Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 18 av 31)
- Vähäkangas, M. (2014). The International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS). Swedish Missiological Themes, 102, 49-59. Swedish Institute of Mission Research.
- Vähäkangas, M. & Svartvik, J. (2014). Mission Studies and Related Disciplines at Lund University. Swedish Missiological Themes, 102, 11-19. Swedish Institute of Mission Research.
- Wasserman, T. & Knust, J. (2014). The Biblical Odes and the Text of the Christian Bible : A Reconsideration of the Impact of Liturgical Singing on the Transmission of the Gospel of Luke. Journal of Biblical Literature, 133, 341-365. SBL Press.
- Westergren, A. (2014). Eremitens återkomst. Om nyttan med att dra sig undan i senantika helgonberättelser. Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 28, 69-88. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- Wikander, O. (2014). Perfect or Imperfect Learning : Teaching the "Tenses" of Biblical Hebrew. Hebrew Higher Education, 16, 119-129. National Association of Professors of Hebrew.
- Zetterholm, K. (2014). Alternate Visions of Judaism and Their Impact on the Formation of Rabbinic Judaism. Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting : from the first to the seventh century (JJMJS), 1, 127-153. Eisenbrauns.
- Ahlgren, J., Nordgren, A., Perrudin, M., Ronteltap, A., Savigny, J., van Trijp, H., Nordström, K. & Görman, U. (2013). Consumers on the Internet: ethical and legal aspects of commercialization of personalized nutrition. Genes & Nutrition, 8, 349-355. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Byrskog, S. (2013). Oral Tradition. Revista Catalana de Teologia, 38, 31-48. Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya.
- Gudmundsson, D. (2013). Ovanliga nattvardsfiranden i Karl XII:s armé. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 89:3-4, 162-167. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Görman, U. (2013). Editorial. Genes & Nutrition, 8, 345-347. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Görman, U., Mathers, J. C., Grimaldi, K. A., Ahlgren, J. & Nordström, K. (2013). Do we know enough? A scientific and ethical analysis of the basis for genetic-based personalized nutrition. Genes & Nutrition, 8, 373-381. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Hallonsten, G. (2013). Ex oriente lux? Recent developments in Eastern Orthodox Theology. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 89, 31-42. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Hornborg, A.-C. (2013). Inledning: Riternas förändring i det moderna Sverige. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 89, 49-53. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Jarlert, A. (2013). Individuelle oder institutionelle Religionsfreiheit in verschiedenen Staat-Kirche-Verhältnissen. Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift für Glaubensformen und Weltanschauungen/Journal for the Study of Beliefs and Worldviews, 14. Jahrgang (2013), 51-63. LIT Verlag.
- Jarlert, A. (2013). Politische Inszenierung und Instrumentalisierung von Reformationsjubiläen im 20. Jahrhundert in Schweden. Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, 26, 262-271. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Johansson, V., Garwicz, M., Kanje, M., Röcklinsberg, H., Schouenborg, J., Tingström, A. & Görman, U. (2013). Beyond Blind Optimism and Unfounded Fears : Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression. Neuroethics, 6, 457-471. Springer.
- Lembke, M. (2013). A priori haveri - en replik till Jan Löfberg. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 89, 180-182. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Lembke, M. (2013). Grim, Omniscience, and Cantor's Theorem. Forum Philosophicum, 17, 211-223. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie.
- Lembke, M. (2013). Pious Polygenism and Original Sin. Faith and Philosophy, 30, 434-438. The Society of Christian Philosophers.
- Lembke, M. (2013). Varat: en fråga om uteslutning. Filosofisk tidskrift, 34, 45-53. Thales.
- Lembke, M. (2013). Whatever it is better to be than not to be. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 74, 131-143. Springer.
- Linjamaa, P. (2013). Nag Hammadi-sabbaten och den platslösa kategorin: Religiös förändring och självbildens transformation under senantiken. Chaos. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionhistoriske studier, 2013:II, 109-134. Forlaget Chaos.
- Linjamaa, P. (2013). Parrhesia i Valentinos fragment. Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 28, 89-110. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- Lundgren, S. (2013). Religiositet, nationalitet och sekularisering bland Sveriges judar. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 89, 82-87. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Nilsson, J. (2013). Defending Paper Gods : Aleister Crowley and the Reception of Daoism in Early Twentieth Century Esotericism. Correspondences, 1.1, 103-127.