Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 19 av 31)
- Lundgren, S. (2013). Religiositet, nationalitet och sekularisering bland Sveriges judar. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 89, 82-87. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Nilsson, J. (2013). Defending Paper Gods : Aleister Crowley and the Reception of Daoism in Early Twentieth Century Esotericism. Correspondences, 1.1, 103-127.
- Nordström, K., Coff, C., Jönsson, H., Nordenfelt, L. & Görman, U. (2013). Food and health: individual, cultural, or scientific matters?. Genes & Nutrition, 8, 357-363. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Nordström, K., Juth, N., Kjellström, S., Meijboom, F. L. & Görman, U. (2013). Values at stake: autonomy, responsibility, and trustworthiness in relation to genetic testing and personalized nutrition advice. Genes & Nutrition, 8, 365-372. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Nykvist, M. (2013). "Vi män höra ock Guds rike till!": Manlighetsideal inom Kyrkobröderna, Svenska kyrkans lekmannaförbund 1918-1929. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 113, 57-109. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Rubenson, S. (2013). To tell the Truth : Fact and Fiction in Early Monastic Sources. Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 48, 317-324. Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard.
- Selander, S.-?. (2013). Livstolkning, trostolkning och livstydning : utmaningar för kristen psalm och sång. Hymnologi, 26-48. Nordisk tidskrift udgivet af Salmehistorisk Selskab & Nordhymn.
- Stenqvist, C. (2013). The God Question. Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts, 7, 49-51. Karl Jaspers Society of North America.
- Thorsteinsson, R. (2013). By Philosophy Alone: Reassessing Justin’s Christianity and His Turn from Platonism. Early Christianity, 3, 492-517. Mohr Siebeck.
- Vähäkangas, M. (2013). Gender, Narratives and Religious Competition among the Sonjo of Tanzania. Missionalia, 41, 66-89. SAMS.
- Wikander, O. (2013). Old Testament Prototypes for the Hermetic Trishagion in Poimandres 31 – and Support for an Old Conjecture. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 53, 579-590. Duke University.
- Wikander, O. (2013). Ungrateful Grazers: A Parallel to Deut 32:15 from the Hurrian/Hittite Epic of Liberation. Svensk exegetisk årsbok, 78, 137-146. Svenska exegetiska sällskapet.
- Åhlfeldt, J. (2013). Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE). Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 28, 18-21. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- Borgehammar, S. (2012). Jerusalem Pilgrims and the Holy Cross in the Fourth Century. Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 27, 57-79. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- ENGBERG, A. (2012). Evangelicalism in the Interspaces : The Construction of Judeo-Christian Identity in a Messianic Community in Jerusalem. Swedish Missiological Themes, 100, 263-263. Swedish Institute of Mission Research.
- Erlandsson, K., Lindgren, H., Davidsson-Bremborg, A. & Rådestad, I. (2012). Women's' premonitions prior to the death of their baby in utero and how they deal with the feeling that their baby may be unwell. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 91, 28-33. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Fridlund, P. (2012). Dialogue et conversion : une bataille d'éthique. Histoire et Missions Chrétiennes, 35-58.
- Fridlund, P. (2012). I See that from Both Sides Now: On the Intricate Relation between Dialogue and Conversion. Australian Religion Studies Review, 25, 254-272. Equinox Publishing.
- Fridlund, P. (2012). Konsumismens väsen. Svensk Kyrkotidning, 108, 307-308. Svensk kyrkotidning AB.
- Fridlund, P. (2012). The Fragility of Religious Freedom. Agathos. An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 141-164.
- Gansten, M. (2012). Astrologi mellan vetenskap och religion. Finsk tidskrift: kultur, ekonomi, politik, 47-59. Föreningen Granskaren.
- Gansten, M. (2012). Balbillus and the Method of aphesis. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 52, 587-602. Duke University.
- Gansten, M. (2012). Some Early Authorities Cited by Tajika Authors. Indo-Iranian Journal, 55, 307-319. Springer.
- Gustafsson Lundberg, J. (2012). Ludvig Jönsson – Kärleken som överordnat värde. Svensk Kyrkotidning, 108, 23-23. Svensk kyrkotidning AB.
- Hornborg, A.-C. (2012). Secular Spirituality in Contemporary Sweden. Swedish Missiological Themes, 100, 303-321. Swedish Institute of Mission Research.