

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Inflexible to Flexible Diplomacy in Taiwan

Taiwan is in many ways an excellent example of how an authoritarian country can overcome much of the associated difficulties of successfully transitioning into a healthy and well-functioning democracy. In spite of this undisputed fact, Taiwan can only be characterized as a diplomatic orphan, an outcast, shunned by the international community because of events dating back to before World War II and

Det sociala arbetets avantgarde

uppsatsen handlar om relationen mellan den ideella och offentliga sektorn. Med Erik Blennbergers kategorisering av den ideella sektorns organisationer som utgångspunkt undersöks huruvida engagemang i avantgardeorganisationer varit ett sätt för kvinnor att påverka den svenska socialpolititkens utformning och välfärdsstatens gränser. I uppsatsen, som kan beskrivas som en litteraturstudie, beskrivs o

Sweatshops i Vietnam

I denna studie har post-kolonial feministisk teori och kritisk globaliseringsteori använts för att analysera problemet med förändrade genderidentiteter till följd av globalisering i Vietnam. Trots de uppenbara ekonomiska fördelarna Vietnam som land vunnit sedan en öppnare policy så har stora sociala tillbakagångar registrerats. Genom att fokusera på unga kvinnor inom textilindustrin som en av de m

"...det är ju relationen som bär". Samband mellan synsätt och praktik avseende arbetet med vårdnadsöverflyttningar inom familjehemsvården.

The purpose of this study was to identify if and how the personal perspectives and views of social workers active within local social services departments in Sweden might affect how they carry out the transfer of children’s custody from biological to foster parents. The general discourse in child welfare in Sweden gives predominance to a family preservation perspective in which foster care placeme

Hur reducerade ordersärkostnader påverkar orderkvantiteter – En fallstudie för QB Food Tech i samarbete med Skånemejerier

Syfte Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att ta fram en generell modell för att beräkna hur reducerade ordersärkostnader påverkar orderkvantiteter. Modellen användes i en fallstudie på Skånemejerier för att se vilken effekt QB Food Techs yoghurtmixer skulle ha på produktionen av syrade produkter och samtidigt försöka ta fram andra åtgärder för att minska ordersärkostnaderna. Metod Tidigare fors


Today, many forms of traditional handicraft is rapidly vanishing as a everyday activity in our society. We don’t use handicraft in the same extent in our homes as we used todo. Products that were once made by hand as a pleasurable hobby or by necessity are nowadays manufactured in big industries often abroad. Some types of handicraft is however a appreciated and practiced hobby and during the rec

En suverän utrikespolitik?

The aim of this study is to develop a better understanding of the challenges and possibilities of sovereignty from an institutionalist view. By studying an area of uncertain status in institutionalist theories on sovereingty, I hope to clarify whether the conventional content of sovereignty is still intact. The foreign policy of the European Union has a unique status as containing elements of poli

Demokratins Vägkorsning

Democratization has taken place in several countries in Africa, but a democratic consolidation is far more difficult to reach. Thus, this thesis aims to see why some countries develop democratic consolidation and why some experience difficulties achieving it. The framework presents an analysis based on Linz and Stepans theory consisting of five categories and implementing this on two quite similar

A New World Order: Towards the Ideal-Type of Bureaucracy 2.0

In the ideal-type of bureaucracy, Max Weber outlined the creation of the modern state as an iron-cage of disenchantment and quantification. This thesis updates Weber’s ideal-type on the notion that the modern nation state is declining, and the large institutions with it. Based in an ideal-type of Michel Foucault’s Biopolitics, as Economization (a rational focus on quantitative measures), Individua

"I väntan på ålderdomshemmet? En kvalitativ studie av äldres boendealternativ i Helsingborgs kommun"

Abstract This essay presents a study of the different alternatives concerning ways of living elderly people have in Helsingborg’s municipality. The intention with the essay was to examine the different senior housing alternatives for people that’s not in need of care but needs more than their own home can offer, what the target group is, and why they are needed and also to examine aspects that cou

Unga tjejer – en åsidosatt grupp inom det brottspreventiva arbetet?

The purpose of this study was to analyze experiences from five social workers and three former criminal girls, how they apprehend young girls with a criminal risk-behaviour in the crime prevention work today. Another aim with this study was to analyze how our informants from Gothenburg thought the crime prevention work should be developed. The study was based on semi-structured inter¬views with fi

Verkligheten ställer krav - om utformning av boenden för ensamkommande barn.

The reality demands – framing of residential care for unaccompanied minors. The purpose of this study was to examine what factors that influence the framing of residential care for unaccompanied minors and how superintendents within the field view and approach the National Board of Health and Welfare’s policy regulating standards for “HVB-homes”, SOSFS 2003:20, as well as the concept of “HVB-home

Drogpreventivt arbete i grundskolan

This study aims at examining and analyzing the involvement of the school counselor in the drug prevention work which is carried out in primary schools. This by examining how the work with drug prevention is carried out in some primary schools today, if there is a special focus on the defined risk student, and which approaches of the work is evidence based. We chose qualitative semi structured inte

Implementering, vad är det och varför sker det inte med automatik? Teori och kriterier för hur implementering bör bedrivas.

Abstract This paper is about how to define and improve implementation. It is based on a study of how a Swedish local authority has been working with seven labour-market projects and whether or not it has been successful in implementing the results. The methods we have used are interviews and examined project documents. The applied implementation theory consists of three central concepts; understan

Lycklig kärlek eller tvångsgifte? En studie av svensk civil-militär samverkan på central nivå.

Denna uppsats undersöker problematiken kring svensk civil-militär samverkan på central nivå. Fokus ligger på departement och myndigheters interaktion med bäring på insatsen i Afghanistan. Nya typer av krig och konflikter har skapat en miljö i vilken militären har öppnat upp för nya aktörer, däribland civila organisationer. Samverkan mellan dessa aktörer har sina egna förutsättningar och begränsnin

Ett solidariskt EU som lösning på den svenska migrationsbördan

The following essay studies how the migration politic, as a national area of politic, constructs and re-constructs the European and Swedish identity to legitimate the supranational politic within the EU. My study is accomplished through a discourse analysis combined by a social constructivism theory, specialized in identity construction and examines the identity construction in articles written by

What’s the matter with the Wood Pellet Markets in Europe?

Abstract Increasing the share of renewable energy for covering our energy demand is central to the energy policy of the European Union. Despite the acknowledged importance, renewable energy has not yet reached the favoured wide-spread utilisation throughout Europe. Wood pellets, cylindrical sticks of 10 to 30 mm length mainly made from wood processing residues, are a renewable, cost-competitive, l

No title

A compairison between the french novel Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal and a cinematographic adaptation

Emancipation at the cost of peace? Evaluating the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 in Afghanistan from a Swedish perspective

UN resolution 1325 on empowering women has its tenth anniversary 2010. The Swedish government subsidiary the Folke Bernadotte Academy and Swedish military evaluated the practical implementation of the resolution in Afghanistan. This thesis investigates if women’s emancipation in accordance with resolution 1325 may spoil the peace process. The thesis main focus is on the Swedish action plan and its