

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Hur anestesisjuksköterskan fattar beslut om åtgärder när patientens tillstånd förändras- En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Under generell anestesi observerar anestesisjuksköterskan kontinuerligt förändringar i patientens tillstånd. Korrekta beslut om åtgärder måste tas omedelbart för att undvika allvarliga komplikationer. Tidigare studier visar att beslut fattas baserat på kunskap och erfarenhet. Med längre erfarenhet fattas beslut även med intuition. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa vad som påv

MMP-13 substrate specificity in cartilage breakdown

MMP13 (Collagenase 3) is a member of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family. In pathology it is overexpressed in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA) and human carcinomas. It is secreted in its inactive proforms from which it can be activated. The project studies how MMP13 can degrade/digest the normal femoral head human articular cartilage. Peptides were separated using reversed phas

Right to Self-determination of Kurds and Its Relation with Right to Self-defence

The subject of this thesis is “Right to self-determination of Kurds and its relation with right to self-defence”. Kurds are ethnic minority within countries of Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq, then in this thesis I discussed the right to self-determination of ethnic minorities in international law. On the one hand I argued, one of the main requirements for self-determination of ethnic minorities is g

Energianvändning och energifeedback - Utvärdering av Sveriges största energisparexperiment på E.On etapp 1

Energy use and energy feedback - An evaluation of Sweden’s largest energy saving experiment at E.ON E.ON Sverige AB is now performing Sweden’s largest energy saving experiment to see if its customers can reduce their electricity consumption just by visualizing it. The experiment turns to 10 000 of E.ON’s customers, having an annual consumption exceeding 10 000 kWh. Customers are equipped with a di

Skattetillägg vid tillämpning av lagen om skatteflykt

Det finns olika uppfattningar om huruvida påförande av skattetillägg vid tillämpning av skatteflyktslagen harmonierar med skattelagstiftningens syfte. Det har framförts att det finns ett bristande logiskt samband mellan skatteflyktslagen och skattetilläggsbestämmelserna. Det har vidare hävdats att domskälen många gånger endast är svagt förbundna med lagtext och förarbeten, det har även ifrågasattsIn cases of incorrect information in the declaration of income the Swedish Tax Agency (SKV) can decide on tax surcharge. Decisions according to the Tax Evasion Act (1995:575) are, however, only decided on by court. It has been argued that there is a lack of logical association between the Tax Evasion Act and the decision on tax surcharge and that the applicability of the Tax Evasion Act and the ta

Home Country Tariffs and FDI in China

To date China has become one of the largest receivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) and this FDI has had an important role in China’s economic growth. It is therefore important to study the determinants of FDI in China. This paper evaluates if general applied tariffs on Chinese imports in China’s trading partners influence the amount of FDI to China. In previous studies this approach has not

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come - En kvalitativ textanalys av kampanjen KONY 2012

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the video and campaign KONY 2012. KONY 2012 became world news in March 2012. The film is produced by the non-profit organization Invisible Children with the purpose to stop the leader of the Ugandan army LRA, Joseph Kony. The aim is to get a deeper understanding of how non-profit organizations working with human rights are marketing by humanitarian branding

Bröstcancerpatientens och partnerns upplevelse av sjukvårdens omhändertagande vid diagnos, behandling och uppföljning

Studien syftar dels till att identifiera bakomliggande antaganden eller synsätt som styr omhändertagandet av bröstcancerpatienter särskilt vad gäller det psykosociala omhändertagandet och dels till att undersöka i vilken omfattning dessa synsätt slår igenom i praktiken så som det upplevs av patienterna. Även partners inkluderas i undersökningen. Studien är kombinerad kvalitativ-kvantitativ, med ty

Vilka effekter får omstruktureringen av ekonomin i Kina på konsumtionen och bytesbalansen under perioden 2011 - 2080?

Reformerna i Kina sedan 1978 och den följande transitionen från planekonomi mot marknadsekonomi har inneburit att konsumtionen som andel av BNP har sjunkit samtidigt som bytesbalansen har ökat och blivit drivande i tillväxten. Omstrukturering till hållbar tillväxt som drivs av konsumtion analyseras här genom simulering av perioden 2011 - 2080. Faktorer som identiferats som drivande i omstruktureri

Fysikalisk modellering av avancerad racingstötdämpare

A shock absorber is used in road vehicles to provide comfortable driving and to optimize the grip. The characteristics are advanced and it takes powerful tools to model a shock absorber. Öhlins Racing AB in Upplands-Väsby is looking for a tool to physically describe their products; in this thesis the task is performed by using the modeling language Modelica and the simulation tool Dymola. The mode

Självkänsla hos barn och ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa

This study examined the relationship between self-esteem and mental illness in a clinical group, consisting of children and adolescents, ages 10-18, who had been in contact with the child- and adolescent psychiatry. The participants (N=22) filled out the questionnaires “I think I am” and “Beck Youth Inventories”, which were used as measurements of perceived self-esteem and mental illness. These re

Kvinnor är fria individer! - en diskursanalys av surrogatmödrar

This essay is a critical discourse analysis of the phenomenon of surrogate mothers. Surrogacy is prohibited in Sweden but it is still possible for a swedish couple to recive the service in a foreign country, such as India. Surrogacy is a inflected question and the opinions are varied. The purpose is to analyze in what way the writers uses the language to express their opinion and to problematize t

Development of WEPO - Water Extraction and Particle formation On-line

There are many valuable substances present in nature such as antioxidants. The conventional method for extracting the antioxidants employs organic solvents. Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE) is a sustainable method for extraction of high valuable compounds. This method uses subcritical water as a solvent instead of organic solvents but leaves the compounds in a water solution. Keeping the antioxi

A Small Cog in a Large Wheel? : Experiences of Swedish Local Government

The primary purpose to this study was to explore the role of local government in Sweden, primarily through the eyes of some of the people working within one. Consideration of some of the structural characteristics of local government in Sweden, in particular the privileges and responsibilities accorded to local municipalities there and in what context, lead the author to conclude that Swedish muni