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Introduktion till Sydkoreansk upphovsrätt och dess kontext
Detta examensarbete handlar om den Sydkoreanska upphovsrätten. För att få en förståelse för upphovsrätten krävs det att även se det hela ur ett globalt perspektiv. I dagens samhälle existerar det få juridiska konstruktioner rent nationellt, de flesta, och även upphovsrätten styrs av internationella konventioner, avtal och handelsutbyte. En annan faktor som är av vikt för förståelsen av den koreans
Static Effects of Economic Integration in West Africa: Assessing an impact of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) on intra-regional trade
In many parts of the world regional economic integration has experienced a revival since the yearly 1990s. That is the reason that the African continent has been drawn and involved itself into this process. An imminent urge to diversify domestic economies has been coupled with the decision to move away from the import-substituting practices in favor of regional integration. West African region and
The Spatial Economy of the EU: Patterns and Trends
This paper uses a New Economic Geography and Complex Systems framework to explore the nature of agglomeration economies on a sector by sector basis, as well as dropping many of the assumptions that are present with many mainstream schools of thought. By drawing upon a model of self-reinforcing behaviour, and examining the effects of self-organisation, path dependence, and discontinuous change, the
Intressekonflikter i Investmentbanker
Due to the recent financial turmoil we have noticed how exposed our financial situations are. Not only the financial market has been affected but also major socio-economic crises have risen as a result of the recession. Despite this, there is a willingness to take part in trading on the financial market. Considerable amount of money is involved in the securities market which makes it obvious that Due to the recent financial turmoil we have noticed how exposed our financial situations are. Not only the financial market has been affected but also major socio-economic crises have risen as a result of the recession. Despite this, there is a willingness to take part in trading on the financial market. Considerable amount of money is involved in the securities market which makes it obvious that
Normative Control in Practice, The Case of J&J
The purpose of this thesis was to exemplify how a Credo (i.e. code of conduct) is used in order to exercise normative control. This was done through the development of a theoretical model describing how normative control is practiced in reality. The thesis is a qualitative study of the normative control at Johnson & Johnson. Based on theories of previous researchers we constructed a model sugg
Hur små företag i den svenska modebranschen kan integrera CSR i sin operativa verksamhet. - En fallstudie av Dem Collective
Att med en fallstudie av Dem Collective undersöka, hur ett litet företag i den svenska mode- och konfektionsbranschen arbetar med CSR-aktiviteter samt hur dessa integreras i den operativa verksamhet.
Enterprise 2.0 - Organizational Awareness of the Solutions for Success
During the past years Enterprise 2.0 has become widely spread among organization. However is there not enough awareness in the organizations concerning the necessary organizational changes which companies need to address when planning for the shift to Enterprise 2.0. In this study we aim to indentify solutions for success which affect if an Enterprise 2.0 implementation will succeed or not and how
Beskattning av bostadsrättsföreningar - med särskild inriktning på klassificeringen av föreningar som äkta respektive oäkta
When it comes to taxation of housing cooperatives there is a difference in the tax law between the cooperatives the tax law regard as true and false respectively. True housing cooperatives have a milder taxation than the false cooperatives. The consequences, depending of which category the cooperative belongs to, will have an effect on the cooperative as well as its shareholders. Because of that,
Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Money in Scandinavian Welfare States
The purpose of this thesis is to study the incidence and size of financial and time transfers across generations in Scandinavia and look for any common determinants of transfer patterns. The study is based on two different theoretical models studying slightly different views on intergenerational transfer behaviour. By using cross-sectional data from the 2nd wave of the SHARE database (2006/2007) b
Harmonisering och ömsesidigt erkännande på straffrättens område. En analys av det straffrättsliga EU-samarbetets konsekvenser för straffrättens målsättningar
Summary Within the EU, cooperation in criminal matters has been established and the cooperation could be described as increasingly intensified. Since the Tampere Conclusions of 1999 the cooperation is on its way in the light of the EU’s aim to offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice. The cooperation in criminal matters has developed mainly throughout two strategies: mutual reco
Fairtrade versus Rainforest Alliance
This study is a comparative analysis of Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance focusing on the effects generated by a minimum price respectively investment support. The framework for this analysis is based on a study of litterateur addressing income support as a way of generating a more stable situation for the farmers as well as an increased income. An important aspect of income support is how it can
Corporate Management of Environmentally Sustainable Processes
Environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important – especially for businesses who accounts for 50% of all energy consumption in the world. This thesis examines how companies consider environmental issues and seeks to explain why they take this specific approach. Qualitative case studies of three Danish companies have been applied to outline the companies’ environmental focus and how
Space is a Luxury
Man must conquer earth: three stages of CCP policies resulting in environmental degradation in China and characteristics of contemporary environmental politics
This Bachelor’s thesis follows aspects of environmental degradation stemming from the policies of the Chinese Communist Party over the latter half of the 20th century. These start with The Great Leap Forward in ’58 in which people were exhorted to convert as much land to agriculture as possible, construct dams and implement agricultural techniques that in the long-term proved unsustainable and des
Business Models for Video Games
The game industry’s size and growth over the last 25 years has evolved from an almost nonexistent market to a huge industry. Another phenomenon which has also had a huge growth during the last decade is e-commerce, the buying and selling of products and services over the Internet. Video games are naturally connected to computers and the Internet. This together with the fact that they are digital p
Transformative Consumption and Acculturation of Ukrainian Female Consumers in Sweden
The consumption structure, and generally lifestyles in Post-Soviet countries are undergoing drastic changes over the last 20 years of liberalization. The scarcity of consumer goods over the Soviet period, followed by the wide availability of goods and freedom to choose, resulted in the consumption model in countries of Post-communistic Bloc that is significantly different from that in countries wi
Is discretionary fiscal policy a mitigating mechanism that counteracts business cycle fluctuations in the European Monetary Union?
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the reaction in fiscal stance in EMU with the purpose to investigate if there is a need for discretionary fiscal policy as a stabilizing mechanism due to the existence of country-specific disparities in order to counteract business cycle fluctuations in the Monetary Union. The second objective is to analyse the role of discretionary fiscal policy during three d