Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 1 av 31)
- Cejvan, E. (2025). Mind, Language, Work : Thinking Beyond AI Ideology. Filozofski Vestnik, 45, 351-376. Zalozba ZRC.
- Joosse, P. & Lu, Y. (2025). The concept that went viral : Using machine learning to discover charisma in the wild. British Journal of Sociology, 76, 65-82. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Steij Stålbrand, I., Brissman, I., Nyman, L., Sidenvall, E., Tranberg, M., Wallin, A., Wamsler, C. & Jacobsen, J. (2025). An Interdisciplinary Model to Foster Existential Resilience and Transformation. Challenges, 16. MDPI AG.
- Al Daghistani, S. (2024). Emic-Etic Distinction and Islamic Studies in Oslo/Norway. Din - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, 126-139.
- Björk, M. (2024). Becoming What We Know : Franz von Baader on Cognition and Revelation. Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences (PTSc), 11, 4-35. Mohr Siebeck.
- Björk, M. (2024). Carnaps fråga och teologins gåta : Tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap som verklighetslära. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 100, 65-86. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Brik, T. & Metreveli, T. (2024). Orthodox Churches during the Pandemic in Ukraine and Georgia : Narratives and New Practices. Problems of Post-Communism, 71, 95-106. M. E. Sharpe.
- Cejvan, O. (2024). A Laboratory of Stories : Teaching and Learning through Community Lore in the Contemporary Esoteric Society Sodalitas Rosae Crucis. Approaching Religion, 14, 30-43. Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History.
- Dziaczkowska, M. (2024). “I Don’t Know if They Really Hated Us or if It Was for Fun”:Memories of Anti-Jewish Violence Perpetrated by Students of the Catholic University of Lublin in Oral Histories from the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Centre. Studia Judaica, 53, 77-103. Polskie Towarzystwo Studiow Zydowskich.
- Dziaczkowska, M. (2024). Impact of October 7 Attack and 2024 War in Gaza on Catholic–Jewish Relations. Religions, 15. MDPI AG.
- Guggenmos, E. M. (2024). “Wenn es nur einmal so ganz stille wäre...” On Doing History of Religions, China, and Buddhism Today. Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, 100, 251-269. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Guggenmos, E.-M. (2024). Life Education in Contemporary Greater China – Are Religions Back as Players in Public Education?. Religions & Christianity in Today's China, XIV, 38-41.
- Guggenmos, E.-M. (2024). When the Fox Meets the Hedgehog, Scholars Meet Practitioners, a New Language for Shaping the Future Emerges, and the Humanities Show Genuine Relevancy : the IKGF Erlangen. International Journal of Divination and Prognostication, 5, 19-26. Brill.
- Hornborg, A.-C. (2024). Mindfulness - enrichment of the modern lifestyle?. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health. Taylor & Francis.
- Jackelén, A. (2024). In memoriam Jürgen Moltmann (1926–2024). Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 305-310. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Janson, T. (2024). "A Halal Happy Ever After" : Envisioning Muslim Futures in Islamically Minded Children's Literature. Journal of Muslims in Europe, 13, 301-321. Brill.
- Jarlert, A. (2024). In Memoriam Lars Eckerdal 1938−2022. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 2024, 13-15. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Jarlert, A. (2024). Lars Eckerdal * 15/8 1938 † 28/8 2022. Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet. Årsberättelse, 2021−2022, 29-32. Kungliga Humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet i Lund.
- Jarlert, A. (2024). Professionsbiografin. Personhistorisk tidskrift, 120, 45-55. Stockholm: Personhistoriska samfundet..
- Jørgensen, J. A., La Mela, V. & Wirén, J. (2024). Editorial : Ecumenism in Times of Conflict and War. Exchange, 53, 1-7. Brill.
- La Mela, V. (2024). Meeting the Religious Other : Reflections on Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity. Ecumenical Review, 76, 38-53. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lembke, M. (2024). Even More Happiness in Hell. Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge University Press.
- Liinason, M. & Norocel, O. C. (2024). Technocultural worldings: dialectical dynamics in contemporary media landscapes. Feminist Media Studies, 24, 927-943. Taylor & Francis.
- Liljefors, M. (2024). Butoh and Embodied Transformation. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 33, 90-114. The Nordic Society of Aesthetics.
- Linjamaa, P. (2024). Editorial. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 100, 193-197. Gleerups Utbildning AB.