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Processing of raw Cassava (Manihot esculenta) - Experiments and Modelling.
The objective of the present thesis was to understand how the quality and performance of dried cassava products could be developed by drying and other processing steps. This goal was achieved in several stages. First, a survey of the composition of six cassava varieties from Bolivia, was performed, which resulted in the report of chemical and mineral compositions of the tubers. The mineral composi
Kärnkraftsomröstningen i kommunerna
Abstract is not available
Jämställdhetens dilemman
Materialistisk och normativ ekonomism
Politik och utveckling i en globaliserad värld. En introduktion
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications
This chapter discusses major results and conclusions from Special Interest Group C bringing together various aspects of mobile to mobile communication from all working groups. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication scenarios are emphasized. Traffic telematics applications are currently under intense research and development for making transportation safer, more efficient, and cleaner. Communication sys
Mellan det magiska "om" och musiken. Skådespelarens arbetsmaterial och förändringarna i teatern vid sekelskiftet 1900
I detta bokkapitel behandlas förändringarna i skådespelarens arbetssätt till följd av förändringar i teaterns estetik från slutet av 1800-talet. Under denna tid kom ett starkt inflytande från musiken, vilket inte minst gjorde sig märkbart i det symbolistiska dramat och försöken att finna en skådespelarkonst som var anpassad för detta. Slutligen exemplifieras denna utveckling med en scen ur Gabriel
On the economics of pleasure
En nobelpristagare som handledare ...
Naturlighet, litterärt värde och kanon. Anna Louisa Karsch – ett 1700-talsexempel
1700-talets föreställningar om natur och naturlighet hade stor inverkan på estetikens och det estetiska omdömets utveckling under seklet. "Naturlighet" inom estetiken kan betraktas som en "passepartout-term" som där en rad delvis motsägelsefulla attribut kan förenas.
Secondary Metabolites from Bolivian Plants- Isolation and Characterization
Popular Abstract in English Plants produce an array of organic chemicals with an enormous diversity of structural types. Many of these phytochemicals are biologically active compounds necessary for the well-being, survival, and evolution of the plants, but also have been used by humans, who have used them in traditional medicine and for pharmaceutical industry. During the course of this research, Nature has been recognized as a rich source of potentially useful chemicals. Throughout the years, phytochemical studies have led to the discovery of an enormous number of natural products, their chemical diversity is unique and many of them possess various biological activities. As a contribution, this thesis presents the results obtained from the phytochemical study of four Bolivian plants. Sene
Plasminogen and protein PAM: Interactions between streptococcal surface proteins and the human fibrinolytic system
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Streptococcus pyogenes, eller grupp A streptokocker, är en av de vanligaste sjukdomsframkallande bakterierna hos människan. De orsakar ofta relativt harmlösa och lättbehandlade ytliga infektioner i hals (halsfluss) och hud (svinkoppor) men kan också ge djupare och livshotande infektioner. Dessutom förekommer följdsjukdomar efter infektioner med grupp A streptoPathogenic bacteria often produce potent proteases capable of destroying host tissue thereby providing the bacteria with tools for spreading and nutrient access. This thesis describes how group A, C and G streptococci can acquire surface bound protease activity through an alternative mechanism, namely by binding and activation of the human protease precursor plasminogen. Group A streptococci of c
Joint Under and Over Water Calibration of a Swimmer Tracking System
This paper describes a multi-camera system designed for capture and tracking of swimmers both above and below the surface of a pool. To be able to measure the swimmer's position, the cameras need to be accurately calibrated. Images captured below the surface provide a number of challenges, mainly due to refraction and reflection effects at optical media boundaries. We present practical methods for
The Galactic thin and thick discs in the context of galaxy formation
Assessment in Higher Education – a project combining pedagogical research, renewal of assessment systems and competence development in teacher action-learning groups
Design and evaluation of electrical machine for parallel hybrid drive for heavy vehicles
Sexing of white storks Ciconia ciconia based on biometric measurements
Fast Software Encryption, FSE 2003
Dance culture, dancing masters