Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Formation of solid organic nanoparticles from a volatile catanionic microemulsion
A novel volatile microemulsion formed by the catanionic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium octylsulfonate (TA(16)So(8)), heptane and water has been explored as a template for producing nanoparticles of hydrophobic organic materials. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) was employed as the model hydrophobic substance. First, the oil-in-water microemulsion was formed, containing TA16So8 as the single e
Mentalsjukdomarnas systematik
Impact of cognitive and linguistic ability on gaze behavior in children with hearing impairment.
In order to explore verbal-nonverbal integration, we investigated the influence of cognitive and linguistic ability on gaze behavior during spoken language conversation between children with mild-to-moderate hearing impairment (HI) and normal-hearing (NH) peers. Ten HI-NH and 10 NH-NH dyads performed a referential communication task requiring description of faces. During task performance, eye move
Ion Beams in Nanoscience and Technology
Time lags in biodiversity response to farming practice
Agri-environmental schemes have been applied with the goal to mitigate negative effects of agriculture on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. However, on evaluating the schemes the results have been variable and shown both positive and neutral effects. These variable effects can be attributed to not taking into account important factors affecting the variables at test, such as biodiversity. Th
Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV in dilepton final states with ATLAS
A measurement of the production cross section of top quark pairs (t (t) over bar) in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is reported. Candidate events are selected in the dilepton topology with large missing transverse energy and at least two jets. Using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of
ssRNA base pairing at a bilayer interface can be controlled by the acyl chain order
RNA–lipid interactions are central to structure and function in biological systems as well as to the development of new applications in medicine and biotechnology. We have studied adsorption and base pairing of short RNA oligonucleotides at model lipid membranes with different compositions by means of QCM-D, confocal microscopy and ITC. The major finding is that base pairing of short complementary
NANOG reporter cell lines generated by gene targeting in human embryonic stem cells.
BACKGROUND: Pluripotency and self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is mediated by a complex interplay between extra- and intracellular signaling pathways, which regulate the expression of pluripotency-specific transcription factors. The homeodomain transcription factor NANOG plays a central role in maintaining hESC pluripotency, but the precise role and regulation of NANOG are not wel
A constitutive model for ductile damage evolution
A constitutive model for ductile porous material is formulated within the thermodynamic framework. A yield function based on the lower-bound solution for a cylindrical void model embedded in a plastic matrix is proposed. The new yield function is compared to the classical Gurson yield function using cell model calculations. The results reveal that the proposed yield function agreed well with the p
Brightness Discrimination in Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Birds have excellent spatial acuity and colour vision compared to other vertebrates while spatial contrast sensitivity is relatively poor for unknown reasons. Contrast sensitivity describes the detection of gratings of varying spatial frequency. It is unclear whether bird brightness discrimination between large uniform fields is poor as well. Here we show that budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus)
On the dynamics of the Fermi-Bose model
We consider the exponential matrix representing the dynamics of the Fermi-Bose model in an undepleted bosonic field approximation. A recent application of this model is molecular dimers dissociating into its atomic compounds. The problem is solved in D spatial dimensions by dividing the system matrix into blocks with generalizations of Hankel matrices, here referred to as D-block-Hankel matrices.
SOX11 but not SOX4 is a prognostic marker for improved recurrence free survival in epithelial ovarian cancer
Dag Hedman, Eklatanta eskapader. Pär Rådström etablerar sig på det litterära fältet (2013)
New predictive and diagnostic biomarkers for preeclampsia
Abstract Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that affects 3-8% of all pregnancies leading to maternal- and fetal morbidity and mortality. The etiology is still not known in detail. Previous findings have shown an up regulation of the genes coding for fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in preeclamptic placentas. The cell-free HbF protein was shown to be accumulating in the vascular lumen, to induc
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Expression of the RNA-binding protein RBM3 is associated with a favourable prognosis and cisplatin sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer
Background: We recently demonstrated that increased expression of the RNA-binding protein RBM3 is associated with a favourable prognosis in breast cancer. The aim of this study was to examine the prognostic value of RBM3 mRNA and protein expression in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and the cisplatin response upon RBM3 depletion in a cisplatin-sensitive ovarian cancer cell line. Methods: RBM3 mRNA
Polymorphisms of genes coding for ghrelin and its receptor in relation to colorectal cancer risk: a two-step gene-wide case-control study
Background: Ghrelin, an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR), has two major functions: the stimulation of the growth hormone production and the stimulation of food intake. Accumulating evidence also indicates a role of ghrelin in cancer development. Methods: We conducted a case-control study to examine the association of common genetic variants in the genes coding
Lithium in Drinking Water and Thyroid Function
BACKGROUND: High concentrations of lithium in drinking water were previously discovered in the Argentinean Andes Mountains. Lithium is used worldwide for treatment of bipolar disorder and treatment-resistant depression. One known side effect is altered thyroid function. OBJECTIVES: We assessed associations between exposure to lithium from drinking water and other environmental sources and thyroid
Några bilder av Fakirens fader
Sammanställning av samtida skildringar i ord och bild av kronouppbördskassör Mårten Svensson (1831-1898), far till författaren Axel Wallengren.