

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

On Analysis and Synthesis of Safe Control Laws

Controller synthesis for nonlinear systems is considered with the following objective: No trajectory starting from a given set of initial states is allowed to enter into a given set of forbidden (unsafe) states. A methodology for safety verification using barrier certificates has recently been proposed. Here it is shown how a safe control law together with a corresponding barrier certificate can b

Lyckans betydelse : sekularisering, sensibilisering och individualisering i svenska skillingtryck 1750–1850

This dissertation takes its departure from the methodology of German Begriffsgeschichte and sets out to explore the use of the concept of happiness in Swedish chapbooks (skillingtryck).The period considered, 1750-1850, frames the transition from early modern to modern society, a time that has often been labeled Sattelzeit or Schwellenzeit. The aim of this thesis is to study how the concept of happ

Ojämlikhetens nya geografi. Texter om stadens och rummets förändringar under den globala kapitalismen

Vem har rätt till staden i en tid präglad av ökad ojämlikhet, gentrifiering och konkurrens städer emellan? Hur har nyliberalismen berett rum för kapitalismen genom att frånta människor deras platser och rättigheter? Vilka är förutsättningarna för samhällsförändring? I Ojämlikhetens nya geografi analyserar kulturgeografen David Harvey den globala kapitalismens nya rumslighet och den ojämlikhet so

Real-World Applications of Laser Spectroscopy

Laser spectroscopic techniques are powerful tools for monitoring real-world phenomena. A wide variety of methods for establishing spectroscopic contact with a species exist: Absorption, emission, fluorescence, Raman scattering, acousto-optic, and opto-galvanic phenomena. Extreme sensitivity and specificity characterize the methods, which can be used for in situ monitoring and, in some cases, for r

The Cyanophyte Arthrospira Fusiformis in African Waters - Eco-Physiology and Potential Use in Tropical Aquaculture

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blågröna alger (cyanobakterier) av släktet Arthrospira förekommer i salthaltiga, alkaliska, tropiska vatten i Afrika, Asien och Centralamerika. Kanembu stammen vid Chadsjön och aztekerna i Mexiko har av tradition använt Arthrospira i matlagningen som ett näringskomplement. Under senare år har släktet Arthrospira uppmärksammats vetenskapligt och kommersiellt. Nu odlas ArThe cyanoprokaryote (blue-green algae) genus Arthrospira occurs in saline, alkaline tropical waters of Africa, Asia, and Central America. Traditionally Arthrospira has been used as a food supplement by the Kanembu tribe of Lake Chad and Aztecs living in the valley of Mexico City. It is presently cultivated in large scale throughout the world and sold as a health food supplement due to its nutritio

Moving ERP Research Forward: the Future Directions for ERP Research

This paper presents an unbalanced overview of existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) research by reassessing the body of knowledge and emphasising future research directions that need to be pursued in an attempt to fill knowledge gaps and bridge the existing gap between practitioners and academia. To fulfil this objective, nine leading international IS publications covering the period of 2006