Publikationer från CTR
Konferensbidrag (sida 4 av 9)
- Arentzen, T. (2014). The Virgin in Hades.
- Dahlman, B. (2014). Cassian the Roman in Monastic Collections and Florilegia.
- Dahlman, B. (2014). Syriac as evidence for Greek Monastic Florilegia.
- Egyptson, S. (2014). “Freedom of religion between the Al-Azhar, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafi movement".
- Geels, A. (2014). Identity and the Ethics of Tolerance.
- Hjort, D. (2014). The appropriate leader: A biographical-narrative reading of Matt 3.1–4.11.
- Hjort, D. (2014). The transforming leader : The characterization of Jesus as leader in Matthew’s call narratives and its implications for pastoral leadership today.
- Nykvist, M. (2014). Sports as a Strategy to Create a 'Manly' Church : The Church of Sweden and the Sports Movement around 1930.
- Nylund, J. (2014). Coherence and Prominence in the Sermon on the Mount : A Systemic-Functional Approach.
- Nylund, J. (2014). Understanding the Lord's Prayer from a Discourse Perspective.
- Svärd, D. (2014). John 12:1-8 as a Bent Royal Anointing Type-Scene.
- Svärd, D. (2014). The Feet of Jesus Anointed by Different Women.
- Wikander, O. (2014). Emphatics, Sibilants and Interdentals in Hebrew and Ugaritic : an Interlocking Model.
- Willgren, D. (2014). 'Let all the people say, Amen!' Traces of redaction in the Book of Psalms.
- Willgren, D. (2014). A Frozen Colophon in Ps 72?.
- Willgren, D. (2014). Identifying Earlier Collections : Intertitles in the Book of Psalms?.
- Arentzen, T. (2013). ‘Your virginity shines' – The Attraction of the Virgin in the Annunciation Hymn by Romanos. I Vinzent, M. (Red.) Studia Patristica (pp. 125-132), XVI. Peeters Publishers.
- Dahlman, B. (2013). Greek collections of the Apophthegmata Patrum as found in Scorialensis R.II.1 and related manuscripts.
- Dahlman, B. (2013). Textual fluidity and authorized revisions of early Christian texts. The case of the Historia Lausiaca.
- Dahlman, B. (2013). Two apophthegmata in the Collectio Scorialensis Parva: G Daniel 7 and J 761/2.
- Hjort, D. (2013). The introduction of a true leader: A biographical-narrative reading of Matthew 1–2.
- Lind, P. (2013). Pyrrhonean Aporiagogics and the Challenge of Astrocognition. I Dunér, D., Parthemore, J., Persson, E. & Holmberg, G. (Red.) The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology : Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life and the Human Mind (pp. 93-127). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Lund, M. (2013). "Yassuh, Mr. Spirit, boss!": Ethnoracial Insecurity and Representation in Will Eisner’s Prewar The Spirit.
- Lund, M. (2013). Will Eisner’s “Will Eisner”: Self-Creation and Heritage Construction in The Dreamer.
- Nykvist, M. (2013). Nathan Söderbloms idrottsuppfattning: Idrottsrörelsens manlighetsprojekt i kyrklig regi.