

Din sökning på "*" gav 532987 sökträffar

Bootstrapping the augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root using the MDIC

In this paper, we consider the bootstrap procedure for the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test by implementing the modified divergence information criterion (MDIC, Mantalos et al. [An improved divergence information criterion for the determination of the order of an AR process, Commun. Statist. Comput. Simul. 39(5) (2010a), pp. 865-879; Forecasting ARMA models: A comparative study of info

Satisfaction with daily occupations amongst asylum seekers in Denmark

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe asylum seekers' satisfaction with daily occupations and activity level while in a Danish asylum centre, and whether this changed over time. Another aim was to describe whether exposure to torture, self-rated health measures, and ADL ability were related to their satisfaction with daily occupations and activity level. Methods: A total of 43 asylum seekers

Immunizations With IFN gamma Secreting Tumor Cells can Eliminate Fully Established and Invasive Rat Gliomas

Immunotherapy of malignant primary brain tumors holds the potential to improve the dismal prognosis after current clinical therapy. Although immunotherapy of experimental gliomas has been demonstrated to have the capacity to cure intracerebral tumors no convincing effects of immunotherapy have been shown in clinical trials. One reason for this could be that some of the models used do not display f

Image analysis of prostate cancer tissue biomarkers

Popular Abstract in English Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and the second most common in men. The western world has the highest incidence rates. The causes of prostate cancer are not yet clear, however a number of risk factors have been identified such as familial history, ethnicity, diet and genetic events. Prostate cancer affects primarily elderly men with the majProstate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. In order to improve diagnosis and prognosis, new sensitive and specific biomarkers are needed. Tissue biomarkers carry expression and morphological information of the tissue where they are expressed. However their use is still limited by technological problems, lack of standardized procedures and inadequate interpretation. In this work we in

Pre- to Post-Migration Occupational Mobility of First Generation Immigrants to Sweden from 1970-1990: Examining the Influence of Linguistic Distance

The article examines the influence of linguistic distance on the labor market outcomes of a sample of 5,041 first generation immigrants in Sweden between 1970 and 1990. The article exploits register data from the Swedish Longitudinal Database, examining a population of individuals from 11 non-Nordic countries of origin. The analysis focuses on the transition to the Swedish labor market, comparing

Analysis of micro-channel heat sinks with rectangular-shaped flow obstructions

It is recognized that cooling methods incorporating micro-channel heat sinks with high capacities of heat removal are necessary for cooling of electronic devices. In this paper, based on a water-cooled smooth micro-channel heat sink, a series of rectangular-shaped flow obstructions are designed into a heat sink, and then the corresponding laminar flow and heat transfer have been analyzed numerical

Regulation of vascular smooth muscle mechanotransduction by microRNAs and L-type calcium channels.

The phenotype of smooth muscle cells is regulated by multiple environmental factors including mechanical forces. Mechanical stretch of mouse portal veins ex vivo has been shown to promote contractile differentiation by activation of the Rho-pathway, an effect that is dependent on the influx of calcium via L-type calcium channels. MicroRNAs have recently been demonstrated to play a significant role

What’s in it for me? Food packaging and consumer responses in a focus group study

Purpose – This study has three broad objectives: (1) to explore consumer views on different dimensions of consumer packaging when it comes to a common staple food; (2) to discuss the role of different packaging features in consumer choice; (3) to compare consumer views on purchasing a common staple food either as an undifferentiated anonymous commodity or as a differentiated product.Design/methodo

Controlled exposure to particulate matter from urban street air is associated with decreased vasodilation and heart rate variability in overweight and older adults

Background: Exposure to particulate matter (PM) is generally associated with elevated risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Elderly and obese subjects may be particularly susceptible, although short-term effects are poorly described. Methods: Sixty healthy subjects 25 males, 35 females, age 55 to 83 years, body mass index > 25 kg/m(2)) were included in a cross-over study with 5 hours of

Fruit and vegetable intake and type 2 diabetes: EPIC-InterAct prospective study and meta-analysis

Fruit and vegetable intake (FVI) may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the epidemiological evidence is inconclusive. The aim of this study is to examine the prospective association of FVI with T2D and conduct an updated meta-analysis. In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer-InterAct (EPIC-InterAct) prospective case-cohort study nested within eight European countries, a re

Regulation of normal and cancer cells as a base for cell cycle-targeted therapy

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta cancerpatienter dör på grund av spridning av tumörceller till olika organ. Invasiv och metastaserande cancer svarar ofta inte på behandling och blir då i många fall dödlig. Leukemi är en elakartad sjukdom av blodceller, som påverkar blod-producerande organ. Den höga förekomsten av leukemi förekommer i äldre befolkningen och hos barn. Leukemi återfall och resiThe majority of current treatments used for treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) and leukemia are often limited to a narrow subsets of treated patients. As such, there still remains a significant scope for gaining deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying cancer metastasis for improvement of targeted treatment. Elevated expression of a cell cycle regulator cyclin A1 initiated leukemia

Nanoplasma Formation by High Intensity Hard X-rays.

Using electron spectroscopy, we have investigated nanoplasma formation from noble gas clusters exposed to high-intensity hard-x-ray pulses at ~5 keV. Our experiment was carried out at the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser (SACLA) facility in Japan. Dedicated theoretical simulations were performed with the molecular dynamics tool XMDYN. We found that in this unprecedented wavelength reg

Trends in the quality of human-intensive software engineering experiments – A quasi-experiment.

Context: Several text books and articles published between 2000 and 2002 have attempted to introduce experimental design and statistical methods to software engineers undertaking empirical studies. Objective: This paper investigates whether there has been an increase in the quality of human-centric experimental and quasi-experimental journal papers over the time period 1993 to 2010. Method: 70 exp

Maktens boningar

The chapter describes and discusses some of the most prominent historical buildings in the county of Kalmar.

A combined theoretical and experimental study of simple terminal group 6 nitride and phosphide N MX3 and P MX3 molecules

Organometallic complexes containing terminal metal nitrides and phosphides are important synthetic reagents. Laser-ablated group 6 metal atoms react with NF3, PF3, and PCl3 to form the simple lowest energy N MF3, and P MX3 products following insertion and halogen transfer, with the exception of P CrF3, which is a higher energy species and is not observed. The E MX3 pnictide metal trihalide molecul

Konflikthantering i ungdomsvård ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv

Ett bråk passerar sällan obemärkt, tvärtom väcker det människors intresse och engagemang. Men vad innebär uppmärksamheten för bråkets utveckling? Hur hanteras en mellanmänsklig konflikt? Denna rapport berättar om bråkets betydelse, varierande förlopp och hantering i ungdomsvården utifrån etnografiskt material (observationer och intervjuer) från framför allt en institution, här kallad Silverbäcken.

A mutated xylose reductase increases bioethanol production more than a glucose/xylose facilitator in simultaneous fermentation and co-fermentation of wheat straw.

ABSTRACT: Genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains are able to ferment xylose present in lignocellulosic biomass. However, better xylose fermenting strains are required to reach complete xylose uptake in simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF) of lignocellulosic hydrolyzates. In the current study, haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing a heterologous xy