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Orglet er et af de musikinstrumenter, som stadig anvendes i dag, der er at finde længst tilbage i den vesteuropæiske musiktradition. Allerede i det 3. århundrede f.Kr. findes versioner af instrumentet hos grækerne, som med tiden blev så populære, at de blev et fast element under de romerske gladiatorkampe. I middelalderen flyttede orglet ind i kristne kirkerum, først som flytbare orgler og siden 1

Development and Applications of a Laser-Wakefield X-ray Source (updated)

In laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), a femtosecond laser pulse is tightly focused in a gas to intensities exceeding 1018 W/cm2 . The laser radiation ionizes the medium and excites a plasma wave that travels behind the laser pulse. Electrons can be trapped in the oscillations in the plasma density, where electric fields of the order of several hundreds of GV/m accelerate them to relativistic ene

Repair of Erosions in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Objective. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of repair in a cohort of conventionally treated patients with early rheumatoid arthritis over 8 years.Methods. There were 395 patients included in the BARFOT study having radiographs of hands and feet at inclusion, and at 1, 2, 5, and 8 years, which were chronologically scored for erosions by the Sharp/van der Heijde method. An erosion

Alkaptonuria and ochronosis in three siblings. Ascorbic acid treatment monitored by urinary HGA excretion.

Patients with alkaptonuria lack homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase leading to retention of homogentistic acid (HGA) in body fluids and eventually to tissue deposition of oxidation products, giving rise to the clinical picture of ochronosis. Ascorbic acid is a known inhibitor of the enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of homogentisic acid (HGA) to the polymer with affinity for collagen and was used in

Geometry-based Modeling and Simulation of 3D Multipath Propagation Channel with Realistic Spatial Characteristics

For high-resolution massive MIMO and very large antenna arrays, wireless channel models have to scrutinize the detailed space features of the surrounding environment. Existing models such as WINNER and 3GPP are not appropriate for validating and evaluating new concepts for 4G/5G as they do not consider the spatial characteristics of the real environment. The simplified 3D shapes of simulated objec

Engage in the Process of Change : Facts and Methods

This textbook advocates patients’ empowerment for improving health outcomes and health system performance. It emphasizes the important implications of improving communication between patient and health professionals and the adherence to treatment regimens.Based on research including theories of Stages of Change and Decision Balance, and by incorporating examples from daily clinical practice, this This textbook advocates patients’ empowerment for improving health outcomes and health system performance. It emphasizes the important implications of improving communication between patient and health professionals and the adherence to treatment regimens. Based on research including theories of Stages of Change and Decision Balance, and by incorporating examples from daily clinical practice, this

Full Downlink Channel Reconstruction using Incomplete Uplink Channel Measurements in Massive MIMO networks

While more and more antennas are integrated into a single mobile user equipment to increase communication quality and throughput, the number of antennas used for transmission is commonly restricted due to the concerns on hardware complexity and energy consumption, making it impossible to achieve the maximum channel capacity. This paper investigates the problem of reconstructing the full downlink c

Metallmatriskompositer i masstillverkade komponenter och produkter : - MMC 2016-2018

Föreliggande rapport beskriver forskningsarbetet inom projektet: ”Utveckling av MMC för högpresterande aluminiumkomponenter – Vinnova 2015–05072 som leds av Marie Fredriksson vid Swerea SWECAST i Jönköping. Redovisade resultat bygger också på tidigare kunskaper och tidigare projekt som forskargruppen vid Lunds universitet genomfört. Resultaten från detta arbete visar att det kan vara fullt möjligt

Observation of coherent synchrotron radiation from a 1 mm electron bunch at the MAX-I storage ring

The coherent generation of synchrotron radiation by an electron storage ring is predicted for wavelengths equal to or longer than the electron bunch length. With typical bunch lengths of approximately 1 cm, diffraction and chamber- screening effects have so-far blocked observation of coherent radiation from a conventional radiation beam line. In the low-energy, second-generation light source MAX-I

Some experiments on synchrotron radiation induced desorption at MAX

At the synchrotron radiation facility MAX, the rest gas pressure in the storage rings is dominated by synchrotron radiation induced gas desorption. This desorption decreases with accumulated photon dose. The rate of decrease, or conditioning, is of greatest importance, since an acceptable machine performance, after opening the vacuum system, is highly dependent on the vacuum recovery. In MAX II th

Exposure to dioxins and dibenzofurans through the consumption of fish

Background.In some regions, including the Baltic Sea, fatty fish such as salmon and herring contain high levels of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans. We investigated human exposure to these potentially toxic substances in relation to the consumption of fish from the Baltic Sea.Methods.Plasma levels of 10 different dibenzofurans and 7 dioxins were analyzed in three groups of Swedish

On stochastic imitation dynamics in large-scale networks

We consider a broad class of stochastic imitation dynamics over networks, encompassing several well known learning models such as the replicator dynamics. In the considered models, players have no global information about the game structure: they only know their own current utility and the one of neighbor players contacted through pairwise interactions in a network. In response to this information

Swedish Central Bank Policy in the Post-War Period: Some Comments

Swedish Central Bank Policy in the Post-War Period: Some CommentsThis article discusses the nature of the actions taken by the Swedish central bank - the Riksbank - in the post-war period and examines some of the consequences of these measures. In this context the views of the critics of the Riksbank are presented. Further, a review of the Riksbank’s measures is given. A distinction between moneta