

Din sökning på "*" gav 535429 sökträffar

Consumers and Mixed-Brands: On the Polysemy of Brand Meaning

Brands have become one of the most discussed phenomena of marketing research in recent years. They are ubiquitous in the marketplace and virtually impossible for consumers to avoid. The corporate obsession with brands is likely to continue since the wealth of “how-to-do-branding” strategy handbooks suggest that brands are the magical panacea for creating superior business performance. In short, we

Theory of Band-like Auger Spectra in sp-Bonded Materials

Auger-electron spectroscopy (AES) has developed to a major tool for chemical identification and for characterization of solid surfaces. As first emphasized by Lander[1], it can also be used a spectroscopy for gaining information on occupied electron states and their interactions. However, AES gives a far less direct picture of the occupied states than does, for example, angle-resolved photoemissio

A Parametric Analysis of the Gear Surface Roughness After Hobbing

Hobbing is a common manufacturing method when producing helical, involute gears. In order to give the manufactured gear a controlled surface smoothness, a method to, very accurately, determine the achieved surface geometry is needed. In this report, the cutting surfaces of the tool, of which the cutting edges are the boundaries, are assumed to be plane in arbitrary directions. They are mathematica

Knowledge Representation, Heuristics, and Awareness in Artificial Grammar Learning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Människor (och andra arter) har en grundläggande förmåga att anpassa sig till och lära sig hur omgivningen är strukturerad. Ofta lär vi oss struktur indirekt, utan att direkt och avsiktligt studera strukturen ifråga. Klassiska vardagsexempel på tämligen oavsiktlig strukturinlärning är språkinlärning, utveckling av musikaliska preferenser, inlärning av sociala regler, ocPeople can become sensitive to the general structure of different parts of the environment, often without studying that general structure directly, but through being incidentally exposed to instances that conform to the structure. When such learning proceeds unintentionally and gives rise to knowledge that is difficult to verbalize it is often referred to as implicit learning. One of the most comm

Muscle Tenderness in Women.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Muskelömhet hos kvinnor Smärttrösklar för tryck i skuldermuskulaturen (trapezius och deltoideus) i vila, efter muskel uttröttning och efter smärtsam stimulering Smärta i muskler och leder och besvär i form av upplevd trötthet i musklerna är vanligt förekommande problem, särskilt hos den kvinnliga delen av befolkningen. Man har ansett detta kopplat till olika belastandeLongstanding pain experienced from the musculoskeletal system is reported by one third of the Swedish population. The underlying mechanisms are not known in the majority of cases. In the present studies, the changes in pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) over the trapezius and deltoid muscles after a unilateral static contraction of maximal duration of one arm was measured in healthy females (n=25) a

Klostret i Ystad

Ystad kloster ska enligt källor ha grundats år 1267 till följd av en donation från riddare Holmger och hans hustru Katarina. Själva klosterkyrkan och en av klosterlängorna är bevarade av den en gång kringbyggda medeltida klosteranläggningen, som genom historien undergått många förändringar. Nya byggnader har tillkommit,gamla har rivits, restaureringar har genomförts och marken har undersökts arkeo

Doping of Semiconductor Nanowires

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi människor konsumerar en ständigt ökande mängd elektrisk energi, som till största delen produceras av ändligt tillgängliga material som kol, gas, olja och uran. Elproduktionen har många skadliga bieffekter, som till exempel utsläpp av växthusgasen koldioxid vid förbränning av kol, gas och olja. Solceller omvandlar istället solens ljus direkt till elektricitet. ProcessIn this thesis, in situ doping during growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires, primarily for photovoltaic applications, is investigated. The nanowires were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), with gold seed particles. After growth the nanowires were characterized using various techniques, including photoluminescence, transmission electron microscopy and electrical measurements of co

”The queer disappearance of Butler" : När Judith Butler introducerades i svensk feministisk forskning, 1990-2002

This article on the Swedish reception of the work and theories of feminist philosopher Judith Butler follows four feminist fields that introduced and discussed Butler’s work from the early 1990’s to the early 2000’s; the first and earliest being the radical feminist field, followed by the field of feminist literary studies, the field of queer theory and, as a field of its own, the various translat

Modelling moisture conditions in cementitious materials – some present challenges

The moisture conditions of a concrete have a decisive effect on several properties and many parts of deterioration processes. The moisture distribution in a concrete structure is determined by the concrete composition, curing and the microclimate in the different parts of the structure. A prediction requires access to data on the time-dependency of the binder reactions, moisture fixation and moist