

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Human Adaptation to Danger

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Så det var, vad ska vi kalla det för, chefskräck. (...) Och jag kände det att 'jag har ingen kontroll just nu över läget'. Då kände jag en fruktansvärd dödsångest och den förlamade mig fullständigt. (...) Då tappar man allt logiskt tänkande. Man blir helt djurisk, flykt, man springer." Så beskriver en svensk officer hur han reagerade när hans förband blev beskjutet unThe overall purpose of the thesis was to increase knowledge concerning how people adapt psychologically when faced with a real danger incident, and what implications these reactions and adaptation mechanisms have upon immediate performance. The thesis is based on three empirical studies concerning people with personal experience of dangerous incidents. Swedish peacekeeping personnel who were invo

Pre-standard for measuring radio performances for UMTS terminals in speech mode

The present document describes the method to be used to assess the radio performances of the 3G and 2G user equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS) in active speech mode in both the up- and the downlink. The test procedure is based on the research results accomplished within the framework of the COST Action 273 as a natural development of prior work initiated during the former COST Action 259 SWG 2.2 an

Neuropsychiatric background factors to violent crime

Introduction and aims. Mental disorders among perpetrators of violent and sexual crimes differ from those in the general population in prevalence, course, and patterns of comorbidity. The Göteborg Forensic Neuropsychiatry Projects was initiated to map neuropsychiatric vulnerability factors (disorders, deficits, symptoms, and neurobiological aberrations) among violent offenders and analyze the find

Generalization of the duration-time concept for interpreting state of the art high resolution resonant photoemission spectra

The duration-time concept, vastly successful for interpreting the frequency dependence of resonant radiative and nonradiative x-ray scattering spectra, is tested for fine-scale features that can be obtained with state of the art high-resolution spectroscopy. For that purpose resonant photoelectron (RPE) spectra of the first three outermost singly ionized valence states X 2Σg+, A 2Πu, and B 2Σu+, a

An Integrated Framework for the Design and Optimization of SOC Test Solutions

We propose an integrated framework for the design of SOC test solutions, which includes a set of algorithms for early design space exploration as well as extensive optimization for the final solution. The framework deals with test scheduling, test access mechanism design, test sets selection, and test resource placement. Our approach minimizes the test application time and the cost of the test acc

Development of Nanoimprint Lithography for Applications in Electronics, Photonics and Life-sciences

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling diskuteras olika aspekter av tillverkning av nanostrukturer med nanoimprint litografi (NIL). Detta är en relativt ny metod som möjliggör snabb tillverkning av högupplösta strukturer på stora ytor. För att skapa dessa strukturer med NIL använder man sig av mekanisk deformation av mönstringsmaterialet. Detta skiljer sig från de mer etablerade mönstringsThis thesis describes different aspects of nanotechnology manufacturing with nanoimprint lithography (NIL), a relatively new nanofabrication tool capable of high resolution and high throughput. Surface structure creation with NIL is based on mechanical deformation of the patterning material. This is radically different from the two main established methods, ultra violet lithography (UVL) and elect

Realism and Neorealism: An Investigative Overview

Realist arguments are a combination of two discrete, though often intersecting, literatures. The first emerging from the works of classical realists such as Thucydides and Machiavelli, and the second spreading across the history of Western philosophy. One of the most significant aspects of realism is its use of historical evidence, as if one can detect a timeless wisdom of world politics centred u

Structure and function of the ankle dorsiflexor muscles in young healthy men and women

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att studera sambandet mellan skelettmuskulaturens struktur och funktion för att på sikt få ökade kunskaper om de bakomliggande mekanismerna vid muskulär svaghet och uttröttbarhet hos personer med olika skador eller sjukdomar. Mätningarna valdes att göras på musklerna på underbenets framsida, ankelns dorsalflexorer, dels sThe overall aim of this thesis was to increase our knowledge of the relationship between structure and function of human skeletal muscle, and about factors affecting strength. The ankle dorsiflexor muscles (DF) were chosen as a representative model of human skeletal muscle, and because these muscles have important roles in gait and maintenance of balance. Specific aims in this thesis were: i) to d


Under de senaste trettio åren har Sverige och Europa genomgått en dramatisk omvandling. Geopolitiska förändringar i kombination med globalisering har förändrat näringsliv och politik i grunden. Därmed har efterkrigstidens hot och risker ersatts av andra och i vissa fall mer diffusa samhällsrisker. Även sociala frågor har kommit att diskuteras och betraktas som hot och risker. Denna rapport är en s