Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 3 av 31)
- Carlesson Magalhães, J. & Jansson, F. (2023). The Baptism of an Indian Juggler : Event and Narrative in the Swedish Press, 1827–1852. Journal of Religious History, 47, 318-339. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Cirafesi, W. V. (2023). Rethinking John and "the Synagogue" in Light of Expulsion from Public Assemblies in Antiquity. Journal of Biblical Literature, 142, 677-697. SBL Press.
- Dahlman, B. (2023). Nya publikationer. Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 38, 19-38. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- Eidevall, G., Scheuer, B. & Wikander, O. (2023). Tryggve Mettinger in Memoriam. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (SEÅ), 88, 220-224. Svenska exegetiska sällskapet.
- Elmelund, C. T. & Wasserman, T. (2023). The Subscriptions to Mark’s Gospel and History of Reception. New Testament Studies, 69, 429-444. Cambridge University Press.
- Fridlund, P. (2023). Les théories de la conspiration, l'herméneutique et Ricœur — quelques facettes de l'existence humaine. – Rivista di filosofia, Journal of Philosophy, IX, 284-301. Mimesis Edizioni.
- Fridlund, P. (2023). My Religious Identity : An Unfinished Project. Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap, 77, 53-69.
- Grenholm, M. (2023). "Sjukdomar härja, mötesförbud utfärdas" : Pingstvänners reaktion på pandemin "spanska sjukan" 1918–1920. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 123, 101-111. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Guggenmos, E.-M. (2023). Engagierter Buddhismus 2.0 : Was wird folgen auf die Gründergeneration buddhistischer Äbte? Zum Tod des Abtes Hsing Yun. China heute – Informationen über Religion und Christentum im chinesischen Raum, XLII, 109-111.
- Guggenmos, E.-M. (2023). In memoriam : Buddhistische Nonne Liao-Yi (1962–2023), CEO Museum of World Religions, Taipei. China heute – Informationen über Religion und Christentum im chinesischen Raum, XLII, 77-78.
- Guggenmos, E.-M. (2023). Symposium “Shaping the Outlook on Life - Education and Religion in Chinese Contexts”. Religions & Christianity in Today's China, XIII, 23-26.
- Göransson, E., Maurits, L., Dahlman, B., Sarkisian, K. ?., Rubenson, S. & Dunn, M. (2023). Improved distance measures for “mixed-content miscellanies” : An adaptation for the collections of sayings of the desert fathers and mothers. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38, 127-150. Oxford University Press.
- Illman, R. & Lundgren, S. (2023). Editorial. Nordisk Judaistik, 34, 1-3. Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning.
- Jarlert, A. (2023). ”Att hindra rikets undergång” : Drottningen som förebedjare. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 123, 27-32. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Jarlert, A. (2023). ”det vigtigaste af BiskopsEmbetet” : Esaias Tegnérs skoltal. Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet. Årsberättelse, 2020-2021, 45-61. Kungliga Humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet i Lund.
- Kadhum, O. (2023). Nation-Destroying, Emigration and Iraqi Nationhood after the 2003 intervention. International Affairs, 99, 587-604. Oxford University Press.
- Kara, S. (2023). PARABOLIC RESONANCES IN THE GOSPELS AND THE QURʾĀN. Ilahiyat Studies, 14, 255-287. Bursa IlahIyat Foundation.
- Kocheri, S. (2023). Engraved Stories of Empire : An Examination of Selected Images from the Missionary Register, 1813 – 1855. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51, 906-930. Taylor & Francis.
- Lembke, M. (2023). Hur står det egentligen till med det teleologiska gudsbeviset?. Filosofisk tidskrift, 44, 28-40. Thales.
- Linjamaa, P. & Olsson, J. (2023). Chaos Untold : The Use of Gnosticism in the Misanthropic Luciferian Order (MLO). Nova Religio, 27, 29-50. University of California Press.
- Lundgren, S. (2023). Svante Hansson in memoriam. Nordisk Judaistik - Scandinavian Jewish Studies, 34, 65-66. Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning.
- Lundgren, S. (2023). When the Assyrian Tragedy Became Seyfo : A Study of Swedish-Assyrian Politics of Memory. Genocide Studies International, 14, 95-108. University of Toronto Press.
- Lövheim, M. & Jensdotter, L. (2023). Banal religion and national identity in hybrid media : “heating” the debate on values and veiling in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 36, 95-108. Tapir akademisk forlag.
- Nilsson, J. (2023). “If the Kingdom be Ruled According to the Tao” : Politics as “Eastern Wisdom” in Aleister Crowley’s Reception of the Daodejing. Numen, 71, 94-109. Brill.
- Norberg-Schiefauer, F. (2023). "Nit allein den rechtglaubigen, sonder auch den irrigen : Two Sixteenth-Century German Catholic Prayer Books as Tools of Re-Catholicisation". Journal of Early Modern Christianity, 10, 167-185. De Gruyter.