

Din sökning på "*" gav 526375 sökträffar

Increased expression levels of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules in lipopolysaccharide‑induced acute inflammatory apoM‑/‑ mice

apolipoproteinM(apoM)mayserveaprotectiverole inthedevelopmentofinflammation.Nuclearfactor‑κB(nF-κB) and its downstream factors (including a number of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules) are essential for the regulation of inflammatory processes. In the present study, the importance of apoM in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‑induced acute inflammation and its potential underlying mechanisms, we

Extrapancreatic infections are common in acute pancreatitis and they are related to organ failure : a population-based study

BACKGROUND: Although the impact of pancreatic infections in acute pancreatitis has been studied extensively, there are no population-based data on extrapancreatic infections and their potential relation to organ failure. We aimed to study the occurrence of pancreatic and extrapancreatic bacterial infections in acute pancreatitis and their relation to patient outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All pati

Mediterranean diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort

Background:The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been proposed as a means for cancer prevention, but little evidence has been accrued regarding its potential to prevent pancreatic cancer. We investigated the association between the adherence to the MD and pancreatic cancer risk within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort.Methods:Over half a million participants

Den svenska Phillipskurvan är internationell – vad betyder detta för Riksbanken?

Phillipskurvan, dvs sambandet mellan inflation och arbetslöshet, är central i den penningpolitiska debatten. Högre arbetslöshet förutsätts vara kopplad till lägre inflation. Det är mot denna bakgrund som Sune Karlsson och Pär Österholm (2020) gett sig ut på jakt efter den svenska Phillipskurvan i första numret av Ekonomisk Debatt 2020. I sin jakt har Karlsson och Österholm enbart utgått från svens

Galactoglucomannan recovery from softwood spent sulfite liquor: Challenges, process design and techno-economic evaluations

In the production of pulp and paper, water-soluble components, such as hemicellulose, monosaccharides, and lignin, are released and accumulate in the process water. The process water is usually concentrated and incinerated for heat generation and the recovery of pulping chemicals, such as in the Kraft and sulfite processes. The growing trend toward a more sustainable forest industry has increased

Asymmetric ring-opening of epoxides catalyzed by metal–salen complexes

The asymmetric ring-opening of epoxides is an important reaction in organic synthesis, since it allows for the enantioselective installation of two vicinal functional groups with specific stereochemistry within one step from a highly available starting material. An effective class of catalysts for the asymmetric ring-opening of epoxides is metal–salen complexes. This review summarizes the developm

iPACKMAN: High-Quality, Low-Complexity Texture Compression for Mobile Phones

We present a novel texture compression scheme, called iPACKMAN, targeted for hardware implementation. Interms of image quality, it outperforms the previous de facto standard texture compression algorithms in the majority of all cases that we have tested. Our new algorithm is an extension of the PACKMAN texture compressionsystem, and while it is a bit more complex than PACKMAN, it is still very low

Kollektivt ansvar, kollektiva handlingar och storskaliga problem

Det verkar rimligt att anta att du endast är moraliskt ansvarig för något om du har åstadkommit detta genom dina handlingar. Utan en handling, inget moraliskt ansvar. Om vi antar att samma sak gäller kollektivt ansvar, så måste vi dra slutsatsen att vi som bidrar till problem som den globala uppvärmningen, utfiskningen, etc. inte är kollektivt ansvariga för dessa problem. Vi som exempelvis bidrar

Ultrasound, macroscopic and histological features of malignant ovarian tumors

Ultrasound examination is considered to be the first line imaging method to diagnose an ovarian mass with a high degree of accuracy, discriminating between benign and malignant ovarian masses in the hands of experienced examiners. The International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) group provided a standardized terminology of ovarian masses1 and suggested simple ultrasound rules that can be used to cl

Elite Ice Hockey Goalkeepers Have a High Prevalence of Hip and Groin Problems Associated With Decreased Sporting Function : A Single-Season Prospective Cohort Study

Background: The modern style of goalkeeping in ice hockey is thought to predispose athletes to hip and groin problems. However, little is known about the magnitude of these problems in elite goalkeepers.Purpose: To describe the incidence, prevalence, and severity of hip and groin problems in elite ice hockey goalkeepers over the course of a single season.Study Design: Descriptive epidemiology stud