Publikationer från CTR
Konferensbidrag (sida 2 av 9)
- Wikander, O. (2021). The Sound of Serpents and Serpent-Slayers in Indo-European and Northwest Semitic.
- La Mela, V. (2020). An Ecumenical Key for Social Peace : Universal Fraternity in the Writings of Chiara Lubich. I Creemers, J. & Link-Wieczorek, U. (Red.) On Nations and the Churches: Ecumenical Responses to Nationalism and Migration : Proceedings of the 20th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica (pp. 284-297), 129. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
- Wikander, O. (2020). Stop borrowing! : Plosives in Some Anatolian loans in Ugaritic.
- Bobrowicz, R. (2019). Catholicism in Sweden: Embodying the “Church of Mission”.
- Bobrowicz, R. & Gustafsson Lundberg, J. (2019). Handshake Debates in the Context of Nordic Secularism : Mediation by Law through Religious Literacy, Translation and Fairness.
- Bobrowicz, R. & Gustafsson Lundberg, J. (2019). Religious literacy in Sweden and Denmark: Handshake debates in the context of Nordic Secularism.
- Borgehammar, S. (2019). Queen of Queens : The Virgin Mary in an anonymous Cistercian sermon collection from early thirteenth-century Sweden.
- Cejvan, O. (2019). Pedagogics of Transformation : The Initiatory Enskillment of Charles Stansfeld Jones.
- Dahlman, B. (2019). The Signs of Humility : Cassian’s Use of an Evagrian Text and the Question of Authorship and Language.
- Morgan, J. (2019). In the right place at the right time : the accidental missionary activities of the Church of Sweden in their work with unaccompanied refugee minors.
- Nilsson, J. (2019). Fill me the Cup of the Poppy Circean! : Opium Literature and the Sacralization of Intoxicants in Turn of the Century Occultism.
- Nykvist, M. (2019). Esoteric Lutherans : The Modern Spiritualist Movement and the Church of Sweden.
- Nyman, L. (2019). New Perspectives on the Old Covenant: Placing 2 Corinthians 3 in Current Debate.
- Otterbeck, J. (2019). Identification of Young Muslims in Scandinavian society. I Ergeşov, Z. (Red.) The Сollection of the Reports of the II International Conference : Islam in a Modern Secular State (Bishkek, November 15-16, 2018) (pp. 231-233).
- Pålsson, K. (2019). Likeness to the Angels : Origen, Jerome, and the Question of the Resurrection Body. I Bitton-Ashkelony, B., Irshai, O., Kofsky, A., Newman, H. & Perrone, L. (Red.) Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, Origeniana Duodecima: Origen’s Legacy in the Holy Land - A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem : Proceedings of the 12th International Origen Congress, Jerusalem, 25-29 June, 2017 (pp. 461-474), 302. Peeters Publishers.
- Bobrowicz, R. (2018). A shift in theoretical foundations can improve the practice of Multi-Faith Spaces.
- Borgehammar, S. (2018). St. Augustine, Preacher of Paradox and Promise in Early Fifth-Century North Africa. I Cilliers, J. & Hansen, L. (Red.) Studia Homiletica, Preaching Promise within the Paradoxes of Life (pp. 273-281), 11. African Sun Media.
- Gansten, M. (2018). Ars, Technē, Śāstra, ʿIlm: What’s in a Name?. I Campion, N. & Zahrt, J. (Red.) Studies in cultural astronomy and astrology, Astrology as Art : Representation and Practice (pp. 9-16), 10. Sophia Centre Press.
- Hjort, D. (2018). Jesus and the Virtues : The Biographical Presentation of Moral Qualities in the Gospel of Matthew.
- Laviola-Svensäter, A. (2018). Angela and the Virgin- a study of different representations of women as described in the Memoriale of Angela da Foligno (1248–1309) and in Iacopone da Todi’s (1230/36-1306) Laude. I Nyström, D. & Overud, J. (Red.) Gender, History, Futures : Report from the XI Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 19–21 2015 (pp. 131-137). Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker.
- Nykvist, M. (2018). Abstinent Masculinity : Christian Responses to the Sexual Revolution in Sweden.
- Nykvist, M. (2018). Different Denominations Living Together in an Egalitarian Multicultural Society – Sweden as a Model for Europe?.
- Cejvan, O. (2017). Contemporary alchemical practice in between boundaries.
- Egyptson, S. (2017). EMB and political strategies : A Swedish case.
- Ekman, B. (2017). ‘Natural Contemplation’ in Evagrius Ponticus’ Scholia on Proverbs. I Vinzent, M. (Red.) Studia Patristica, Studia Patristica. vol. XCV : Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Volume 21. The fourth century Cappadocian writers (pp. 431-439), XCV. Peeters Publishers.