Publikationer från CTR
Konferensbidrag (sida 6 av 9)
- Dahlman, B. (2011). The Transmission of Greek Collections of the Apophthegmata Patrum.
- Engberg, A. (2011). Life Stories and Christian Zionist Ideology : A Theoretical Outline of How to Capture the Interplay between Individual and Ideology. I Krogh Hansen, P. (Red.) Working with Stories : Narrative as a Meeting Place for Theory, Analysis and Practice. Proceedings from the 2nd ENN Conference, Kolding 2011 (pp. 68-77). European Narratology Network.
- Gansten, M. (2011). Nāḍī Divination and Indian Astrology. I Sarma, S. R. & Wojtilla, G. (Red.) Proceedings of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference : Scientific Literature in Sanskrit (pp. 147-160). Motilal Banarsidass.
- Gansten, M. (2011). Placidean teachings in early 19th century Britain : John Worsdale and Thomas Oxley. I Campion, N. (Red.) Astrologies : plurality and diversity : The proceedings of the eighth annual conference of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, 24-25 July 2010. Sophia Centre Press.
- Lund, M. (2011). Return and Repair: Jewish Approaches to Comics as Edifying Literature.
- Lund, M. (2011). Turn the Other Chick - Religious Stereotyping in Fundamentalist Propaganda Comics Tracts.
- Nässelqvist, D. (2011). Hearing Christ Proclaimed: Mapping the Aural Features of John 1:19–51.
- Nässelqvist, D. (2011). Levels of Style: A Bridge between the Composition and Delivery of New Testament Writings.
- Olsson, H. (2011). A Secularisation of a Sacred Ideology? Civil Religion and Inter-religious Relations in Contemporary Tanzania.
- Rubenson, S. (2011). The Apophthegmata Patrum in Syriac, Arabic and Ethiopic. Sattus Questionis. I Obeid, J. (Red.) Parole de l'Orient (pp. 319-328), 36. Université Saint-Jospeh.
- Selander, S.-?. (2011). Society - Identity - Christian hymn-singing : a challenge to hymnological research. I Prassl, F. K. & Tarlinski, P. (Red.) IAH Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Hymnolgie, Christian songs under persecution and oppression : International Conference of Hymnology, IAH, HSUSC and HSGBI in cooperation with the University Opole, 26 July - 31 July 2009 in Opole-Kamień Śl. (Poland) (pp. 205-216), 39. IAH Internationale Arbetitsgemeinschaft für Hymnologie.
- Wikander, O. (2011). Nothing new under the burning sun? Climate and verbs in North-West Semitic.
- Wikander, O. (2011). The Burning Sun and the Killing Resheph: Proto-Astrological Symbolism and Ugaritic Epic.
- Willgren, D. (2011). The Notion of God and the Editing of the Hebrew Book of Psalms.
- Abaza, M. (2010). Social Sciences in Egypt Swinging Pendulum: Commodification and (or) the Criminalization of a Field?. I Burawoy, M. (Red.) Facing an Unequal World: Challenges For a Global Sociology. Council of National Associations of International Sociological Associations (ISA).
- Appelqvist, T. (2010). Bönens teologi hos Martin Luther – Hoppfullhetens hermeneutik kring några aktuella frågor för kyrka och akademi. I Appelqvist, T. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 1-18). Lunds stift.
- Arentzen, T. (2010). Russian Impressions - Orthodox Encounters and Scandinavian Memory.
- Dahlman, B. (2010). The Sabaitic Collection of the Apophthegmata Patrum.
- Gansten, M. (2010). Reshaping karma: an Indic metaphysical paradigm in traditional and modern astrology. I Campion, N. (Red.) Cosmologies: Proceedings of the seventh annual conference of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, 6–7 June 2009 (pp. 52-68). Sophia Centre Press.
- Hallonsten, G. (2010). "Akademische Theologie und religiöser Pluralismus”. I Assel, H. & Böttrich, C. (Red.) Greifswalder theologische Forschungen Bd 19 (pp. 21-30). Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Johansson, V. (2010). Ethics, Deep Brain Stimulation and Major Depressive Disorder.
- Lagervall, R. (2010). Translocalism, Migration and Sharia.
- Lind, P. (2010). Cleaning the Slate of Knowledge : Pyrrhonean Scepticism in Theology and Science in 17th Century France. I Evers, D., Jackelén, A. & Smedes, T. (Red.) How Do We Know? : Understanding in Science and Theology. Studies in Science and Theology (SSTh) volume 12/Yearbook of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology 2009-2010 (pp. 43-56). Continuum.
- Lundblad, J. (2010). Den sublima gudstanken och den sköna uppenbarelsen – två teologiska paradigm i Arnold Schönbergs opera Moses och Aron.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). Engaging with the Guru: Contemporary Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib.