

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

Corporate Management of Environmentally Sustainable Processes

Environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important – especially for businesses who accounts for 50% of all energy consumption in the world. This thesis examines how companies consider environmental issues and seeks to explain why they take this specific approach. Qualitative case studies of three Danish companies have been applied to outline the companies’ environmental focus and how

Man must conquer earth: three stages of CCP policies resulting in environmental degradation in China and characteristics of contemporary environmental politics

This Bachelor’s thesis follows aspects of environmental degradation stemming from the policies of the Chinese Communist Party over the latter half of the 20th century. These start with The Great Leap Forward in ’58 in which people were exhorted to convert as much land to agriculture as possible, construct dams and implement agricultural techniques that in the long-term proved unsustainable and des

Business Models for Video Games

The game industry’s size and growth over the last 25 years has evolved from an almost nonexistent market to a huge industry. Another phenomenon which has also had a huge growth during the last decade is e-commerce, the buying and selling of products and services over the Internet. Video games are naturally connected to computers and the Internet. This together with the fact that they are digital p

Transformative Consumption and Acculturation of Ukrainian Female Consumers in Sweden

The consumption structure, and generally lifestyles in Post-Soviet countries are undergoing drastic changes over the last 20 years of liberalization. The scarcity of consumer goods over the Soviet period, followed by the wide availability of goods and freedom to choose, resulted in the consumption model in countries of Post-communistic Bloc that is significantly different from that in countries wi

Is discretionary fiscal policy a mitigating mechanism that counteracts business cycle fluctuations in the European Monetary Union?

The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the reaction in fiscal stance in EMU with the purpose to investigate if there is a need for discretionary fiscal policy as a stabilizing mechanism due to the existence of country-specific disparities in order to counteract business cycle fluctuations in the Monetary Union. The second objective is to analyse the role of discretionary fiscal policy during three d

Balans i genpatenten - kan kriteriet på industriell användbarhet lindra de negativa effekterna för forskning och sjukvård?

I ett flertal decennier har det varit möjligt att patentera gensekvenser och andra biotekniska uppfinningar. Bioteknikdirektivet, som antogs år 1998, medför inte några större förändringar. Avsikten är att harmonisera det rättsliga skyddet för biotekniska uppfinningar i de europeiska länderna i syfte att underlätta för handeln och den inre marknadens funktion. Den nationella patenträtten förblir de

An empirical evaluation of Value-at-Risk during the financial crisis

In the latest financial crisis, risk management and forecasts of market losses played a crucial role in the area of finance. This thesis evaluates the theory of Value-at-Risk through a quantitative study of two non-parametric approaches and three parametric: Basic- and volatility-weighted Historical Simulation, Normal distribution, Log-normal distribution and Student’s t-distribution. The thesis c

Towards decent work for Domestic Workers in South Korea: Ways to go

Domestic work is one of the oldest and most important occupations for many women in many countries. However, it is one of the occupations that are still undervalued and neglected. It is often regarded as unskilled because most women have traditionally been considered capable of doing the work. When paid, the work remains undervalued and poorly regulated. These days, it is also a global phenomenon

Ekonomiska incitament och arbetsutbud: En studie av effekten av 1997 års reform av bostadsbidraget

1997 infördes en reform som innebar ändrade regler för bostadsbidrag. Reformen påverkade främst hushåll med två vuxna och barn. En nyhet i reformen var de individualiserade inkomstgränserna som gjorde att varje vuxen i familjen kunde tjäna upp till ett tak, 58 500 kronor per år, utan att familjen förlorar bostadsbidrag. Regelförändringen gjorde att en grupp personer med mycket låga inkomster, unde

”Som att det är en kunskapslucka”: En intervjustudie om hbt-personers upplevelser av terapi i hbt-avseende

Studien syftar till att undersöka hbt-personers upplevelser av terapi i hbt-avseende, med fokus på situationer som upplevts särskilt positiva respektive negativa. Då få studier finns på området har en explorativ ansats valts. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med informanter som rekryterats via en web-enkät. Informanterna har valts utifrån att de haft både positiva och negativa erfarThis study aims to examine lgbt persons´ experiences of therapy from an lgbt perspective, with a focus on situations that have been experienced as especially positive or negative. Since few studies have been conducted on the subject, the study is explorative. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants who were recruited through a web-based survey. The informants were chosen bas

Att dekonstruera terapi: Om möjligheter att öppna upp diskursen för terapi utifrån Judith Becks kognitiva metod

Uppsatsen ämnar granska relationen mellan kognitiv terapi, här representerad av Judith S Becks texter, och samhället utifrån en poststrukturell förklaringsmodell. Motivet är att påvisa psykologins och i synnerhet kognitiv terapis position och inverkan inom samhällsdiskursen. I uppsatsen ämnas eventuella sanningsregimer undergrävas samt möjligheter för dekonstruktion inom kognitiv terapi att diskutThe essay intends to examine the relationship between cognitive therapy, represented by Judith S Beck's texts, and society from a poststructural viewpoint. The motive is to demonstrate psychologies, in particular cognitive therapies, position and influence within social discourse. I intend to undermine possible truthregimes and to discuss the potential for deconstruction within cognitive thera

Is there an optimal patent length?

I dagens samhälle är innovation av tilltagande värde för såväl industrialiserade som utvecklingsländer och ett innovativt samhällsklimat innebär ett betydande bidrag till den ekonomiska tillväxten och till samhällsutvecklingen i stort. Det bokförda värdet hos dagens bolag består till en stor och växande del av immateriella tillgångar och det blir ständigt lättare att tillgå mer och bättre kunskap.In today’s society innovation is increasingly important for a developed, as well as a developing, country and it is a significant contributor to economic growth and the evolution of society. The accounted value of companies increasingly consists of immaterial property and our access to existing knowledge is ever greater and ever easier. Since ideas and innovations are of such great importance to m

Reasonable time in Swedish courts

Det är viktigt att undvika förseningar i ett rättssystem för att upprätthålla rättssäkerheten. Långa handläggningstider utsätter de berörda individerna för stress och osäkerhet, vilket kan riskera både effektiviteten och trovärdigheten av rättssystemet. Europakonventionen, som också är Svensk lag, innehåller bestämmelser om en rättvis rättegång inom skälig tid. Frågan är dock om Sverige lever up tIn a judicial system it is very important to administer justice without delay to uphold the rule of law. Lengthy proceedings subject the concerned individuals to stress and uncertainty, and might jeopardize the effectiveness and credibility of justice. The European Convention on human rights, which is incorporated in Swedish law, provides a right to a fair trial within reasonable time, but is Swed