision suppor

A novel experimental research on vibration characteristics of the running high-speed motorized spindles

Because of the complicated running condition and many unpredicted factors such as unmodelled dynamics and external disturbances, the fault analysis of the high-speed motorized spindle is proved difficult. In this paper, a novel experimental method is proposed to research the vibration characteristics of the running high-speed motorized spindle. The method consists of four steps. Firstly, the vibra

Att studera under Covid-19-pandemin - Flytande gränser, kommunikationssätt och känslor av ensamhet under fjärr- och distansundervisning

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how studying through remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic could be like. This was examined through the experiences of eight school counselors regarding the situation of high school students during the pandemic. All school counselors work within the region of Skåne in Sweden. The collecting of the empirics was carried out by semi structured i


2025-02-20 1 Redovisning av miljöledningsarbetet 2024 Enligt förordning (2009:907) om miljöledning i statliga myndigheter Lunds universitet Del 1. Miljöledningssystemet Basfakta Antal årsarbetskrafter: 7 445 åa Antal kvadratmeter: 437 779 m² Miljöcertifiering, miljöpolicy och miljöutredning 1. Är myndigheten miljöcertifierad? Nej 2. Hur lyder myndighetens miljöpolicy? Lunds universitets policy för - 2025-03-14

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) | Centre for Languages and Literature 19 Feb Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) 19 February 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar Title: TBA Abtract: TBA Share About the even - 2025-01-28

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz) | Centre for Languages and Literature 2 Apr Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz) 2 April 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar ’The acquisition of nasal vowels in L2 French’ Abstract: TBA Share - 2025-01-28

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) | Centre for Languages and Literature 19 Feb Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) 19 February 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar Title: TBA Abtract: TBA Share About the even - 2025-01-28

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz) | Centre for Languages and Literature 2 Apr Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Laura Hund (University of Konstanz) 2 April 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar ’The acquisition of nasal vowels in L2 French’ Abstract: TBA Share - 2025-01-28

No title

At the End of the World Newsletter – 30 June 2023 At the End of the World Newsletter – 30 June 2023 Dear all,   Thank you for your interest in the At the End of the World research program, housed at Lund University. If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve been subscribed to our mailing list. This is the second newsletter we’ve sent out. Below, we’ll fill you in on what we’ve been up to - 2025-03-13

Course analysis for Introduction to University Physics, with Mechanics and Elect

kursanalys FYSA12 HT 2020 Postadress Besöksadress Telefon 046-222 77 24 E-mail Lunds universitet Sölvegatan 14 C, Lund Telefax 046-222 77 60 Internet Fysiska institutionen, UDIF Box 118 Hämställe 14 221 00 Lund Org. nr. 202100-3211 Fy s i sk a i n st i t u t io ne n, Ma t ema t i sk fy s i k Tomas Brage 1 av (3) Kursanalys för Mekanik-delen av,%20with%20Mechanics%20and%20Electricity,%20FYSA12,%20Autumn%202020,%2015%20credits%20(Swedish).pdf - 2025-03-14

SGEA20-1 2021-2 Schema

SGEA20-1_2021-2_Schema_UTKAST_2021-06-29 SGEA20 Samhällsgeografi: Grundkurs DELKURS 1: ÄMNESINTRODUKTION Höstterminen 2021 SCHEMA Dag Tid Moment Lokal Undervisar Mån. 30/8 09:15-10:00 Kursintroduktion* Online HGL 10:15-12:00 Föreläsning 1: Kartan som verktyg Online OH 13:15-15:00 Lab 1 (grupp 1)* Online PC 15:15-17:00 Lab 1 (grupp 2)* Online PC Tis. 31/8 08:15-10:00 Lab 1 (grupp 3)* Online PC 10:1 - 2025-03-14

Protokoll INS KHM 240528

Sida 1 av 4 LUNDS KONST. HÖGSKOIÄN I MAIMÖ PROTOKOLL Diarienummer STYR 202411382 Sammanträdesdatum 2024-05-28 UNIVER,SITET P I nstitutionsstyrelsen Konsthögskolan I nstitutionsstyrelsens sam manträde 2024-05-28 Ledamöter Närvarande Maj Hasager, rektor, ordfiirande Youngiae Lih, lektor Joakim Sandqvist, adjunkt Sophie Ljungblom, tekniker Sreunn La Cour Degnbol, studentrepresentant Fredrik Vaerslev, - 2025-03-14

Schema atpb16 ht20 200710

Schema ATPB16, Introduktionskurs i arbetsterapi Kursansvarig: Marianne Kylberg KURSVECKA 1 *=Obligatorisk närvaro Datum Tid Innehåll Lärare/Resurs Lokal Måndag 200831 10:00-12:00 Obligatoriskt upprop och Kursintroduktion* MK, AI, MH C313/14 12:00-12:10 Information från Vårdvetenskapliga studentföreningen (VÅVS) VÅVS C 313/14 12:10-13:00 VÅVS Novisch information Lunchmacka erbjuds VÅVS Novisch- gen - 2025-03-14

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) | Centre for Languages and Literature 26 Mar Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Lara Culev (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) 26 March 2025 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar Title: TBA Abtract: TBA Share About the event: - 2025-03-14