

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

A Highly Sensitive Porous Silicon (P-Si)-Based Human Kallikrein 2 (hK2) Immunoassay Platform toward Accurate Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer.

Levels of total human kallikrein 2 (hK2), a protein involved the pathology of prostate cancer (PCa), could be used as a biomarker to aid in the diagnosis of this disease. In this study, we report on a porous silicon antibody immunoassay platform for the detection of serum levels of total hK2. The surface of porous silicon has a 3-dimensional macro- and nanoporous structure, which offers a large bi

Electromagnetic induction prediction of soil salinity and groundwater properties in a Tunisian Saharan oasis

Electromagnetic induction measurements (EM) were taken in a saline gypsiferous soil of the Saharan-climate Fatnassa oasis (Tunisia) to predict the electrical conductivity of saturated soil extract (ECe) and shallow groundwater properties (depth, Dgw, and electrical conductivity, ECgw) using various models. The soil profile was sampled at 0.2 m depth intervals to 1.2 m for physical and chemical ana

Knowledge-Based Instruction of Manipulation Tasks for Industrial Robotics

When robots are working in dynamic environments, close to humans lacking extensive knowledge of robotics, there is a strong need to simplify the user interaction and make the system execute as autonomously as possible, as long as it is feasible. For industrial robots working side-by-side with humans in manufacturing industry, AI systems are necessary to lower the demand on programming time and sys

Weight loss and body mass index in relation to aspiration in patients treated for head and neck cancer: a long-term follow-up

Persistent severe swallowing dysfunction with aspiration is a common and sometimes overlooked sequelae after treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) and may impact food intake and nutritional status. More knowledge is needed to increase the understanding of severe swallowing dysfunction as a risk factor for persistent nutritional deteriorations in SCCHN survivors. The pu

Characterization of Human Invasive Isolates of Listeria monocytogenes in Sweden 1986-2007

Since 1986, 68% of the Listeria monocytogenes isolates from human cases of invasive listeriosis in Sweden are available for retrospective Studies. The aim of the present Study was to characterize 601 human invasive isolates of L. monocytogenes in Sweden from 1986 to 2007 by using serotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Since 1996, serovar 4b was permanently reduced to the second or third

Feelings of loss and uneasiness or shame after removal of a testicle by orchidectomy: a population-based long-term follow-up of testicular cancer survivors

P>Few data illustrate the man's reaction to orchidectomy. We investigated long-lasting feelings of loss and uneasiness or shame about the body after removal of a testicle by orchidectomy. We identified 1173 eligible men diagnosed with non-seminomatous testicular cancer treated according to the national cancer-care programmes Swedish-Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group I-IV between 1981 and 2004. We

Relative abundance of integral plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis leaf and root tissue determined by metabolic labeling and mass spectrometry.

Metabolic labeling of proteins with a stable isotope ((15)N) in intact Arabidopsis plants was used for accurate determination by mass spectrometry of differences in protein abundance between plasma membranes isolated from leaves and roots. In total, 703 proteins were identified, of which 188 were predicted to be integral membrane proteins. Major classes were transporters, receptors, proteins invol

Genomic analysis of primary and metastatic malignant melanoma

Popular Abstract in Swedish Malignt melanom (även kallad melanom) är den farligaste formen av hudcancer. Dess incidens varierar från land till land och är den högsta i Australien, där 46.7 per 100,000 invånare drabbas årligen. I Sverige är melanom den sjätte vanligaste cancersjukdomen. Melanom har blivit allt vanligare under de senaste två decennierna. Om tumören upptäcks på ett tidigt, dvs. lokal“Cutaneous melanoma is a most unpredictable lesion” wrote Alexander Breslow in 1970. He was one of the first to predict outcome in melanoma patients, based on the thickness of the primary tumor, and today this parameter bears his name and remains the main prognostic factor in melanoma. The aim of this thesis has been to contribute to the understanding of melanoma biology in order to make this canc

Development of and Recovery from Secondary Hypogonadism in Aging Men: Prospective Results from the EMAS

Context: Secondary hypogonadism is common in aging men; its natural history and predisposing factors are unclear. Objectives: The objectives were 1) to identify factors that predispose eugonadal men (T >= 10.5 nmol/L) to develop biochemical secondary hypogonadism (T < 10.5 nmol/L; LH = 30 kg/m(2); odds ratio [OR] = 2.86 [95% confidenceinterval, 1.67; 4.90]; P < .0001), weight gain (OR = 1.79 [1.15

Morphological alterations in frontotemporal dementia:

Popular Abstract in Swedish Frontotemporal demens är ett sjukdomstillstånd där nervceller i hjärnans pann- (“fronto”) och tinninglober (“temporal”) förtvinar, vilket leder till en tilltagande cellförlust och uttunning av hjärnbarken i dessa områden. Till skillnad från Alzheimers sjukdom, den vanligaste demenssjukdomen, leder frontotemporal demens i första hand inte till försämrat minne och orienteThe present thesis explores alterations in brain morphology in the neurodegenerative disorder of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). With the aim to improve the clinical diagnostics of FTD, we explored the diagnostic potential of measuring morphological alterations in the white matter by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)- MRI, compared with the more commonly used assessment of grey matter thickness and vo

Effect of adding gefitinib to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in estrogen receptor negative early breast cancer in a randomized phase II trial

Gefitinib, an epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has shown both anti-proliferative and anti-tumoral activity in breast cancer. This study was designed to determine the effect of adding gefitinib to neoadjuvant epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (EC) on tumor response rates. Women with unilateral, primary operable, estrogen receptor negative invasive breast cancer a parts per

Organ Economy. Organ Trafficking in Moldova and Israel.

Organ trafficking is an illegal means of meeting the shortage of transplants. The activity flourishes for several interacting reasons, such as medical needs, poverty and criminality. Other factors are fundamental conceptual structures such as the dream of the regenerative body as well as the view of the body as an object of utility and an object of value. The article aims to go behind the normativ

Identification, synthesis, and behavioral activity of 5,11-Dimethylpentacosane, A novel sex pheromone component of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.)

The greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.), is a serious and widespread pest of the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. In contrast to most moths, for which long-range mate finding is mediated by female-produced sex pheromones, G. mellonella males attract conspecific females over long distances by emitting large amounts of a characteristic scent in combination with bursts of ultrasonic calls. The male

A palaeolimnological study of the anthropogenic impact on dissolved organic carbon in South Swedish lakes

Popular Abstract in Swedish De senaste ca trettio åren har man observerat en kraftig ökning av löst organiskt kol i sjöar, vattendrag och kustnära vatten i olika delar av det norra halvklotet, bl.a. i delar av Nordamerika, Storbritannien, Baltikum, centrala Europa och Skandinavien. I Sverige har ökningen främst varit koncentrerad till de södra delarna av landet. Löst organiskt kol i sjöar belägna During the past three decades, increases have been observed in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and colour in the surface waters of lakes and rivers in parts of Europe and North America, raising concern about the effects on the quality of aquatic environments with consequences for biodiversity, resource availability and recreational use. Various hypotheses have been put forward to exp

Production and Analysis of Perdeuterated Lipids from Pichia pastoris Cells

Probing molecules using perdeuteration (i.e deuteration in which all hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium) is extremely useful in a wide range of biophysical techniques. In the case of lipids, the synthesis of the biologically relevant unsaturated perdeuterated lipids is challenging and not usually pursued. In this work, perdeuterated phospholipids and sterols from the yeast Pichia pastoris gr

CLC- a novel susceptibility gene for allergic rhinitis?

P>Background: Studies of the nasal lavage fluid proteome have previously identified proteins differently expressed in patients with symptomatic allergic rhinitis, e.g. S100A7, prolactin-inducible protein (PIP), wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2B (WNT2B), Charcot-Leyden crystal protein (CLC) and palate lung nasal epithelial clone (PLUNC). The aim of the present study was to inves

Critical conditions for onset of mould growth under varying climate conditions

A performance-based service life design format based on climatic exposure on one hand and "resistance" of materials against mould growth on the other hand, is presented in this paper. A limit state for onset of mould growth is defined as the occurrence of traces of mould observed by microscopy. A dose-response model is proposed by which onset of mould growth can be predicted for an arbitrary clima