Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 15 av 31)
- Vähäkangas, M. (2016). Can the Study of Mission Become Postcolonial? : On Mission Studies in Today's World. Ortodoksia, 56, 39-64. Ortodoksisten pappien liitto.
- Vähäkangas, M. (2016). Negotiating Religious Traditions : Babu wa Loliondo’s Theology of Healing. Exchange, 45, 269-297. Brill.
- Vähäkangas, M. (2016). The Grandpa’s Cup : A Tanzanian Healing Ritual as a Temporary Interreligious Platform. Suomen Antropologi, 41, 14-28. Finnish Anthropological Society.
- Wemrell, M., Merlo, J., Mulinari, S. & Hornborg, A.-C. (2016). Contemporary Epidemiology : A Review of Critical Discussions Within the Discipline and A Call for Further Dialogue with Social Theory. Sociology Compass, 10, 153-171. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Wikander, O. (2016). Indoeuropeiska motiv i Gamla testamentet. Riss, 2016, 110-113. NTNU, Trondheim.
- Willgren, D. (2016). Psalm 72 - A Frozen Colophon?. Journal of Biblical Literature, 135, 49-60. SBL Press.
- Zetterholm, K. (2016). Isaac and Jesus : a Rabbinic Re-appropriation of a “Christian” Motif?. Journal of Jewish Studies, 67, 102-120. Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies.
- Zetterholm, K. (2016). Jesus-Oriented Visions of Judaism in Antiquity. Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 27, 37-60.
- Zetterholm, M. (2016). The Antioch Incident Revisited. Journal for the Study of Paul and his Letters, 6, 249-269. Penn State University Press.
- Aldrin, V. (2015). On the Beholding of God through the Eyes of Prayer : Commentary on God Sexuality and the Self. Syndicate: Theology. Cascade Books.
- Aldrin, V. (2015). Parental Grief and Prayer in the Middle Ages : Religious Coping in Swedish Miracle Stories. Collegium: Studies Across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 18, 82-105. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
- Appelros, E. (2015). Gender within Christian fundamentalism : a philosophical analysis of conceptual oppression. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 75, 460-473. Routledge.
- Fridlund, P. (2015). Ambivalent Wisdom as the Fruit of Reading. – Rivista di filosofia, Journal of Philosophy, 1, 169-184. Mimesis Edizioni.
- Fridlund, P. (2015). Gudomligt kaos och mänsklig ordning : om filosofi, litteratur och teologi. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 90, 170-178. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Fridlund, P. (2015). Paul Ricœur in Dialogue with Theology and Religious Studies. Introduction. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 91, 3-11. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Fridlund, P. (2015). Vem är gäst och främling — och vad betyder det?. Svensk Kyrkotidning, 111, 220-224. Svensk kyrkotidning AB.
- Gerle, E. (2015). Kroppar i gemenskap utan "kyrkifiering". Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 91, 68-73. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Gerle, E. (2015). Many Kinds of Grace. Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 54, 211-214. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gudmundsson, D. (2015). The Ghost who Walks Goes North. Early Modern Sweden in The Phantom, 1987-2008. Sjoca Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art, 2:1, 6-24.
- Hamberg, E. (2015). Religious monopolies, religious pluralism, and secularization : The relationship between religious pluralism and religious participation in Sweden. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 11, 1-15. Institute for Studies of Religion Baylor University.
- Hjärpe, J. (2015). Essentialism or an Anthropological Approach: The Role and Function of the Scientific Study of Religion in a Historical Perspective. Numen, 62, 301-320. Brill.
- Hornborg, A.-C. (2015). Mannen som gifte sig med en bäver : Ett omöjligt äktenskap?. Chaos. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionhistoriske studier, 1, 7-19. Forlaget Chaos.
- Hornborg, A.-C. (2015). Ondska hos mi'kmaq : ett kulturellt och historiskt färgat begrepp. Din: religionsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 1, 13-37. Novus Forlag.
- Hägerland, T. (2015). The Future of Criteria in Historical Jesus Research. Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, 13, 43-65. Brill.
- Jackelen, A. & Wirén, J. (2015). Nathan Soderblom and Our Own Time. Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 54, 375-382. Wiley-Blackwell.