

Din sökning på "*" gav 535587 sökträffar

Single-cell analysis of myeloid cells in HPV+ tonsillar cancer

The incidence of human papillomavirus-positive (HPV+) tonsillar cancer has been sharply rising during the last decades. Myeloid cells represent an appropriate therapeutic target due to their proximity to virus-infected tumor cells, and their ability to orchestrate antigen-specific immunity, within the tonsil. However, the interrelationship of steady-state and inflammatory myeloid cell subsets, and

Health-related quality of life and long-term symptoms among patients with non-severe covid-19–a prospective cohort study

Background: The vast majority of covid-19 patients experience non-severe disease. Nonetheless, long-term symptoms may be common and the impact on quality of life is uncertain. This study aims to examine these aspects in a prospective, longitudinal cohort. Methods: Non-hospitalised patients with PCR-confirmed covid-19 were prospectively invited to self-report assessments of background data, symptom

Revised Swedish guidelines on intravenous iodine contrast medium-induced acute kidney injury 2022 : A summary

The Swedish Society of Uroradiology has revised their computed tomography (CT) guidelines regarding iodine contrast media-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI). They are more cautious compared to the European Society of Urogenital Radiology and the American College of Radiology since the actual risk of CI-AKI remains uncertain in patients with moderate to severe kidney damage due to a lack of prosp

A place in between places

Skellefteå is calibrating its position in multiple overlapping maps, sometimes located in the centre and sometimes in the periphery (if those are even relevant). It is a place in between places. A geographical periphery of Europe that becomes one of the centres of production of one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The favourable policies to facilitate multimillionaire investments i

Mild hypothermia attenuates ischemia/reperfusion injury - insights from serial non-invasive pressure-volume loops

BACKGROUND: Mild hypothermia, 32-35°C, reduces infarct size in experimental studies, potentially mediating reperfusion injuries, but human trials have been ambiguous. To elucidate the cardioprotective mechanisms of mild hypothermia, we analyzed cardiac performance in a porcine model of ischemia/reperfusion, with serial cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging throughout one week using non-i

Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity : Threats and opportunities

Madagascar’s unique biota is heavily affected by human activity and is under intense threat. Here, we review the current state of knowledge on the conservation status of Madagascar’s terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity by presenting data and analyses on documented and predicted species-level conservation statuses, the most prevalent and relevant threats, ex situ collections and programs, and t

Inkomster och polarisering på Skåne och Blekinges landsbygd och invandrartäta områden

Skillnaderna i förutsättningar och möjligheter mellan olika delar av landet harökat (SOU, 2017:1). Framförallt tycks utvecklingen på landsbygden och stadensinvandrartäta områden gå i fel riktning. För både landsbygden och deinvandrartäta områdena riskerar ett växande kulturellt och ekonomisk gapgentemot majoritetssamhället göda splittring och politisk polariseringen.Polariseringen i Sverige är for

Patient-derived models : Advanced tools for precision medicine in neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer derived from the sympathetic nervous system. High-risk neuroblastoma patients have a poor overall survival and account for ~15% of childhood cancer deaths. There is thus a need for clinically relevant and authentic models of neuroblastoma that closely resemble the human disease to further interrogate underlying mechanisms and to develop novel therapeutic strateg

Herrelös för alltid - eller vill någon ansvara för en fastighet med negativt värde? - En uppsats om konkursförvaltarens möjlighet att överge fastigheter som har ett negativt värde vid konkurs.

Övergivna återvinningscentraler på flera platser i Skåne har under det senaste året varit ett omtalat ämne. I Sverige finns ett hundratal fastigheter som saknar ägare. En fastighet kan bli herrelös genom att en konkursförvaltare väljer att överge fastigheten under pågående konkurs om fastighetens ekonomiska värde är negativt. Förfarandet har kommit att benämnas som abandonering i svensk rätt. Det In recent times, it has been a debated topic with abandoned recycling centers in several places in Skåne. There are about a hundred abandoned properties in Sweden that lack an owner. A way for a property to become abandoned is for a bankruptcy trustee to choose to abandon the property, in bankruptcy if the property has a negative value. The procedure is referred to as abandonment. There are no law

A New Instrument for Assessing Work-Related Body Mechanics and Strain in the General Population

Clinical pain is often linked to poor body mechanics, with individuals sometimes presenting multiple painful disorders. Such disorders may be influenced by behaviors that affect the general resiliency and health of the musculoskeletal system. We aimed to develop a self-reported scale using the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study questions on work-related body mechanical exposures. An expert panel identifi

Vilka faktorer beskriver patienter med paniksyndrom som hjälpsamma i psykoterapi? En kvalitativ studie om Panic Control Treatment och Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

Följande studie syftade att undersöka vilka faktorer som patienter med paniksyndrom med eller utan agorafobi (PS/A) beskriver som hjälpsamma i Panic Control Treatment (PCT) och Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP). PCT och PFPP har i RCT-studier visat sig ha god behandlingseffekt vid PS/A. I denna studie användes en kritisk realistisk tematisk analys för att besvara studiens frågeställThe present study examined which factors patients with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (PD/A) describe as helpful in Panic Control Treatment (PCT) and Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP). RCT-studies have indicated that PCT and PFPP are effective treatments for PD/A. This study applied a critical realistic thematic analysis to answer the research question. The 32 participan

Kvinnors upplevelser av inducerad förlossning

Bakgrund: Andelen förlossningar som induceras har fördubblats mellan 2019 och 2020. En förklaring till att induktioner har ökat beror på att man i flera regioner ändrat rutinerna för igångsättning för att minska risken för intrauterin fosterdöd. Studier visar att kvinnor som blir igångsatta tenderar att känna mer oro och vara mindre nöjda med sin vård jämfört med kvinnor som kommer igång spontant